Arrests, without warrant, may be made by the chief of police or any other police officer of the city when offenses against the laws or ordinances are committed in their presence or where persons are found in suspicious places and under circumstances which reasonably show that such persons have been guilty of some felony or breach of the peace, or threaten or are about to commit some offense against the law.
(Ordinance adopted 5/27/52)
There is created a police officer reserve unit as provided for by section 341.012 of the Local Government Code. The police officer reserve unit shall be made up of persons who at the time of their appointment have the same minimum qualifications as those required for a regular police officer for the city.
(Ordinance 9702, sec. II, adopted 3/11/97)
The police reserve unit shall be under the immediate direction of the chief of police, or, in his absence, the senior officer on duty. Before entering upon his duties, each member shall take and subscribe to the same oath or affirmation as provided by the statutes to be taken and subscribed by all municipal officers. After subscribing his oath of office, each member of the police reserve unit shall be issued an official commission card. Said card shall be retained in the personal possession of the member at all times. Members of the police reserve unit shall have all the powers and authority and shall be subject to all the duties of members of the regularly constituted police department and be subject to the rules and regulations governing the police department; provided, however, that membership in the police reserve unit shall not constitute membership in the regularly constituted police department, nor shall any member of the police reserve unit be entitled to any rights or privileges of compensation, pension, or any other similar right or privilege of members of the regularly constituted police department.
(Ordinance 2010-08 adopted 12/14/10)
No member of the police reserve unit shall receive any compensation from the city for his services as a member of the police reserve unit, except as may be provided from time to time by resolution of the mayor and city council.
(Ordinance 9702, sec. IV, adopted 3/11/97)
Members of the police reserve unit shall maintain their peace officer licenses by submitting to all requirements of the state commission on law enforcement officer standards and education, and furnish their own uniforms and other necessary equipment without reimbursement from the city, except to the extent, if any, specifically provided for in the annual appropriation ordinance of the city.
(Ordinance 9702, sec. V, adopted 3/11/97)
Each present member of the police reserve unit shall properly, after being appointed as a member of said unit, prior to taking his oath, execute and deliver to the city secretary an instrument in the form to be approved by the city attorney, releasing the city from all liability for any injury or death of such member of said unit, excepting only such liability, if any, as shall be attributed to gross negligence on the part of the city.
(Ordinance 9702, sec. VI, adopted 3/11/97)