As used in this article, the word “cemetery” shall mean and include any cemetery belonging to or operated by the city.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-1)
This article shall apply to the operation, control and conduct of the cemetery.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-2)
The sale or transfer of any cemetery lot or part of a lot shall be subject to the approval of the city.
The mayor is authorized to execute deeds for cemetery lots sold.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-4)
No deed shall be delivered or no burial will be allowed in any cemetery lot if the purchase price of such lot has not been paid or if any other charge is due and unpaid, and all charges properly payable to the city must be paid in advance.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-5)
The city will not permit any interment to be made on any cemetery lot except under an order from the lot owner or his heirs or assigns, delivered at the office of the city secretary and indicating the desired location for such interment.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-6)
Vehicles must be driven at a speed not exceeding fifteen (15) miles per hour through the cemetery and must not be turned around in the avenues.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-7)
The driving or riding of vehicles or animals will not be allowed on lots or upon the lawns or walks of the cemetery.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-8)
Sitting, lounging or lying at full length on lots, mounds or ornamental grounds at the cemetery and sitting or standing on graves therein is unlawful.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-9)
No signs indicating that a lot or vault is for sale and no sign, card or advertisement of any stone-cutter, undertaker or other person will be permitted in the cemetery.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-10)
The digging of a grave for an interment in the cemetery will be done only by city employees or any authorized person. A notice of not less than twenty-four (24) working hours must be given to insure proper preparation of the grave.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-11; Ordinance adopting Code)
The grades of cemetery lots once established cannot be changed without the consent of the city council.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-12)
The city will not allow work of any description to be done or placed upon any cemetery lot unless a written order from the lot holder or his representative is presented. This section applies to the cutting of inscriptions, setting of markers and other such work, and also to the removal of anything from the lot.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-13; Ordinance adopting Code)
No workman, except one employed in the erection of stone work will be allowed to work in the grounds of the cemetery, except by special permit from the city.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-14; Ordinance adopting Code)
The city authorities shall have the right to exclude from the grounds of the cemetery any person who disobeys any provision of this article. They shall also have the right to refuse permits to persons whose work is not satisfactory, or whose employees disobey the rules of the cemetery.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-15)
All orders taken for work in the cemetery shall be subject to the rules of the city council.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-16)
Enclosures of any kind, curbing or coping around a lot, ornaments, chairs, settees, vases, glass jars, pitchers, artificial flowers, flowers, toys, watering cans or other articles that may be considered objectionable by the authorities are prohibited in the cemetery and the right to remove the same without notice to lot owners is reserved. Objects of wood of any kind will not be permitted in the cemetery.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-17)
The city council or appointed authority may, from time to time, lay out and alter avenues or walks and make regulations for the government of the grounds and care and control of lots in the cemetery as it may deem requisite and proper to secure and promote the general objects of the cemetery.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-18)
All boundary markers set up in the cemetery by the city authorities must remain undisturbed.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-19)
Plans for markers must be submitted to the city to secure permit for erection in the cemetery.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-20)
The city will not be responsible for any funeral design, floral piece or other article or thing placed on any lot or grave in the cemetery.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-21)
If any trees or shrubs situated on any cemetery lot shall, by means of their roots or branches, become detrimental to the adjacent lots or avenues, or become unsightly or inconvenient for visitors, the city authorities shall have the right to enter the lot for such purpose, to remove the trees or shrubbery or such part thereof as they shall determine to be detrimental, unsightly or inconvenient. The city authorities shall have the right to remove any trees or shrubs that may be infected by scales or other diseases and to plant and mow the grass on all lots and graves.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-22)
Funeral designs and floral pieces will be removed from the graves when they become wilted or unsightly. Persons desiring to retain any such design or piece must remove the same within forty-eight (48) hours after the interment. In no case will employees attempt to locate designs or floral pieces after their removal from the lots.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-23)
The city authorities shall have full right to fill and level graves and plant grass thereon.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-24)
Contractors or their employees will not be permitted to work in the cemetery on Sunday, or before 7:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. on any other day.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-25)
Marker work or any other material shall not be brought into the cemetery when the ground is not in a suitable condition, or when the proper foundation has not been prepared.
Masons and stone cutters will not be permitted to bring into the grounds of the cemetery, material in large quantities in advance of its immediate use, nor in any unprepared condition. Blocks of granite or marble must be dressed to the design and dimensions ready for setting and lime must be sacked and mortar prepared and brought to the grounds in moderate supply, and all chips, pruning and rubbish must be gathered up and carried to places of deposit as required by the city authorities.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-26)
The city must in all cases be consulted before any heavy load shall enter the cemetery grounds.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-27; Ordinance adopting Code)
Guy ropes must not be fastened to any trees or shrubs in the cemetery.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-28)
All materials must be moved on the paths of the cemetery and over planks laid for the purpose, and not over adjoining lots.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-29)
The city council reserves the right to prohibit the erection in the cemetery of any marker or other monumental work that may be considered by the members of the council to be inappropriate, whether in material, design, workmanship or location or which might interfere with the general effect or obstruct any principal view.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-30)
If any monument, vault, effigy or any structure whatever placed in or upon any cemetery lot which is determined by the city authorities to be offensive, improper or injurious to the appearance of the surrounding lots or grounds, they shall have the right to enter upon such lot and remove the offensive or improper object and they may do so without notice to the owner.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-31)
Undertakers will be held responsible for the action of all vehicle drivers or others employed by them, including all agents, employees, and subcontractors, while within the grounds of the cemetery.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-32)
No grave mounds shall exist after the grave settles.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-33)
The city shall have the power to suspend work in the cemetery immediately whenever there is a failure to conform to the regulations prescribed in this article.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7, Sec. 7-34)