[Adopted 4-19-2022 by Ord. No. 22-2050]
The Mayor and Council hereby create the Shade Tree Advisory Committee ("STAC").
[Amended 9-6-2022 by Ord. No. 22-2056]
The Shade Tree Advisory Committee ("STAC") shall consist of up to nine members who are residents of the Borough of Highland Park. All members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council. Each member of STAC shall at all times be considered a volunteer participating in a community forestry program as provided for by the New Jersey Shade Tree and Community Forestry Assistance Act, P.L. 1996, c. 135 (N.J.S.A. 13:1L-17.1 et seq.), as amended from time to time, and any successor state statute (the "State Forestry Act"). The members of STAC shall from time to time select from among themselves a Chairperson, or Co-Chairpersons, or a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, as well as any other officers that may be deemed by the members to be beneficial to the running of STAC and/or the execution of its duties and responsibilities, including but not limited to a Secretary and Assistant Secretary. The members of STAC may from time to time establish (or discontinue) subcommittees and heads of subcommittees that may be deemed by the members of STAC to be beneficial to the running of STAC and/or the execution of its duties and responsibilities.
[Amended 9-6-2022 by Ord. No. 22-2056]
STAC shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities:
Advise the Borough on the care and planting of all trees and shrubbery now located or which may hereafter be planted on any street, highway and public place either owned or maintained by the Borough, including the annual tree planting program.
Advise the Borough on the use of ground surrounding said trees and shrubbery, as may be necessary for their proper growth, care and protection, now located or which may hereafter be planted on any street, highway and public place either owned or maintained by the Borough.
Advise the Borough on the removal of any trees and shrubbery, or part thereof, and advise on subsequent replantings as appropriate for trees and shrubbery now located or which may hereafter be planted on any street, highway and public place either owned or maintained by the Borough.
Advise Borough officials on the passage, alteration, amendment and repeal of ordinances necessary for carrying out the provisions hereof, including but not limited to Chapter 388, Tree Removal and Protection, of this Code.
Encourage responsible, healthy, site-appropriate arboriculture and horticulture among Borough residents.
Maintain the municipal street tree inventory.
Assist in the development and implementation of the Borough's Community Forestry Management Plan to provide for tree planting and the maintenance of a healthy and safe urban forest. To the extent required by the State Forestry Act, a Community Forestry Management Plan shall be adopted by the Borough and updated every five years.
Develop and maintain the Mary Denver Native Plant Sanctuary located on Borough property near River Road, with sole authority for the care, planting and removal of any plant, shrub or tree within the boundaries of the Mary Denver Native Plant Sanctuary.
Advise the Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment on the proposed removal, planting and replacement of trees and shrubbery shown or required to be shown on any site plan submitted to such boards.
Provide any advice and oversight and fulfill any duties and responsibilities assigned to STAC under Chapter 388 of this Code and under any other provision of this Code relating to trees within the Borough, including without limitation any funding for such trees.