The director of public works is hereby authorized to designate through streets.
(1989 Code, sec. 16-116; 2009 Code, sec. 12.04.091)
The director of public works is hereby authorized to determine and designate intersections where particular hazards exist upon other than through streets and to determine whether vehicles shall stop at one (1) or more entrances to any such stop intersection. The director of public works shall erect a stop sign at every such place where a stop is required.
(1989 Code, sec. 16-117; 2009 Code, sec. 12.04.092)
Yield right-of-way signs shall be placed on certain streets within the city. The director of public works of the city shall designate the streets upon which the yield right-of-way signs shall be placed.
(1989 Code, sec. 16-119; 2009 Code, sec. 12.04.093)
The schedule of streets determined to be stop or yield intersections is on file in the city secretary’s office.
(1989 Code, sec. 16-120; 2009 Code, sec. 12.04.094)