The following wording and phrases, when used in this article, shall for the purposes thereof have the meanings hereinafter ascribed to them:
City street.
Any street within the corporate limits of the city that has been constructed and/or maintained by the city and which does not have a county, state, or federal marker or designation.
Commercial repair facility.
A shop which provides repairs to commercial vehicles and is open to the public.
Commercial service.
A shop or station which provides goods or service, such as fuel, lubricants, tires, accessories, etc., for vehicles and is open to the public.
Commercial vehicle.
Any single vehicle which is self-propelled and the operator is required by state law to have a commercial driver’s license to operate said vehicle, or any size vehicle which requires hazardous materials placards, whether loaded or unloaded.
Designated truck route.
A street within the corporate limits of the city that is maintained by the state or county and has a county, state or federal route identification number or designation.
Government vehicle.
A vehicle owned and/or operated by a federal, state, county or city governmental department or agency or by a public school district.
(Ordinance 9806, sec. 1, adopted 5/12/98)
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this article shall be found guilty of a class C misdemeanor and anyone convicted of said violation shall be fined as provided in section 1.01.009.
(Ordinance 2002-22, sec. 4, adopted 8/27/02)
No person shall operate a commercial vehicle within the city upon any city street except for the purpose of delivery or pickup of materials or merchandise, or for the purpose of driving to and from commercial repair or service facilities, or for the purpose of entering or exiting a private parking lot of a commercial establishment which provides food and/or lodging, in which case such vehicle may be driven on such streets for not more than the minimum distance necessary for such purpose or purposes.
Any person who has a need to operate a commercial vehicle on city streets may apply for a permit from the city. In reviewing an application for a commercial truck permit, consideration will be given to the proposed route, the distance that must be traveled to and from a designated truck route, the general conditions of the roadway, and the density of residences along the specified route, along with any other relevant factors, before a permit will be granted.
Government vehicles shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this article.
(Ordinance 9806, sec. 2, adopted 5/12/98)
Any person wishing to operate a commercial vehicle on a city street for purposes other than those herein permitted shall file an application for a commercial truck permit with the city secretary.
A permit fee as set from time to time by resolution of the city council shall be paid at the time an application is filed with the city secretary, and said fee shall be refunded if the permit is denied.
The city manager shall review all commercial truck permit applications and with the advice of the chief of police and the public works director shall either approve or reject said application.
Expiration date.
All commercial truck permits issued on or before the 31st day of December shall expire on 31st day of March of the next calendar year. Permits issued after the 1st day of January shall expire on the 31st day of March of the next calendar year.
Carrying of permit or attachment to vehicle.
The commercial truck permit must be in the vehicle and available for inspection upon demand by a police officer at all times. In the event the city issues permits that can be affixed to the vehicle, then the permit must be affixed to the vehicle as directed by the instructions issued with the permit.
(Ordinance 9806, sec. 7, adopted 5/12/98; Ordinance 2000-02 adopted 3/28/00; Ordinance 2000-13 adopted 5/9/00)
No person may park or leave standing a commercial vehicle on any public street or alley or shoulder thereof within the city.
(Ordinance 9806, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/98)
No person in charge of operating a commercial vehicle and no person in whose name the vehicle is registered shall allow or permit such vehicle to be parked in violation of section 12.05.005 of this article. The same is hereby declared to be a nuisance per se and the fact that such vehicle is unattended or unoccupied by said person shall be prima facie evidence that the operator thereof and the owner thereof unlawfully and knowingly so parked such vehicle.
Any commercial vehicle found parked on private property in which access to said private property required the commercial vehicle to travel on a city street to park shall be prima facie evidence that the operator thereof unlawfully and knowingly traveled on a city street to park such vehicle in violation of section 12.05.003 of this article.
(Ordinance 9806, sec. 4, adopted 5/12/98)
Such vehicle illegally parked in violation of section 12.05.005 of this article shall be removed or impounded in the same manner as provided for removal of motor vehicles under V.T.C.A., Transportation Code, chapter 683.
(Ordinance 9806, sec. 5, adopted 5/12/98)
Commercial vehicle.
Any single vehicle which is self-propelled and the operator is required by state law to have a commercial driver’s license to operate said vehicle, or any size vehicle which requires hazardous materials placards, whether loaded or unloaded.
Other large vehicles.
Any truck or truck-trailer combination that is too large for normal on-street parking.
Allowable parking.
Commercial trucks and other large vehicles shall be allowed to park off of the roadway on the north side of Boothe Drive (U.S. 90A). Parking shall be limited to only commercial or other large vehicles for a period of time not to exceed thirty (30) minutes and in an area designated by signs posted for said purpose.
It shall be the duty of the city manager to erect appropriate signs to denote “30 Minute Parking - Trucks Only” on the north side of the 400 block of Boothe Drive.
It shall be unlawful and an offense for:
Any vehicle to remain parked in the designated area for more than thirty (30) minutes;
Any vehicle to jump over a curb to enter or exit the parking area;
Any vehicle to enter or exit the designated parking area by means of Lake Avenue;
Any unauthorized person to deface, tamper with, or destroy the signs.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this section shall be found guilty of a class C misdemeanor and anyone convicted of said violation shall be fined as provided in section 1.01.009. Each transaction in violation of any of the provisions hereof shall be deemed a separate offense.
(Ordinance 2000-18 adopted 7/11/00; Ordinance 2002-22, sec. 4, adopted 8/27/02)
This section applies to the use or operation of an auxiliary or compression engine brake (also known as “jacobs brake” or “jake brake”), which produces any noise in addition to the normal operating engine noise, and its prohibited use within the city limits. This provision is not intended to prohibit the passage of vehicles equipped with engine brakes or “jake brakes” in the city limits but rather prohibit the use of such equipment in the city limits.
It shall be unlawful for any driver of a truck or truck-tractor to activate or use the unit’s engine brake within the city limits except in an emergency situation.
The term “emergency situation,” for the purposes of this section, shall mean one in which there is imminent danger of collision with property, persons or animals.
Emergency vehicles will be exempt from this section.
Any person, or persons, violating or failing to comply with any provision of this section shall be fined, upon conviction, not more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars, for each offense.
(Ordinance 2012-03 adopted 8/14/12; Ordinance 2014-04 adopted 5/27/14)