Whatever is dangerous to human life or health, whatever renders the ground, the water, the air, the food, a hazard or injury to human life or health or that is offensive to the senses or that is or tends to become detrimental to the public health is hereby declared to be a nuisance; and the specific acts, conditions and deeds, as are set forth in this article, are, among others, each declared to be a nuisance and prohibited.
The violation of this section is hereby declared a misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine of not more than the amount set forth in section 1.01.009 of this code.
(1978 Code, sec. 13-20; Ordinance 501, sec. 1, adopted 2/9/88)
The following acts, commissions, omissions, conditions, and deeds by any person shall be and are hereby declared to be nuisances:
The act of allowing to exist any full or overflowing privy, vault, cesspool, or other receptacle for filth or human excrement, upon any premises owned or controlled by any person;
The act of allowing to be pumped, or the contents of cesspools to flow, over any premises for fertilizing or other purposes;
Any imperfect or faulty trap, or any trap in disrepair, any sink or water closet, or any other drainage appliance or fixture within any house or building from which there shall arise any foul or offensive gas or odors;
The casting, draining, throwing or causing to be cast, drained, thrown or distributed into any public street or highway, gutter, alley or other public grounds any kitchen water, water from exhaust pipes, laundry water, water from service stations and garages, air conditioners or other wastewater, slops, swill or liquid filth;
Whenever any stable, stall, shed or enclosure, yard or appurtenance thereto, in which any horse, cattle, cow or other animal is kept, or any place in which manure or liquid discharge of such animals shall collect and accumulate and which stable, stall, shed, enclosure, yard or appurtenance thereto is not kept in a clean and sanitary condition or permitted to remain in a condition which would constitute a breeding place for flies, or is not kept in a clean and sanitary condition so that offensive smells, odors or fumes cannot escape therefrom, it shall be deemed a nuisance, provided, that nothing in this subsection shall be so construed as to include manure deposits upon private property, otherwise lawful, for the purpose of cultivation or to be used as fertilizer;
The suffering or permitting by any person, whether owner or agent of any premises, occupied or unoccupied, of weeds, grass, or plants that are not cultivated, to grow upon any premises to be a height of more than twelve (12) inches on an average and to grow in rank profusion thereon, and any such premises upon which any weeds, grass or plants are permitted to grow above the height of twelve (12) inches or in rank profusion shall be deemed a nuisance, dangerous to public health and calculated to increase the fire hazard in the city;
The failure on the part of the owner, operator, agent or driver of any truck, trailer or other vehicle that has been used for the hauling of any livestock, animals or fowl, and when same has been parked in or on any highway, street, alley, vacant lot, or tract of land, either public or private, or in any service station or garage, to move such truck, trailer or other vehicle, containing manure or excreta or liquid discharge of such livestock, animals or fowl when notified by the city health officer or the city administrator to move such truck, trailer or other vehicle to such location as will not disturb the inhabitants of the city by reason of the odor, gases or fumes caused by the contents of said truck, trailer or other vehicle;
The allowing of paper, lumber, rocks and/or other trash or debris to accumulate or remain on any piece of property in such a manner as to create a harborage, or breeding place for rats;
The keeping or maintaining of a public restroom in an unsanitary condition;
The allowing of animal feces to accumulate or animal urine residue to accumulate on or within any residential or commercial building to the extent that the immediately adjacent property is exposed to its odor;
The allowing of a building, either residential or commercial, to be infested with rats, mice or cockroaches or to remain in such a condition that it constitutes a breeding place for rats, mice or cockroaches.
(1978 Code, sec. 13-21; Ordinance adopting Code)
Whenever any nuisance, either general in nature or specifically defined in this chapter, shall exist within the city, the appropriate code enforcement personnel or department shall notify the owner or occupant of the premises where such nuisance exists and direct the removal or abatement of the nuisance specific and shall describe a time frame within which such removal or abatement shall be completed. The notice must be given:
Personally to the owner in writing;
By letter addressed to the owner at the owner’s address as recorded in the appraisal district records of the appraisal district in which the property is located; or
If personal service cannot be obtained:
By publication at least once;
By posting the notice on or near the front door of each building on the property to which the violation relates; or
By posting the notice on a placard attached to a stake driven into the ground on the property to which the violation relates.
If the municipality mails a notice to a property owner in accordance with subsection (a), and the United States Postal Service returns the notice as “refused” or “unclaimed,” the validity of the notice is not affected, and the notice is considered as delivered.
Should the owner or occupant fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with the action directed by the notice within the specified time frame, or in the event the owner or occupant cannot be located, the city shall cause such nuisance to be abated or removed and a lien shall be filed of public record upon the property for the expense incurred.
In instances where properties are subject to being classified as “habitually unhealthy premises” as herein defined, the city shall be required to give no more than one notice annually by certified mail and may, thereafter, during that calendar year, notify the owner or occupant by regular mail of impending action by the city. “Habitually unhealthy premises” are those whereon the city has documented a history of 4 occurrences of violations of this article within the preceding 24-month period.
(Ordinance 667, sec. 13-22, adopted 6/14/05; Ordinance adopting Code)
Every nuisance herein defined, whether generally or specifically, is prohibited and forbidden within the city, and any person making, causing, permitting or maintaining any of said nuisances shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined as provided in section 1.01.009, and in the case of a continuing offense, each day same is continued shall constitute a separate offense.
(1978 Code, sec. 13-23)