Pursuant to the provisions of article 999b, Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes, the city administrator and/or chief of police are authorized to assign the regularly employed law enforcement personnel of his department to assist any other county or municipality in this state, when a state of civil emergency in such county or municipality has been declared by proper authority, upon request by such proper authority, and when, in the opinion of such proper authority, a need exists in such other county or municipality for the services of additional law enforcement officers to protect the health, life and property of such other county or municipality, its inhabitants and the visitors thereto, by reason of riot, unlawful assembly characterized by the use of force and violence or threat thereof by three (3) or more persons acting together or without lawful authority, or during time of natural disaster or man-made calamity.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Sec. 2-4)
Whenever any law enforcement officer of any other county or municipality is assigned to this city under authority of an order adopted by the governing body of such other county or municipality, to assist under circumstances as described above which may exist in this city, such officer shall be a peace officer of this city and shall be under the command of the chief of police of this city while so assigned and he shall have all the powers of a regular law enforcement officer of this city as fully as though he were within the county or municipality where regularly employed, and his qualifications, respectively, for office where regularly employed shall constitute his qualification for office in this city, and no other oath, bond or compensation shall be made.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Sec. 2-5)
When any law enforcement officer of this city is ordered by proper authority to perform peace officer duties outside the territorial limits of this city, he shall be entitled to the same wage, salary, pension and all other compensation and all other rights for such service, including injury or death benefits, the same as though the service had been rendered within the limits of this city; and he shall also be paid for any reasonable expenses of travel, food or lodging, as well as for damage to equipment and clothing and medical expenses, which he may incur while on duty outside such limits, or while traveling to or from such assignment.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Sec. 2-6)
When any law enforcement officer is assigned to this city from another county or city under the circumstances described above, and upon request of the proper authority of this city, this city will, upon proper request, reimburse the county or city furnishing the services of such law enforcement officer for his actual expenses of travel, food, lodging, and for such cost or damage to equipment and clothing resulting from the services of such law enforcement officer in this city and for which the county or city where he is regularly employed has paid.
(1979 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 2, Sec. 2-7)