The City of Slaton, Texas, hereby defines its policy to be that the city will withhold all city improvements in whatsoever nature including the maintenance of streets, furnishing of sewerage facilities and water service from all additions, hereafter established, the platting of which has not been approved by the city commission as provided herein. These regulations are adopted by the city commission of the City of Slaton, Texas, as a proper way for persons or corporations so intending, to subdivide land within the city limits or within five (5) miles thereof; and all property not subdivided in lots, blocks or streets within the city shall hereafter be laid out under the directions of the city commission of the City of Slaton, Texas, herein provided. It shall be unlawful for any owner or agent of any owner to lay out, subdivide or plat any land into lots, blocks, and/or streets within the city, or to sell property therein and thereby, which has not been laid off, subdivided and platted according to these rules. No officer or employee of the city shall do, or cause to be done any work upon any street or in any addition or subdivision of the city, unless all requirements of this ordinance have been complied with by the owner of said addition or subdivision.
The procedure and standards for the development, layout and design of subdivisions of real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Slaton, Texas, and for a distance of five (5) miles surrounding such corporate limits, as prescribed in this ordinance, are intended to:
Guide and assist and expedite the developers in correct procedures to be followed and to inform them of the general standards which shall be required. Protect the public interests by controlling the location, design, class and type of streets, utilities and essential services required.
Provide for the public welfare, the essential areas required for educational, recreational, industrial and commercial purposes.
The city commission shall before approving any plats submitted to it, refer such plats to the city water superintendent, the city street superintendent, the city attorney and the city engineer for their suggestions and comment by written report.
The city planning commission before approving any plats submitted to it shall refer such plats to the departments named above for their suggestions and comment by written report.
Plans and specifications for the above improvements shall meet the approval of the city engineer. If it is determined that additional drainage facilities in the form of storm sewers within the subdivision are necessary, the developer shall prepare, with the approval of the city engineer, plans and specifications to be used by him in correcting the drainage. All such work necessary to be done under such plans and specifications shall be done at the sole expense of the developer. Storm sewers required to provide drainage from the point where storm water emanates from the subdivision to an adequate drainage point along existing streets, may, at its discretion, be provided by the City of Slaton. In the event that the storm drain construction is so great as to be prohibitive for either the subdivider or the city, all areas affected by such drainage shall be omitted from the development; or, the developer may, if the city commission so agrees, provide same upon a basis of refund over a period of time agreeable to the city commission. The details of such refund plan to be worked out by the subdivider and the city engineer and submitted to the city commission for approval or rejection.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 1, adopted 2/10/64)
The following regulations be and the same are hereby adopted and approved and, for the purpose of these regulations, which shall be known as and may be cited as “City of Slaton Subdivision Regulations”:
means an undivided tract or parcel of land under one ownership having access to a street, either occupied or to be occupied by a building or building group together with accessory buildings, which parcel of land is designated as a separate and distinct tract and is identified by a tract or lot number or symbol in a duly approved subdivision plat filed of record.
means the division of an existing subdivision, together with any change of lot size therein, or with the relocation of any street lines.
Street; alleys:
The term “street” means a way for vehicular traffic, whether designated a street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, thoroughway, road, avenue, boulevard, land, place or however otherwise designated. Alleys are minor ways which are used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or the side of properties otherwise abutting on a street.
The term “subdivision” means the division of a parcel of land into two (2) or more lots or parcels for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or transfer of ownership or building development, provided that a division of land for agricultural purposes into lots or parcels of five (5) acres or more and not involving a new street or alley shall not be deemed a subdivision. The term includes resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, shall relate to the process of subdividing or to the land subdivided.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 2, adopted 2/10/64)
Six (6) copies of the preliminary plat and field notes shall be submitted to the city secretary of the City of Slaton, Texas, for presentation to the city planning commission ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which approval is asked. The plat shall be drawn to a scale of two hundred (200) feet to one (1) inch or larger and shall show the following:
Name of subdivision.
Names of the owner and engineer or surveyor responsible for the survey and designs.
Boundary lines, existing boundary lines, and width and location of platted streets and alleys within and adjacent to the property.
Width and depth of proposed lots.
Contours sufficient to accurately show the topography. Contours and all grades in the addition must refer to the City of Slaton datum. (Contours at one (1) foot intervals preferred)
Physical features of the property, including locations of watercourses, culverts, bridges, railroads and present structures.
A designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision.
Adequate off-street parking must be provided for lots set aside or planned for business use and shall comply with any zoning ordinances then in effect in the City of Slaton.
If a preliminary plat does not itself show it, then a map on a smaller scale must be presented to show the nearest subdivision, how streets and alleys or highways in the subdivision submitted may connect with those in the nearest subdivision.
The six (6) copies of the preliminary plat shall be distributed by the city secretary, one to the mayor, one to the city planning commission, one to the city attorney, one to the city engineer, one to the water superintendent, and one to the street superintendent. Each preliminary plat shall be accompanied by certificates of the city water department, the Southwestern Public Service Company and the Pioneer Natural Gas Company and/or their successors and assigns regarding the availability of their respective utility to the subdivision; and further as to the layout of their respective utility system which concerns such subdivision, in short, whether or not they can give the resident of such subdivision a complete utility service; and whether their respective utility system layout is congenial to such proposed subdivision layout. The preliminary plat should be marked: “Preliminary plat for inspection purposes only and in no way official or approved for record purposes.” The preliminary plat should be accompanied by a certificate by a licensed public surveyor or a registered public surveyor or a registered professional engineer that said subdivision is not subject to flood conditions or that such portion that is subject to flood conditions has been provided with sufficient drainage.
Before the filing of the preliminary plat payment of the fee as herein and hereafter set forth by the subdivider, shall be made to the city secretary, and the subdivider shall certify to the city secretary that he has received a copy of this ordinance and that he will comply with same.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 3, adopted 2/10/64)
The preliminary plat shall include the following items:
Boundary, street, alley and building lines.
Width and names of streets and locations with reference to all streets adjacent to and leading to the subdivision.
Width and depth of all lots.
Watercourses and drainageways.
Contour lines on not more than one (1) foot intervals with elevations based on City of Slaton datum.
Layout, in dotted lines, of all lots adjacent to the subdivision showing lot size, lot and block numbers, and the name of the existing subdivision or the name of the property owner if undeveloped land, all shown in dotted lines and figures.
Scale and north point.
Name and address of subdivider.
Name and address of engineer and surveyor.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 4, adopted 2/10/64)
No street dedication shall be less than sixty (60) feet wide.
All new streets shall be continuations of existing streets, at the same or greater width and having the same names (if possible), and street jogs with center offsets of less than one hundred (100) feet shall be prohibited.
Dead-end streets may be platted where the land adjoining property is not subdivided, in which case the streets shall be carried to the boundaries thereof. (In the few instances where dead-end streets are otherwise necessary, a cul-de-sac with a minimum radius of fifty (50) feet shall be provided.)
No intersecting street shall be platted with the angle included between adjoining street lines less than thirty (30) degrees nor more than one hundred fifty (150) degrees.
Streets shall be platted to allow two (2) tiers of lots with an alley between. Intersecting cross streets may not be more than seven hundred (700) feet apart.
Streets shall be platted with appropriate regard to topographical features lending themselves to attractive treatment.
Where plats are presented for approval which adjoin unplatted property, the owner of the proposed subdivision shall provide his pro rata part of boundary streets.
Alleys, reserve strips:
Alleys shall be laid in the rear of lots fronting on adjoining streets. The minimum width of an alley shall not be less than twenty (20) feet and shall be graded and leveled.
Lots and blocks:
In general, lots shall conform in width, depth and area to the pattern already established in the adjacent areas, having due regard to the character of the neighborhood, its particular suitability for development for residential purposes and also taking into consideration the natural topography of the ground, drainage, sanitary sewage facilities and the proposed layout of the streets.
In locations where sanitary sewers are not already available, and where there is no immediate prospect for installation of sanitary sewers, septic tanks of approved type may be installed in conformity with the rules, regulations and ordinances of the City of Slaton pertaining to public health; provided, however, that in no case shall septic tanks be installed on lots having a frontage of less than sixty (60) feet, and a depth of less than one hundred fifty (150) feet. In this connection, if the soil texture in the area is such as will not lend itself to the utilization of a septic tank, then the proposed size of the lots must be increased to provide for a safe absorption of the effluent, as determined by the health department of the City of Slaton.
Lots should have a minimum of fifty (50) foot width and one hundred (100) foot depth and, in no case, shall the lot contain less than five thousand (5,000) square feet, and then only when approved by the City Commission.
The area of the lot shall be computed by taking the average width of the lot times the average depth of the lot measured from the street line to the rear lot line.
All sidelines of lots shall be at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines, unless a variation from this rule, would, in the opinion of the city planning commission give a better lot plan.
For private housing projects and shopping villages, it will not be necessary to subdivide tracts of land. Site plans, however, must be filed showing the arrangement of the project in detail, together with essential requirements such as parking facilities, locations of buildings and the other uses to be permitted, and shall be subject to approval as herein set forth for plats.
The city planning commission shall without delay approve or disapprove or approve conditionally the preliminary plat and send it to the city commission for final action; in as much, as the preliminary plat must be approved or disapproved within sixty (60) days of its being filed, by the city commission.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 5, adopted 2/10/64; Ordinance 593, sec. 2, adopted 6/12/01)
Original and six (6) copies of the final plat or record plat with reproducible sepia shall be submitted to the city secretary after the preliminary plat has been approved and all changes and all alterations made. No final plat will be considered unless preliminary plat has first been submitted. Such plat shall be filed in the office of the city secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting in which approval is requested. Final plat should be accompanied by the following data:
Plats shall be drawn upon sheets 8-1/2" x 11" (or 11" x 17"; 17" x 22" and 22" x 36") inches and to the scale of one hundred (100) feet to the inch or larger.
A title including name of subdivision owner or owners, and licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer responsible for the plat, and the scale and location of the subdivision with reference to original land grants or surveys, the data and north point.
The certificate of the registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor who surveyed, mapped and monumented the land should be placed on the face of the map, showing that he has done so as required by this ordinance.
A deed of dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and playgrounds to public use forever, signed and acknowledged before a notary public by the owner of such land. The wife of all married men executing such dedication deed or certificate of dedication shall join with her husband therein unless satisfactory proof be provided showing that the property to be subdivided does not constitute any portion of anybody’s homestead, in which case the instrument of dedication shall state the fact that the property subdivided and platted does not constitute a part of such parties’ homestead and positively designates and identifies such parties’ homestead. In the case there are any lienholders, they shall execute a subordination agreement subordinating their liens to all public streets, alleys, parks, school sites and any other public areas shown on the plat of such subdivision as being set aside for public uses and purposes; or they may join in such dedication deed or certificate of dedication. It shall in addition to the above requirements, contain the following:
An accurate description of the tract of land subdivided.
A statement and express warranty that the parties joining in such dedication deed or certificate of dedication are the sole owners of such tract of land.
An express dedication to the public for public use forever the streets, alleys, rights-of-way, parks, school sites and other public places shown on the attached plat.
The dedication deed that the subdivider makes shall include a provision that conveys to the City of Slaton, Texas, a municipal corporation, fee simple title to park areas, alleys and streets which are dedicated to the public use.
A positive reference and identification of the plat of such subdivision by the name of such subdivision, date of plat and signature of engineer.
Certificate of improvement: The subdivider’s Texas licensed professional engineer shall furnish the planning commission with a written certification stating that all improvements required by this ordinance which have been completed prior to final approval have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with plans and specifications for such improvements approved by the city engineer and/or shall further certify that sufficient cash has been deposited or a surety bond furnished with the city to secure the completion of all those improvements so required which are incomplete. When a surety bond has been furnished the city in lieu of any or all of the required improvements, it shall be delivered to the city attorney for approval. The surety bond shall have attached thereto a copy of the contract for such improvements and such other information and data necessary to determine the validity and enforceability of such bond. When the bond has been examined and approved, the city attorney shall furnish the planning commission with a written certification that the surety bond is in his opinion as valid and enforceable as regards all improvements required by this chapter [ordinance] still incomplete and for which cash deposit has not been made.
Protective covenants, if any, in form for recording.
Certificates showing that all taxes have been paid on the tract to be subdivided, and that no delinquent taxes exist against the property.
All final plats must be approved by the city commission. The city commission will not consider a plat for file or approval until considered by the city engineer, city planning commission, city attorney, city water superintendent and the city street superintendent and the city attorney has furnished such commission with an opinion that this ordinance has been complied with by the subdivider. The subdivider must provide in addition to the other requirements of this ordinance an opinion of an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Texas addressed to the city, and furnished at the expense of the subdivider, that the title of the subdivider (owner or owners) petitioning for plat approval to be the fee simple owner of such property or if anyone else has any interest therein or lien thereon that he has subrogated such interest or lien to the dedication instruments hereinabove mentioned.
Improvements required prior to acceptance of the final plat.
Monuments consisting of one (1) inch iron pipe, twenty-six (26) inches in length, shall be placed at all corners of the block lines, the point of intersection of the alleys and block lines, and at the point of intersection of curves and tangents of the subdivision. This twenty-six (26) inch pipe shall be in two (2) lengths, one eighteen (18) inches in length, with an eight (8) inch length of pipe above, which shorter length shall be placed flush with the average ground elevation. When extremely loose soil conditions are encountered, upon authorization of the city engineer, an eight (8) inch wooden two (2) inch by two (2) inch stake as a substitute shall be driven in the top of the eighteen (18) inch length on one (1) inch pipe in lieu of the eight (8) inch length of one (1) inch pipe. All markers shall be indicated on the final plat.
Lot markers shall be two (2) inch by two (2) inch wooden stakes placed at each corner of all lots flush with the average ground elevation or they may be countersunk, if necessary, in order to avoid being disturbed.
Two (2) of the monuments provided in (i) above for block corner or intersection corners shall be permanent survey reference points. These points shall be marked with monuments, the top of which shall be twelve (12) inches below the existing ground and shall be made of two (2) inch diameter iron pipe eighteen (18) inches in length, the top twelve (12) inches of which shall be set in concrete. Inside of the two (2) inch pipe and extending to the surface of the ground a one (1) inch pipe shall be installed. These reference points should be located so as to establish one side of the subdivision.
Grading, drainage and structures necessary to the proper use and draining of streets, highways and ways, and to the public safety, all in accordance with plans and specifications of the city.
All streets within or abutting to the proposed subdivision shall be paved and curbs and gutters installed, according to specifications approved by the director of public works prior to such paving. All paving shall be at least thirty-six (36) feet wide; however, the city commission may require wider paving or may permit narrower paving where it is deemed appropriate. All paving shall be constructed under the supervision of the director of public works, who shall require compliance with all specifications. In the case of streets along the boundary of a proposed subdivision, the developer shall deposit one-half the estimated cost of paving such streets with the city secretary. All paving cost shall be borne by the subdivider except that the city may participate in such cost pursuant to existing paving policies.
Underground utility lines required in the subdivision shall be placed under or across all streets prior to paving.
Water and sewer:
Water and sewer lines shall be installed to serve all lots within the proposed subdivision.
Provided, however, the requirements of paragraph (i) of this subsection shall not be required when the planning commission finds one of the following situations to exist: Where water or sewer is not available and cannot be made available in the immediate future.
Street lighting:
The minimum requirement for street lighting facilities shall be one (1) candlepower light, or equal, at street intersections within or abutting the subdivision. Light standards shall be approved by the city electrical inspector.
Street name signs:
Street name signs shall be placed at all street intersections within or abutting the subdivision. Such signs shall be of a type approved by the city engineer and shall be placed in accordance with standards of erection of said director.
Bond in lieu:
In lieu of the completion or installation of any or all of the above improvements, and before the final plat is approved and recorded the city may accept a cash deposit or surety bond executed by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, to secure to the city the actual cost of such improvements as estimated by a professional engineer who is licensed to practice in Texas, which estimate shall also be approved by the city engineer.
Withholding improvements until approved.
The city shall withhold all city improvements of whatsoever nature including the furnishing of sewerage facilities and water service from all additions, which have not been approved as provided by this ordinance and further, no building permits shall be issued by the city for improvements on any piece of property in any subdivision until such city approval has been secured.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 6, adopted 2/10/64; Ordinance 400, sec. 1, adopted 4/28/78)
The subdivider shall improve, or agree to improve all streets in the subdivision. Improvements shall be installed to a permanent line and road and to the satisfaction of the city engineer in accordance with standard specifications of the City of Slaton or good engineering practice if specifications are not available. The minimum improvements which the subdivider shall make, or agree to make, prior to acceptance and approval of the final plat by the city commission shall be:
Grading, integral curb and gutter, six (6) inch curb and eighteen (18) inch gutter of twenty-five hundred (2,500) p.s.i. concrete, drainage, and drainage structures necessary to properly drain the area.
Pavement of a width suitable for the traffic on the street minimum acceptable pavements: A triple asphalt surface treatment of one and one-half (1-1/2) inch hot mix, six (6) inch gravel or caliche base, the base and material should have a plastic index of twenty (20) or less, or six (6) inch reinforced concrete (2,500) p.s.i. asphaltic concrete on a properly prepared subgrade, properly compacted base with a minimum compressive strength of two thousand five hundred (2,500) p.s.i. at twenty-eight (28) days and have a minimum of five (5) sacks of cement per cubic yard and a maximum of seven and five-tenths (7.5) gallons of water per cubic yard.
Sidewalks; four (4) foot wide, four (4) inches thick, two thousand five hundred (2,500) p.s.i. concrete.
All concrete in pavements under (1), (2) and (3) shall have a minimum compressive strength of two thousand five hundred (2,500) p.s.i. at twenty-eight (28) days and have a minimum of five (5) sacks of cement per cubic yard and a maximum of seven and five-tenths (7.5) gallons of water per cubic yard.
Water systems with mains of sufficient size and having a sufficient number of outlets to furnish adequate domestic water supply, furnish fire protection to all lots and to meet the requirements of the City of Slaton water and sewer department as set forth by the city engineer.
Sanitary sewer facilities to service the subdivision and to meet the requirements of the City of Slaton water and sewer department.
All services for utilities shall be made available for each lot in such a manner as will obviate the necessity for disturbing the street pavement, gutter, curb and drainage structures when connections are made.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 7, adopted 2/10/64)
The subdivider may award the contract and make payments directly to the contractor, after the plans and specifications have been approved by the city engineer for all grading, paving, drainage, structures and sidewalks in the addition. The engineer who shall be a professional engineer licensed to practice in Texas representing the subdivider shall prepare the plans and specifications for the water and sewer lines and present them to the city engineer for approval after which the city may advertise for bids and award the contract if the cost for said contract has been paid to the city by the subdivider. When completed and before final approval of the plat for filing the aforesaid licensed professional engineer shall furnish his signed certificate to the city secretary with a copy also to the city engineer and the city attorney that the improvements meet the requirements of this ordinance in all respects.
Subdivider shall also upon completion furnish to the city attorney for approval a surety bond in the principal sum of twenty-five (25) percent of the original cost of such improvements, of a corporation with a permit to do business in Texas to the effect that such subdivider shall pay for any and all repairs needed to such improvements within two (2) years of their completion date as set forth above. The city may make the repairs itself or have them done and charge the subdivider the reasonable cost thereof including the cost of the city’s labor expense in doing so as computed by the city, which shall after such approval be filed with the city secretary.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 8, adopted 2/10/64)
The engineer representing the subdivider must present to the City of Slaton reproducible complete as-built plans for all paving, drainage structures, waterline and sewer lines within thirty (30) days after completion of each contract.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 9, adopted 2/10/64)
The following schedule of fees and charges shall be paid into the general fund of the City of Slaton when any preliminary map or plat is tendered to the city planning commission or any other board or agency, and each of the fees and charges provided herein shall be paid in advance, and no action of the city planning commission or any other board or agency shall be valid until the fee shall have been paid to the officer designated herein. The city secretary, his deputies or assistants shall calculate the fees and charges in accordance with the following schedule:
Preliminary plats. $10.00 per plat, plus $1.00 per lot.
Final plats. $20.00 per plat, plus $2.00 per lot.
For approval of multiple dwelling areas, business or industrial areas not subdivided into lots, both the preliminary and final plats shall carry a fee of $5.00 per acre.
These fees shall be charged on all plats, regardless of the action taken by the city planning commission whether the plat is approved or denied.
Advice and cooperation in the preparation of plats will be freely given by the city engineer.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 10, adopted 2/10/64)
The terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Slaton regulating subdivisions, and such other ordinances are not repealed by this ordinance except in those instances where the provisions of said other ordinances conflict with the terms of this ordinance, in which event the terms of this ordinance shall prevail.
(Ordinance 232, sec. 11, adopted 2/10/64)