Major thoroughfares shall have a maximum grade of five percent (5%) for a maximum continuous distance of two hundred feet (200'). All streets must have a minimum grade of at least one-half (1/2) of one percent (1%). Centerline grade changes with an algebraic difference of more than two percent (2%) shall be connected with vertical curves of sufficient length to provide a minimum of six hundred feet (600) sight distance on major thoroughfares and four hundred feet (400) sight distance on collector streets and local residential streets. All vertical curves must be of such length so as to provide comfortable flow of traffic. Wherever a cross slope is necessary or desirable from one (1) curb to the opposite curb, such cross slopes shall not be less than one-tenth inch (0.1") in one foot (1) nor more than one-half inch (1/2") in one foot (1').
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1101)
Major thoroughfares shall have a ten-inch (10") compacted base constructed of crushed stone. Collector streets shall have a six-inch (6") compacted base of crushed stone or local gravel. All crushed stone must meet standards established in item 242 or 248 of the current Texas Highway Department Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. Gravel shall meet the standards specified by the city manager. All street bases shall be constructed on a subgrade approved by the city manager before base material is placed. Standard methods of compaction of base shall be used, and base material shall be applied and compacted in two (2) courses. Street bases shall be approved by the city manager before a surface course is applied.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1102)
Major thoroughfares shall have a minimum dedicated width of ninety feet (90') with a minimum pavement width of sixty-four feet (64'). Collector streets shall have a minimum dedicated width of sixty feet (60'), with a maximum paving width of forty feet (40'). Local residential streets shall have a minimum dedicated width of sixty feet (60') and shall have a minimum pavement width of forty-two feet (42') from back to curb to back of curb. The council at its discretion may waive the curb requirements and allow open ditches.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1103)
Surfacing of all streets shall be mandatory, and must be completed and inspected by the city manager before streets are accepted for maintenance by the city. The minimum acceptable surface for major thoroughfares is two inches (2") or [of] rock asphalt or hot mix asphaltic concrete, either hot or cold lay; for collector streets and residential streets one and one-half inches (1-1/2") of rock asphalt or hot mix asphaltic concrete or two (2) course surface treatment to meet the standards established in item 322 of the current Texas Highway Department Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. The type of surface course to be used shall be designated by the city manager. All street construction shall be performed by a bonded contractor who has filed a faithful performance bond for the city.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1104)
Intersections of more than two (2) streets at one point shall be avoided except where it is impractical to secure a proper street system otherwise. Where several streets converge at one point, setback lines, special rounding or cut-off corner and/or a traffic circle may be required to insure safety and facility of traffic movement. No major thoroughfares shall intersect any other major thoroughfare at an angle of less than sixty (60) degrees. No collector street or local residential street shall intersect a major thoroughfare at less than sixty (60) degrees or another collector street or local residential street at less than thirty (30) degrees. Collector and residential streets curb radii at intersections shall be fifteen feet (15') measured from the face of the curb.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1105)
In general, intersecting streets, determining block lengths, shall be provided at such intervals as to serve cross traffic adequately, and to meet existing streets or customary subdivision practices in the neighborhood. Where no existing plats control, the blocks shall not be more than six hundred feet (600') in length except in unusual cases. In an unusual case where a block is allowed to be more than six hundred feet (600') long a connecting sidewalk four feet (4') wide and located on a ten-foot (10') dedicated easement may be required across the middle portion of such block for pedestrian use. Block widths shall not exceed three hundred feet (300') nor less than two hundred and forty feet (240'), except in unusual cases.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1106)
Curb and gutter shall be required to be constructed on all streets and avenues. Radial curb and gutter shall be constructed at each corner block to which curb and gutter is constructed. Lay-down curbs shall be constructed across all alley intersections. All curb and gutter and all lay-down curbs shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the city manager and shall be constructed upon a compact base of minimum depth of six inches (6") and extending at least six inches (6") behind the back of the curb. All concrete used shall be Class B as now specified by the Texas Highway Department, item 432. Valley gutters are required and shall be paved with concrete meeting Texas Highway Department Specifications for Class A concrete. All materials shall meet the specifications of the city.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1107)
Generally, parallel residential sidewalks will not be required (optional with council); but where required, they shall not be less than four feet (4') in width, parallel to and not more than two feet (2') above or below the adjacent curb grade, and shall be located one foot (1') inside the dedicated street line and situated wholly within the dedicated street. Sidewalks abutting business property shall have a minimum width of ten feet (10'). All sidewalks shall conform to the standards contained in the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1108)
Dead-end courts or places may be permitted where the form or contour of the land makes it difficult to plat with connecting streets; however, except in unusual cases, no dead-end streets will be approved unless such dead-end streets are provided to connect with future streets in adjacent land. Such courts or places shall provide proper access to all lots and shall generally not exceed four hundred feet (400') in length and a turnaround (cul-de-sac) shall be provided at the closed end, with an outside radius of at least sixty feet (60') to the face of the curb and minimum radius of seventy feet (70') to the property line.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1109)
The city shall pay the cost of purchasing and installing the street posts and markers at each street intersection.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1110)
Alleys or loading courts (optional with council) shall be provided in business blocks. Alleys (optional with council) will be provided in residential blocks. The width of such alleys is optional, but in no case may the width of such an alley be less than twenty feet (20'). All alleys shall be brought to an established grade approved by the city manager, and based with six inches (6") of compacted road gravel.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1111)