Should any person move into any premises supplied with utilities from the city, without making an application in the manner provided for by the city, such person shall become responsible for all utility service usage from the date of the last payment made on such account previous to his occupying said premises, and the failure to pay same shall be cause for disconnecting such service until the amount due is paid.
Where an application is accepted for utility service for business or residence purpose it shall be considered the residence or business of the applicant, and should utilities be disconnected for the nonpayment of bills or for other infractions of this article, no new application will be accepted from the owner, agent, or any other person to continue service in such place or any other place under any other name, so long as such place or any other place is occupied by the original applicant as the residence or place of business of same, until after all bills and penalties, damages to utility equipment or other service charges have been paid in full or some form of agreement has been reached.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.101)
If any person shall make false statements in the application for utility service, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
Any consumer who shall discontinue the place of business or move from his residence and leave a bill for utility services or any other services due the city, [and] shall make application for service at some other address, either under his own name or under a different name, without stating to the office the old address and name under which water or sewer services were used at the address where there is a bill due, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.102)
At the time of making application for utility services to be provided by the city, a deposit shall be made with the city in the amount as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code. When and if it is found that the deposit required and collected in accordance herewith is not sufficient to protect the city from losses that may occur over a period of two (2) months, the city may require an additional cash deposit.
If a city utility customer moves to a new location, the deposit held on the previous location can be transferred; however, the customer must pay the difference between the amount of the old deposit and the current deposit required for service. No deposit may be used for two accounts simultaneously.
If a city utility customer is disconnected for nonpayment on more than one occasion, the deposit must be brought up to the amount required of new customers.
Deposits on utility accounts will be returned when the customer closes their utility account and the account is paid in full. Deposits will be applied to the last bill for the account and the remainder of the deposit not used to pay the bill will be returned to the customer within a month of the final bill being sent out.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.103)
All rates and charges for services to a consumer’s premises shall accrue and be charged against the consumer until such time as notice is given to the city offices by the consumer, or his or her duly authorized agent, to discontinue all services to the consumer’s premises.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.104)
Where two or more families occupy the same house or apartment, and the utility account is in the name of one, and the one in whose name the account stands moves away, the remaining family is still responsible for the unpaid utility bills.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.105)
The city will send out utility bills no later than the 1st of the month. All utility accounts must be paid on or before the tenth (10th) of the month following the meter reading date; however, if the tenth (10th) of the month shall fall on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or an official city holiday, any payment received in the city office prior to 8:00 a.m. on the next business day will be considered a timely payment. Also, any payments received after the 10th of the month that are postmarked on the 10th or earlier will be considered timely.
The city shall impose a ten percent (10%) penalty on all utility accounts which remain unpaid on the tenth (10th) of each month following delinquency as defined above.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.106)
On the failure to pay in full all utility accounts when due, the city, acting through any authorized representative of the city, for and on behalf of the city, shall have the authority to order such services disconnected until all delinquent utility and delinquency charges due from the delinquent user have been paid to the city.
A late notice will be sent for accounts not paid by the due date stating that the account will be disconnected due to nonpayment approximately 10 days after the due date. This date may vary slightly due to the 10th day of the month falling on a weekend or holiday. An administrative fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code shall be charged all accounts not paid when due.
No service shall be furnished to any person who is delinquent in the payment of any bill for any utilities furnished on the premises to which utility service is desired or to any other premises in the city. Utility services can be disconnected at any and all residences or businesses under the control of the person who is delinquent.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.107)
There is hereby established a service charge, which will be the maximum amount allowed by law, as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code, which shall be levied and assessed by the city when an account for any utility services provided, furnished, or sold by the city or an account rendered or collected for the city is paid or satisfied by making, drawing, uttering or delivery of any check, draft, or order for the payment of money on any bank, person, firm, or corporation at a time when the maker, drawer, or payer thereof does not have sufficient funds in or on deposit with such bank, person, firm, or corporation for the payment in full of such check, draft, or order, as well as all other outstanding checks, drafts, or orders upon such funds then outstanding, which said service charge shall be billed to and become a part of the account for which any check, draft, or order was given in satisfaction therefor. Upon failure to pay this charge and any other amount due on the account by the date stated in the notice sent to the customer, the city shall have the right and authority to order any utility services provided by the city discontinued until such charges are paid in full to the city. A utility account that has had two returned checks, drafts, or orders of payment in the course of twelve months shall no longer be allowed to present checks or drafts in payment of the utility bill for twelve months following the second returned check. Such accounts shall be required to pay in the form of cash, money order, cashier’s check, debit card or credit card.
(Ordinance 2013.7.2 adopted 7/9/13)
The city, acting by or through any duly authorized representative and/or agent of the city, shall be authorized to disconnect any utility services to the premises of any person found violating any of the terms or provisions of this article.
A duly authorized representative and/or agent of the city shall have the right at all reasonable times to go upon privately owned property for the purpose of inspection of utility service lines or connections and drains and all other related lines or equipment and, upon refusal of the right to make such inspections, any duly authorized representative and/or agent of the city shall have the right to disconnect from such privately owned property all utility connections.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.109)
Tampering with lines.
Any person who shall tamper with, alter, change, bypass, divert or connect to any water or sewer mains, electric lines, or any utility service lines owned by the city without first obtaining permission or consent of the city shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Unlawful use of service or connection to service line.
It shall be unlawful for any person to use water from the water mains of this city, to connect to any sewer service line, or to connect to any electric lines of the city without an application or permit, or to turn on the city water or electricity for the use on his premises, after the same has been, for any reason, cut off, or before the same has been turned on by the city, without first having secured the application, paid the deposit as required by this article, and paid any amount due on the utility account.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.110)