The provisions of this article shall apply to all territory within the corporate limits within the city as the same may exist or may extend from time to time hereafter.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.301)
Connection required.
All residential dwellings and businesses in the city are required to:
Have public sewer hookups and water hookups approved by the city;
Be physically connected with city water mains and city sewer service lines or sewerage facilities; and
Maintain current water and wastewater service accounts with the city where said dwelling or business is currently occupied.
For purposes of the application of this article, the terms “connected” and “physically connected” are synonymous.
Such dwellings and businesses outside two hundred feet (200') of a public sewer main line.
Outbuildings on the premises of a resident dwelling on the same premises not intended for dwelling purposes or outbuildings from a main business dwelling on the same premises.
Businesses not at this time equipped with toilet facilities and which the city might consider should be exempted from this article.
Areas where proper hookup facilities are not provided by the city.
(2001 Code, secs. 13.201, 13.202)
Gravity connections.
As a condition of being issued a building permit, the owners of the property onto which a building is being moved or new construction is taking place will install all sewer collection lines from the structure to the property line.
If the property cannot be served by existing sewer collection system lines, the property owner, at their expense, will pay the city for an extension of the existing sewer collection system line. The first 100 feet of any such extension will be paid for by the city, but the rest of the line needed will be the property owner’s responsibility.
Force main connections.
If the property cannot be served by a gravity sewer collection system, the owner, at their expense, shall install a grinder pump system, appropriately sized for the expected use of the structure. The grinder pump system shall remain the property of the property owner and the electrical system required to run the system will be the responsibility of the property owner.
If there is not a sanitary sewer collection system line in front of the property, the property owner, at their expense, will pay the city for an extension of the existing sewer collection system line. The first 100 feet of any such extension will be paid for by the city, but the rest of the line needed will be the property owner’s responsibility.
Tap fees.
All property owners, regardless of the type of sanitary sewer collection system they install, will pay the appropriate tap fees for the size of line. The city council reserves the right to change the tap fee from time to time to recover its expenses.
(Ordinance 416, secs. 1–3, adopted 4/10/07)
No permit for any connection with the water mains or sewer service lines or sewerage facilities provided by the city shall be issued until the proper application is made with the city.
(2001 Code, sec. 13.302)
The water and sanitary sewer connection fees shall be paid to the city for labor and material costs for service installations at the time application is made for each service installation as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
(2001 Code, art. 13.500)
All sewer and water taps will be made by city personnel based on the fees in section 13.02.005.
(2001 Code, art. 13.600)
The schedule of monthly rates and charges for water and sewer service furnished by the city is found in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
(2001 Code, art. 13.700)