Structures for drainage shall be constructed in such locations and of such size to adequately serve the subdivision and the contributing drainage area. The registered professional engineer shall make drainage calculations based on a twenty-five (25) year storm.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1201)
Enclose all existing open drainage ditches in concrete or corrugated metal structures of such size as will adequately serve the subdivision and adjacent drainage area; or
Make an escrow deposit with the city secretary of sufficient funds to perform such work upon the understanding that such work will be done by him within eleven (11) months following the approval of the final plat, or the city will be authorized to use said escrow deposit to perform work; or
Furnish a bond to the city secretary, payable to the city in an amount sufficient to perform such work as determined by the city manager, conditioned that he will have the work done according to specifications within eleven (11) months following the approval of the final plat.
Both items (b) and (c) will be based on two (2) estimates from reliable contractors and approval by the city manager. Under no terms shall the deposit or bond be less than pipe diameter in inches times pipe length in feet times 0.75.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1202)
Storm sewers shall be provided and curb inlets located so as to properly drain all streets and intersections. Sufficient curb inlets shall be provided so as to limit the maximum length of water flow on paved streets to five hundred feet (500'). The size and location of all sewers and curb inlets shall be approved by the city manager.
(2001 Code, sec. 10.1203)