As used in this article, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them:
Hard surface.
A weatherproof surface that will not soften when exposed to water and is or sufficient strength and thickness not to crack or deteriorate under normal wheel loads.
Home or vehicle space.
A plot of land within a manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park designated for the accommodation of a single manufactured home or recreational vehicle.
HUD-code manufactured home.
A structure, constructed on or after June 15, 1976, according to the rules of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, transportable in one or more sections, which in the traveling mode is eight body feet or more in width, 40 body feet or more in length, or when erected on site is 320 or more square feet, which is built on a permanent chassis, and which is designed for use as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when the structure is connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical systems. The term does not include a recreational vehicle as that term is defined by 24 CFR section 3282.8(8).
Manufactured home or manufactured housing.
A HUD-code manufactured home or a mobile home.
Manufactured home park.
Any tract of land of not less than five acres in size under single ownership where accommodation is provided for manufactured home use, whether or not a charge is made for such use. It shall include any building, structure or enclosure used or intended for use in such manufactured home park.
Mobile home.
A structure that was constructed before June 15, 1976, transportable in one or more sections, which in the traveling mode is eight body feet or more in width, 40 body feet or more in length, or when erected on site is 320 or more square feet, which is built on a permanent chassis, and which is designed for use as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when the structure is connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning and electrical systems.
Recreational vehicle.
A vehicular-type portable structure without a permanent foundation that can be towed, hauled, or driven, which is designed as temporary living accommodations for recreational, camping, and travel use, and which includes but is not limited to travel trailers, truck-campers, camping trailers, and self-propelled motor homes.
Recreational vehicle park.
Any tract of land of five acres or more, where accommodation is provided for transient use by owners of recreational vehicles.
Space width.
The horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at right angles to such side lot lines at a point midway between the front and rear of such lot. When different results are obtained by measuring for different side lot lines, the shortest distance shall be considered the space width.
Vacation travel trailer or camping trailer.
A recreational vehicle.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-1, adopted 6/11/02; Ordinance 610, sec. 14-1, adopted 6/11/02; Ordinance adopting Code)
Manufactured homes and recreational vehicles may be used for dwelling purposes only in the following instances:
When located in a manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park licensed by the city as hereinafter provided;
When located at a retail manufactured home or recreational vehicle sales or service business in a B-2 zoning district; this shall be limited to one such residence per business;
When used as temporary living quarters for guards at construction sites when approved by the building official;
When located in zoning districts designated for use of a manufactured home as a dwelling according to the city zoning regulations and when an approved sidewalk and driveway, meeting specifications contained in the subdivision regulations of the city, is placed prior to placement of any manufactured home on property which is adjacent to a paved street with curb and gutter. Said sidewalk should be adjacent to the curb except when adjoining property has existing sidewalks that are set back from the curb. When sidewalks are set back from the curb, said new sidewalk should connect with existing sidewalks in a manner approved by the building inspector;
When approved by the city commission in any zoning district, providing that an approved metallic skirting is placed completely covering the space from floor level to ground level around the entire perimeter of the manufactured home or recreational vehicle itself. In case of noncompliance with these provisions the owner of the manufactured home or recreational vehicle will be notified by mail of their duty to comply within 30 days from the date of such letter. On failure of compliance within such 30-day period, the permit shall automatically become null and void and the owner of the trailer subject to prosecution for violation of the other provisions of this chapter.
Mobile homes may not be used as dwellings except those placed prior to existence of this article (June 11, 2002) and that conform to all other requirements.
Any manufactured home that is used as a residence and was in existence in any R-1, R-2, R-3, B-1, or B-2 use district on June 11, 2002 (a list of which shall be placed on file in the office of the city secretary), and not in violation of a city ordinance at that time shall be allowed to be used as a residence, by the owner, until such time said premises may be determined by the building inspector to be substandard or in violation of other ordinances affecting health, safety or building codes. Ownership may be transferred without removing said manufactured home. This subsection does not apply to homes placed legally within a manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park.
In all of the above instances all utility connections shall conform to the pertinent ordinances of the city.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-2, adopted 6/11/02; Ordinance 621, sec. 1, adopted 11/12/02; Ordinance 683 adopted 2/13/07)
A manufactured home or recreational vehicle shall not be used as an office or for business building purposes in any zoning district except in the following instances:
When used as an office on the site in connection with a bona fide recreational vehicle park licensed by the city as hereinafter provided; or
When used as an office on the site in connection with a bona fide retail manufactured home or recreational vehicle sales or service business in a B-2 zoning district and used as the office of such business.
When used as a temporary construction office when approved by the building inspector.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-3, adopted 6/11/02)
The parking or storage of a recreational vehicle shall be permitted in any zoning district, provided that such shall not be used for dwelling purposes and provided, further, that such shall not be permitted to be parked on the street or parkway.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-4, adopted 6/11/02)
Manufactured homes and recreational vehicles must be grounded according to applicable codes.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-5, adopted 6/11/02)
Placement of a manufactured home or recreational vehicle without approved electrical ground equipment shall be a violation of this article.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-6, adopted 6/11/02)
No manufactured home over fifteen years old, as evidenced by a certificate of title, home identification plate, or statement of ownership, shall be placed on property located within the city.
(Ordinance 610 adopted 8/8/2022)
It shall be unlawful for any person to locate a manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park within the city except as permitted by the zoning ordinance and amendments thereto of the city.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-7, adopted 6/11/02)
A site plan shall be filed with the city secretary prior to the approval of any site as a manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park and shall show the following:
The area and dimensions of the tract of land, with identification of location and boundaries;
The number, location and size of all home or vehicle spaces;
The location, width and specifications of driveways, roadways and walkways;
The location and specifications of water and sewer lines and riser pipes;
The location and details of lighting, electrical and gas systems;
The location and specifications of all buildings constructed or to be constructed within the park;
Existing and proposed topography of the park;
The location of fire mains, including the size, the hydrants and any other equipment which may be provided;
Such other information as the municipal reviewing official may reasonably require.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-8, adopted 6/11/02)
All new construction permitted hereby shall comply with the requirements and standards set out in all relevant sections of this code, and appendices, including but not limited to subdivision regulations, building code, plumbing code, electrical code, sidewalk regulations and zoning ordinance.
Manufactured home parks and recreational vehicle parks in existence upon the effective date of this article (June 11, 2002) shall comply with this article when updating their existing facilities.
Updating shall mean major remodeling or replacement of existing facilities, but shall not include normal maintenance.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-9, adopted 6/11/02)
An annual license is required for each manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park.
The annual fee for each park shall be as set forth in section A3.12.044 of the fee schedule in appendix A to this code.
This annual license can be issued when the owner shows written evidence that the mobile home park or vacation travel trailer park and its facilities have been inspected and approved by the city not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of license application. This nontransferable license may be obtained at city hall.
The license certificate shall be conspicuously posted in the office located on the premises of the manufactured home park or recreational vehicle part at all times.
The license to maintain and operate a manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park shall be revoked by the city secretary upon ten (10) days’ notice when recommended by the building official or fire department on the finding of a violation of any provision of this article. A new license may be issued if the circumstances leading to revocation have been remedied and new license fee paid.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-10, adopted 6/11/02; Ordinance adopting Code)
All manufactured home parks or recreational vehicle parks constructed in whole or in part after the effective date of this article (June 11, 2002) shall conform to the following requirements:
The following maximum densities shall apply to the manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park:
Manufactured homes, 7 per acre.
Vacation travel trailers, 12 per acre.
Minimum size.
Initial development of any manufactured home park shall not be less than five acres fully improved with serviced spaces. All site plans shall define the initial development are.
Setback and spacing.
Manufactured home and recreational vehicle minimum setback and spacing requirements:
Manufactured Home
Recreational Vehicle (RV)
Between structures
End to end parking
From permanent structures (excluding individual storage structures, patio, roofs, and carports)
From patio, roof or carport of one structure to adjacent structures
Rear and side park property lines
Front park property lines
From interior streets
From cul-de-sac streets
Space width
Additional construction.
Manufactured home and recreational vehicle spaces may have an open unenclosed patio, roof and carport of metal, fiberglass or other incombustible materials, constructed to withstand wind velocities of seventy (70) miles per hour.
Water supply.
An adequate supply of potable water for domestic and fire protection purposes shall be supplied to meet the requirements of the park. Manufactured home and recreational vehicle spaces shall be provided with a water hookup at least four (4) inches above the ground and hose connection, equipped with an antisiphon device for lawn maintenance.
Sewage disposal.
Waste from showers, bathtubs, toilets, lavatories in manufactured homes, recreational vehicles and service or other buildings within the park shall be discharged into a public sewer system in compliance with applicable ordinances. In the event public services are not available such waste shall be discharged into a private disposal system approved by the city-county health department.
Natural gas.
Manufactured home and recreational vehicle spaces shall be provided with a natural gas hookup at least four (4) inches above the ground.
Electrical service.
Underground service shall be provided throughout manufactured home and recreational vehicle spaces, and service to individual manufactured homes and recreational vehicles shall meet the requirements as set forth in the ordinances of the city. All electric meters shall be permanently installed in a location accessible from an interior street, alley or all-weather walkway.
Entrances and exits to manufactured home and recreational vehicle parks shall be lighted with one (1) or more luminaires (or fixtures) totaling seven thousand seven hundred (7,700) lumens.
The interior area of the manufactured home and recreational vehicle park shall be lighted to five-tenths (0.5) candle average maintained. All luminaires shall be mounted fifteen (15) feet to twenty-five (25) feet above ground level.
All interior walks or manufactured home and recreational vehicle parks shall be all-weather and not less than four (4) feet in width. Walks provided adjacent to interior streets shall be three (3) feet concrete gutter walks. Walks provided adjacent to public streets shall comply with applicable city ordinances.
Interior streets.
Interior asphalt or concrete streets shall be provided to service manufactured home and recreational vehicle spaces. All spaces shall abut upon such paved interior street which shall connect with a public street. Interior streets where on-street parking is permitted shall not be less than thirty-five (35) feet in width. In manufactured home and recreational vehicle parks where no on-street parking is permitted, the interior streets shall not be less than twenty (20) feet in width. All streets shall have standard curb and gutter except where three-foot gutter walks or drives are situated. No cul-de-sac street shall be over two hundred fifty (250) feet from the center of the turnaround to the nearest curbline of the street it abuts. At the end of each cul-de-sac, a six-foot wide, open, unobstructed firefighting easement shall be provided. This easement shall not be more than two hundred (200) feet in length and shall abut and open onto a private or public street other than a cul-de-sac. Gates may be installed in such opening, provided breakaway locks are used.
Ingress and egress.
All manufactured home and recreational vehicle parks shall have a double drive entrance separated by a thirty-foot median and a secondary access street at least three hundred (300) feet from this double entrance. Such streets shall have standard curb and gutter and shall not be less than twenty (20) feet in width. Secondary access streets can be chained for control as long as a breakaway lock is used. Entrances and exits must comply with provisions of the ordinances of the city.
Driveway or accessway.
A driveway or accessway shall be reserved from the street to the manufactured home and recreational vehicle space.
Two (2) off-street paved parking spaces shall be provided for each manufactured home space and two (2) additional guest paved parking spaces shall be provided in a common area for each three (3) manufactured homes in the park. Such parking spaces shall not be over three hundred (300) feet from the manufactured homes they serve. Recreational vehicle parks shall provide one (1) automobile parking space for each recreational vehicle space, and one (1) additional guest parking space shall be provided in a common area for each four (4) recreational vehicle spaces in the park. Such parking spaces shall not be over two hundred (200) feet from the recreational vehicle they serve.
Recreation area.
A landscaped recreation area or areas totaling not less than eight (8) percent of the total manufactured home park site shall be provided. Such recreation area shall be provided in a central recreation area per five (5) acres of gross mobile home park area. Regardless of location each recreation area’s smallest dimension shall be not less than fifty (50) feet. Community buildings and community use facilities, adult recreation and child play areas, and swimming pools may be included in these recreation areas. This area shall be protected from traffic hazards.
Soil and ground cover.
Exposed ground surfaces in all parts of every manufactured home park shall be paved, covered with stone screening or other solid material, or protected with a vegetative growth that is capable of preventing soil erosion and eliminating dust.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-11, adopted 6/11/02)
Recreational vehicle parks shall provide toilets, baths or showers, and other sanitation facilities which shall conform to the following requirements:
The toilet and other sanitation facilities for males and females shall be either in separate buildings or shall be separated, if in the same building, by a soundproof wall. Such service buildings shall be well lighted and ventilated at all times with screened openings. These service buildings shall be maintained in clean, sightly condition and kept free of any condition that could menace the health of any occupant. Service buildings shall be located not closer than five (5) feet nor farther than two hundred (200) feet from any recreational vehicle space.
Hot water.
An adequate supply of hot water shall be provided at all times in any required service buildings, and for all bathing, washing, cleansing and laundry facilities.
Toilet facilities.
Toilet facilities for males shall consist of not less than one flush toilet for every fifteen (15) recreational vehicles, one (1) urinal for every fifteen (15) recreational vehicles, and one (1) shower with individual dressing accommodations for every ten (10) recreational vehicles.
Toilet facilities for females shall consist of not less than one (1) flush toilet for every ten (10) recreational vehicles, and one (1) shower with individual dressing accommodations for every ten (10) recreational vehicles.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-12, adopted 6/11/02)
An asphalt or concrete surface shall be supplied for municipal garbage containers in sufficient amounts so that no patron shall travel more than three hundred (300) feet, one way, in order to deposit garbage in said container. A minimum of one three-yard capacity container is required per each six (6) vehicle spaces.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-13, adopted 6/11/02)
Manufactured home.
Each manufactured home shall contain a five-pound CO2 or ABC fire extinguisher at all times.
Fire hydrants shall be installed so that no manufactured home space will be over three hundred (300) feet from a hydrant sitting on an eight-inch water main.
There shall not be any storage under the manufactured home.
Fences around manufactured homes shall not be over thirty-four (34) inches high across the front of the space.
Vacation travel trailer.
Each recreational vehicle shall contain a five-pound CO2 or ABC fire extinguisher at all times.
Fire hydrants shall be installed so that no recreational vehicle space will be over two hundred (200) feet from a hydrant sitting on an eight-inch water main.
There shall not be any storage under the recreational vehicle.
The manufactured home park and recreational vehicle park licensee shall be responsible for maintaining the conditions of this section. The city fire marshal shall make periodic inspections of these parks to insure the above conditions are maintained.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-13, adopted 6/11/02)
A responsible attendant or supervisor, owner or operator shall be in charge at all times to keep the manufactured home and recreational vehicle park, its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly, and sanitary condition, and he shall be answerable, with the licensee, for any violation of the provisions of this article.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-15, adopted 6/11/02)
It shall be the duty of the licensee to keep a register containing a record of all manufactured home and recreational vehicle owners and occupants located within the park. This register shall be kept for a period of seven (7) years and shall be readily available for inspection by law enforcement officers, public health officials and other officials whose duties necessitate acquisition of the information contained in the register. The register shall contain the following information:
Name and address of each occupant.
The make, model and year, license number and state of registration of all automobiles, existing mobile homes, manufactured homes and recreational vehicles.
The date of arrival and departure of each existing mobile home, manufactured home and recreational vehicle.
(Ordinance 610, sec. 14-16, adopted 6/11/02)