This table shows the location or gives the disposition of the chapters, sections and subsections of the 1989 Bandera Code of Ordinances within this revised code. The abbreviation "NIC" means the provision is not included in this code, though not necessarily repealed.
1989 CODE
2009 CODE
2023 Code
§ 1-1
How Code designated and cited
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-2
Rules of construction and definitions
§ 1-3
Catchlines of sections
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-4
References to chapters or sections
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-5
References and editor’s notes
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-6
History notes
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-7
Certain ordinances not affected by Code
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-8
Effect of repeal of ordinances
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-9
Code does not affect prior offenses, rights, etc
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-10
Additions and amendments deemed incorporated in Code
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-11
Amendments or additions to Code
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-12
Supplementation of Code
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-13
Severability of parts of Code
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-14
Altering Code
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-15
General penalty for violations of Code; continuing violations
Superseded by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 1-16
Negative complaint not required for violation
Sec. 1.01.010
§ 1-17
Judgments and sentences to run consecutively
Sec. 1.01.011
Article I. In General
§ 2-1
Sec. 1.02.001
§ 2-2
Boundary description of city metes and bounds
Sec. 1.02.002
§ 2-3
Indemnity for certain officials
Sec. 1.02.003
Article II. City Council
Division 1. Generally
§ 2-21
Residency requirement
Amnd. by Ord. 361
§ 2-22
Term of mayor
Amnd. by Ord. 361
§ 2-23
Term of office of councilmembers
Amnd. by Ord. 361
Division 2. Meetings
§ 2-36
Place and time
Amnd. by Ord. 221-R1
§ 2-37
Meetings open to public
Amnd. by Ord. 221-R1
§ 2-38
Conduct of meetings—Agenda
Amnd. by Ord. 221-R1
§ 2-39
Same—Time limits
Amnd. by Ord. 221-R1
§ 2-40
Same—Action by mayor
Amnd. by Ord. 221-R1
§ 2-41
Amnd. by Ord. 221-R1
§ 2-42
Rules of procedure
Amnd. by Ord. 221-R1
§ 2-43
Smoking prohibited
Amnd. by Ord. 221-R1
Article III. Boards, Committees, Commissions
Division 1. Generally (Reserved)
Division 2. Grievance Committee
§ 2-71
Amnd. by Ord. 121
§ 2-72
Dltd. by Ord. 121
§ 2-73
Chairman and vice-chairman
Dltd. by Ord. 121
§ 2-74
Dltd. by Ord. 121
§ 2-75
Removal of members
Dltd. by Ord. 121
§ 2-76
Dltd. by Ord. 121
§ 2-77
Rules, regulations, bylaws
Dltd. by Ord. 121
§ 2-78
Powers and duties
Dltd. by Ord. 121
Division 3. Planning and Zoning Commission
§ 2-91
Creation; composition
Amnd. by Ord. 120
§ 2-92
Appointment; qualifications; tenure of members
Rpld. by Ord. 266
§ 2-93
Election of chairman and vice-chairman
Sec. 1.05.033
§ 2-94
Terms of office of chairman and vice-chairman
Sec. 1.05.034
§ 2-95
Sec. 1.05.035
§ 2-96
Removal of members
Amnd. by Ord. 120
§ 2-97
Sec. 1.05.036
§ 2-98
Organization; meetings; reports
Rpld. by Ord. 266
§ 2-99
Powers and duties
Amnd. by Ord. 332
Article IV. Officers and Employees
Division 1. Generally
§ 2-116
Bonds for city officers and employees
Sec. 9.01.001
§ 2-117
Sec. 9.01.002
Division 2. Chief of Police
§ 2-131
Creation of office; appointment; compensation
Amnd. by Ord. 213
§ 2-132
Bond required
Amnd. by Ord. 213
§ 2-133
Duties and powers
Amnd. by Ord. 213
Division 3. City Attorney
§ 2-146
Sec. 1.04.071
Division 4. City Treasurer
§ 2-161
Sec. 1.04.131
Amnd. by Ord. 395
§ 2-162
Amnd. by Ord. 134A
§ 2-163
Sec. 1.04.133
Amnd. by Ord. 395
§ 2-164
Dltd. by Ord. 395
§ 2-165
Sec. 1.04.135
Amnd. by Ord. 395
§ 2-166
Sec. 1.04.136
Amnd. by Ord. 395
§ 2-167
Payment of warrants
Sec. 1.04.137
§ 2-168
Sec. 1.04.138
§ 2-169
Drawing of checks and warrants
Sec. 1.04.139
§ 2-170
Books to be audited
Sec. 1.04.140
Division 5. Police Officers
§ 2-186
Creation of office; appointment; compensation
Rpld. by Ord. 213
§ 2-187
Duties and powers
Rpld. by Ord. 213
Article V. Pensions and Retirement
Division 1. Generally (Reserved)
Division 2. Federal Old Age and Survivor’s Benefits
§ 2-211
Established, eligibility
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 2-212
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 2-213
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 2-214
Employee contributions
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 2-215
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
Division 3. Texas Municipal Retirement System
§ 2-226
Election to participate
§ 2-227
§ 2-228
Retirement eligibility
§ 2-229
Addition or deletion of employees or departments
§ 2-230
Earnings subject to contribution
§ 2-231
City contribution
§ 2-232
Remittance to board of trustees
§ 2-233
Supplemental benefits fund— Election to participate
§ 2-234
Same—Addition or deletion of employees or departments
§ 2-235
Same—Remittance to board of trustees
§ 2-236
Same—Effective date of participation
§ 2-237
Supplemental death benefit fund— Election to participate
§ 2-238
Same—Additional rights, credits and benefits
Article I. In General
§ 3-1
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-2
Bird sanctuary established
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-3
Restraining of animals
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-4
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-5
Nuisances prohibited
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-6
Certain wild animals prohibited; regulations; exceptions
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-7
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-8
Permitted animals
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-9
Unlawful to break down pound enclosure
Amnd. by Ord. 253
Article II. Animal Control Department
§ 3-26
Enforcement by animal control department—Issuance of citation
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-27
Same—Unknown owner
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-28
Certain animals become property of city
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-29
Disposition of impounded animal
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-30
Transfer of title to humane society
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-31
Amnd. by Ord. 253
Article III. Dogs
§ 3-46
License required
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-47
Application and fee for license
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-48
Required license tag
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-49
Conditions for license
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-50
Special confinement required for fierce, dangerous, vicious dogs
Amnd. by Ord. 253
Article IV. Livestock
§ 3-66
Certain animals prohibited in city
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-67
Requirements for animals kept in city
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-68
Sanitation requirements
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-69
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-70
Animals running at large prohibited
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-71
Vaccination of certain animals required
Amnd. by Ord. 253
Article V. Other Animals
§ 3-86
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-87
Amnd. by Ord. 253
Article VI. Rabies Control
§ 3-101
Rabies vaccination required
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-102
Report of diagnosis of rabies suspect by veterinarian
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-103
Quarantine regulations
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-104
City-wide quarantine
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-105
Killing or removing rabid animal from the city
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-106
Disposition of certain animals
Amnd. by Ord. 253
Article VII. Impoundment
§ 3-121
Animals running at large
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-122
Unvaccinated dogs
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-123
Vaccinated dogs
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-124
Redemption by owner prior to sale
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-125
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-126
Disposal of certain unredeemed animals at public sale
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-127
Pound master required to issue receipts for all fees and proceeds of sale
Amnd. by Ord. 253
§ 3-128
Record of impounded animals by pound master required
Amnd. by Ord. 253
Article I. In General
§ 4-1
Conflict and interpretation of codes adopted by reference
Dltd. by Ord. 198
§ 4-2
House mover to procure permit
Dltd. by Ord. 198
Article II. Contractor’s License
§ 4-16
Annual contractor’s license fee; expiration
Rpld. by Ord. 157
§ 4-17
Restricted license
Rpld. by Ord. 157
§ 4-18
Bond required
Rpld. by Ord. 157
Article III. Buildings
Division 1. Generally (Reserved)
Division 2. Building Construction Standards
§ 4-41
Building code—Adopted
Amnd. by Ord. 157
§ 4-42
Amnd. by Ord. 157
Division 3. Unsafe Buildings
§ 4-56
Code adopted
Amnd. by Ord. 198
Article IV. Electrical Standards
§ 4-71
Adoption of National Electric Code
Amnd. by Ord. 157
Article V. Plumbing Standards
§ 4-86
Adoption of code
Amnd. by Ord. 157
Article VI. Gas Standards
§ 4-101
Adoption of code
Amnd. by Ord. 157
Article VII. Housing Standards
§ 4-121
Adoption of code
Amnd. by Ord. 157
Article VIII. Mechanical Standards
§ 4-136
Adoption of code
Amnd. by Ord. 157
Article IX. Swimming Pools
§ 4-151
Adoption of code
Amnd. by Ord. 157
Article X. Excavation and Grading Standards
§ 4-171
Adoption of code
Dltd. by Ord. 198
§ 5-1
Emergency management committee—Created; membership
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-2
Same—Powers and duties
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-3
Office of coordinator created; power and duties
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-4
Chairman of emergency management committee and coordinator appointed
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-5
Assistant emergency management coordinator
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-6
Organization created; powers and duties
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-7
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-8
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-9
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-10
Oath required
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-11
Warning signals
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-12
Rules and regulations, interpretation; conflicts
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-13
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-14
Expenditures approved by city council
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 5-15
Certain activities prohibited
Superseded by Ord. 229
§ 6-1
Fire code adopted
Superseded by Ord. 198
Article I. In General
§ 7-1
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-2
Statutory authorization
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-3
Findings of fact
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-4
Statement of purpose
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-5
Lands to which this chapter applies
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-6
Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-7
Methods of reducing flood losses
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-8
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-9
Abrogation and greater restrictions
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-10
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-11
Warning and disclaimer of liability
Rpld. by Ord. 250
Article II. Administration
§ 7-31
Designation of the floodplain administrator
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-32
Duties and responsibilities of the floodplain administrator
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-33
Establishment of development permit
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-34
Permit procedures
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-35
Variance procedures
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-36
Prerequisite for granting variances
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-37
Conditions for variance
Rpld. by Ord. 250
Article III. Flood Hazard Reduction
§ 7-51
General standards
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-52
Specific standards
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-53
Standards for subdivision proposals
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-54
Standards for areas of shallow flooding (AO/AH Zones)
Rpld. by Ord. 250
§ 7-55
Rpld. by Ord. 250
Article I. In General
§ 8-1
Anti-litter regulations
Sec. 8.01.001
Article II. Nuisances
§ 8-16
Sec. 6.03.001
§ 8-17
Conditions conducive to stagnant water prohibited
Sec. 6.03.002
§ 8-18
Permitting stagnant water accumulation prohibited
Sec. 6.03.003
§ 8-19
Permitting accumulation of unsightly or unwholesome matter prohibited
Sec. 6.03.004
§ 8-20
Permitting growth of weeds or brush prohibited
Sec. 6.03.005
§ 8-21
Remedy by city authorized; cost charged to owner or assessed against property
Sec. 6.03.006
§ 8-22
Cost of remedy by city filed with county clerk; privileged lien held by city
Sec. 6.03.007
§ 8-23
Remedies not exclusive
Sec. 6.03.008
Article I. In General (Reserved)
Article II. Motor Vehicles
Division 1. Generally
§ 9-16
Rpld. by Ord. 236
§ 9-17
Effect on other laws
Rpld. by Ord. 236
Division 2. Abandoned Vehicles
§ 9-31
Authority to take possession of abandoned motor vehicles
Rpld. by Ord. 236
§ 9-32
Notification of owner and lienholders
Rpld. by Ord. 236
§ 9-33
Rpld. by Ord. 236
§ 9-34
Auction of abandoned motor vehicles
Rpld. by Ord. 236
§ 9-35
Disposal to demolishers
Rpld. by Ord. 236
Division 3. Junked Vehicles
§ 9-51
Junked vehicles as public nuisance
Rpld. by Ord. 236
§ 9-52
Procedures for abating nuisance
Rpld. by Ord. 236
§ 9-53
Disposal of junked vehicles
Rpld. by Ord. 236
§ 9-54
Authority to enforce
Rpld. by Ord. 236
Article III. Other Personal Property
§ 9-71
Impounding authorized
Sec. 8.03.001
§ 9-72
Sec. 8.03.002
§ 9-73
Lien on impounded property
Sec. 8.03.003
§ 9-74
Property to be sold
Sec. 8.03.004
§ 9-75
Procedure for sale of personal property
Sec. 8.03.005
§ 9-76
Redemption by owner before sale
Sec. 8.03.006
§ 9-77
Redemption by owner after sale
Sec. 8.03.007
§ 9-78
Disposal of proceeds of sale
Sec. 8.03.008
§ 9-79
Sec. 8.03.009
§ 9-80
Sec. 8.03.010
§ 9-81
Sec. 8.03.011
Article I. In General (Reserved)
Article II. Alcoholic Beverages
§ 10-16
Sec. 4.02.001
§ 10-17
License and permit fees levied
Sec. 4.02.002
§ 10-18
Extended hours adopted
Sec. 4.02.003
§ 10-19
Alcoholic beverage sale limited near schools and churches
Rpld. by Ord. 247
Article III. Amusements
§ 10-31
Code adopted
Superseded by Ord. 198
Article IV. City Market
§ 10-46
Dltd. and replaced by Ord. 255
§ 10-47
Illegal to sell in streets and public places
Dltd. and replaced by Ord. 255
Article V. Junkyards
§ 10-66
Declared a nuisance
Sec. 4.01.002
Article VI. Peddlers, Solicitors, Canvassers
§ 10-86
Sec. 4.03.001
Rpld. by Ord. 427
§ 10-87
Annual license required
Sec. 4.03.002
Rpld. by Ord. 427
§ 10-88
License requirements; revocation
Sec. 4.03.003
Rpld. by Ord. 427
§ 10-89
Exceptions to license requirement
Sec. 4.03.004
Rpld. by Ord. 427
§ 10-90
Sec. 4.03.005
Rpld. by Ord. 427
Article VII. Taxicabs
Division 1. Generally
§ 10-106
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-107
Taxi fares
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-108
Taxi transport for immoral purposes prohibited
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-109
Mechanical inspection of taxicabs required
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-110
Parking, standing limited to authorized taxicab stands
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-111
Unlawful to exceed taxicab seating capacity
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
Division 2. Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
§ 10-126
Number of authorized taxicabs determined by city council
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-127
Certificate of public convenience and necessity required prior to issuance of permit
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-128
City secretary required to present application to city council
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-129
City council decision on issue of certificate; notification of applicant
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-130
Information on automobiles; issuance of certificate
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-131
Certificate not transferable; substitution of vehicle
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
Division 3. Taxicab Permits
§ 10-146
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-147
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-148
Issued on presentation of certificate; payment of fees
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-149
Nonassignable; revocable
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-150
Termination of permit; prior notice required
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-151
Liability insurance or surety bond required
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-152
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-153
Policy or bond filed with city secretary
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-154
Insurance or bond noncancellable
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-155
City held free of liability
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-156
Identification and marking required
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-157
Electric sign on top of taxicab
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-158
Reasonable lighting for identification and safety
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-159
Unlawful for permit holder to operate taxicab not owned by him
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
Division 4. Permit and Street Rental Fees
§ 10-171
Street rental fee levied on taxicab operation
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-172
When due and payable
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-173
Permit and street rental fees; how calculated and paid
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-174
Taxicab business required to maintain bookkeeping system acceptable to city council
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-175
Permit revocation; causes specified
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
Division 5. Drivers
§ 10-191
Valid chauffeur’s license required of taxi driver
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-192
Suspension of right to drive taxi upon conviction of violation
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 10-193
Unlawful to hire taxi driver suspended for violation
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
Article VIII. Temporary Businesses
§ 10-211
Rpld. by Ord. 238
§ 10-212
License required
Rpld. by Ord. 238
§ 10-213
Form of license; fee
Rpld. by Ord. 238
§ 10-214
Bond requirements for certain business operations
Rpld. by Ord. 238
§ 10-215
Business operations with more than one (1) employee
Rpld. by Ord. 238
§ 10-216
Rpld. by Ord. 238
§ 11-1
Discharge of firearms prohibited
Sec. 8.01.003
§ 11-2
Fireworks prohibited
Sec. 8.01.004
§ 12-1
Sec. 7.01.001
§ 12-2
Judge appointed; jurisdiction; compensation
Sec. 7.01.002
§ 12-3
Sec. 7.01.003(a)
§ 12-4
Same—Duties and powers
Sec. 7.01.003(b)
§ 12-5
Docket form
Sec. 7.01.004
§ 12-6
Complaint—Clerk to receive and file
Sec. 7.01.005(a)
§ 12-7
Sec. 7.01.005(b)
§ 12-8
Sec. 7.01.005(c)
§ 12-9
Issuance of warrants
Sec. 7.01.006
§ 12-10
Court procedure
Sec. 7.01.007
§ 12-11
Cases to tried in open court
Sec. 7.01.008
§ 12-12
Pleading by defendant
Sec. 7.01.009
§ 12-13
Sec. 7.01.010
§ 12-14
Jury fees
Sec. 7.01.011
§ 12-15
Jury fees to be taxed
Sec. 7.01.012
§ 12-16
Fines and costs paid to clerk
Sec. 7.01.013
Article I. In General
§ 14-1
Obstruction of public ways unlawful
Sec. 3.06.001(a)
§ 14-2
Encroachment of buildings, walls, fences prohibited
Sec. 3.06.001(b)
§ 14-3
Placing obstructions in streets, alleys, sidewalks prohibited; exception
Sec. 3.06.001(c)
§ 14-4
Throwing organic matter and rubbish in public ways prohibited
Sec. 8.01.002
Article II. Streets
Division 1. Generally
§ 14-21
Stock driver to procure permit
Sec. 8.01.005
Division 2. Excavations
§ 14-36
Permit required
Sec. 3.06.041
§ 14-37
Permit application
Sec. 3.06.042
§ 14-38
Sec. 3.06.043
§ 14-39
Sec. 3.06.044
§ 14-40
City free from liability
Sec. 3.06.045
§ 14-41
Manner of excavating
Sec. 3.06.046
§ 14-42
Restoring surface
Sec. 3.06.047
§ 14-43
Restoring surrounding area
Sec. 3.06.048
§ 14-44
Sec. 3.06.049
§ 14-45
Sec. 3.06.050
§ 14-46
Guarding excavation
Sec. 3.06.051
§ 14-47
Sec. 3.06.052
§ 14-48
Sec. 3.06.053
Article III. Sidewalks
§ 14-66
Owners required to maintain sidewalks in good repair
Sec. 3.06.002(a)
§ 14-67
Owners required to keep sidewalks, gutters clean
Sec. 3.06.002(b)
§ 14-68
Riding on sidewalk
Amnd. by Ord. 156
§ 14-69
Leading, driving animals or animal-drawn vehicles on sidewalks prohibited
Sec. 8.01.006
§ 14-70
Hitching of animals regulated
Sec. 8.01.007
§ 14-71
Installation of commercial equipment in sidewalks
Sec. 3.06.003
§ 14-72
Sidewalk obstructions prohibited
Sec. 3.06.004
Article IV. Driveways
§ 14-91
Sec. 3.06.091
§ 14-92
Permit required
Sec. 3.06.092(a)
§ 14-93
Application for permit
Sec. 3.06.092(b)
§ 14-94
Materials furnished by owner or lessee, city engineer approval required
Sec. 3.06.093
§ 14-95
Maintenance and limitations; subject to city inspection
Sec. 3.06.094
§ 14-96
Changes and alterations
Sec. 3.06.095
§ 14-97
Construction or reconstruction; replacement of original structure
Sec. 3.06.096
§ 14-98
Public access driveways; city responsible
Sec. 3.06.097
§ 14-99
Sec. 3.06.098
§ 14-100
Design requirements
Sec. 3.06.099
Article I. Generally (Reserved)
Article II. Hotel Occupancy Tax
§ 15-16
Sec. 11.04.001
§ 15-17
Levy of tax; exception
Sec. 11.04.002
§ 15-18
Use of funds
Sec. 11.04.003
§ 15-19
Sec. 11.04.004
§ 15-20
Reports, payment of tax
Sec. 11.04.005
§ 15-21
Rules and regulations
Sec. 11.04.006
§ 15-22
Sec. 11.04.007
Article I. In General
§ 16-1
Sec. 12.01.001
§ 16-2
Permit required for parades and processions
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 16-3
Riding prohibited on portions of vehicles not intended for passengers
Sec. 12.01.002
§ 16-4
Clinging to moving vehicles
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 16-5
Excessive or unusual noises
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 16-6
Driving through funeral or other procession
Sec. 12.01.006
§ 16-7
Drivers in a funeral or other procession
Sec. 12.01.007
§ 16-8
Driving through school zones or across school crossings
Sec. 12.01.003
§ 16-9
Driving through safety zones
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 16-10
Manner of starting and stopping vehicle
Sec. 12.01.004
§ 16-11
Limitations on turning around
Sec. 12.01.005
Article II. Administration
§ 16-31
Establishment and control of traffic division
Sec. 12.02.001
§ 16-32
Duties of traffic division
Sec. 12.02.002
§ 16-33
Records of traffic violations
Sec. 12.02.003
§ 16-34
Investigation of traffic accidents
Sec. 12.02.004
§ 16-35
Traffic accident studies
Sec. 12.02.005
§ 16-36
Traffic accident records and reports
Sec. 12.02.006
§ 16-37
Annual traffic safety reports
Sec. 12.02.007
§ 16-38
City traffic engineer, duties
Sec. 12.02.008
§ 16-39
Emergency and experimental regulations
Sec. 12.02.009
§ 16-40
Enforcement by police department
Sec. 12.02.010
§ 16-41
Use of coasters, roller skates and similar devices restricted
Sec. 12.08.001
§ 16-42
Parking fines, court costs and procedures to collect same
Sec. 12.02.011
Article III. Traffic-Control Devices
§ 16-61
Authority to install traffic-control devices
Sec. 12.03.001
§ 16-62
Crosswalks, safety zones, traffic lanes
Sec. 12.03.002
§ 16-63
School zones and crossings
Sec. 12.03.003
§ 16-64
Turning markers and signs
Sec. 12.03.004
§ 16-65
Restricted turn signs
Sec. 12.03.005
Article IV. Specific Street Regulations
Division 1. Generally (Reserved)
Division 2. Speed Limits
§ 16-91
State speed laws applicable
Sec. 12.04.031
§ 16-92
Schedule of speed limits
Sec. 12.04.032
Division 3. One-Way Streets
§ 16-101
Erection of signs
Sec. 12.02.061
§ 16-102
Driving on one-way streets and alleys
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 16-103
Schedule of one-way streets in the city
Sec. 12.04.062
Division 4. Stop Streets
§ 16-116
Authority to designate through streets
Sec. 12.04.091
§ 16-117
Authority to designate stop intersections
Sec. 12.04.092
§ 16-118
Vehicles to stop at stop signs
Rpld. by Ord. adopting 2009 Code
§ 16-119
Yield right-of-way signs
Sec. 12.04.093
§ 16-120
Streets designated for stopping or yielding
Sec. 12.04.094
Article V. Stopping, Standing, Parking
Division 1. Generally
§ 16-136
Angle parking
Sec. 12.05.001
§ 16-137
Parking of commercial vehicles in residence districts
Sec. 12.05.002
§ 16-138
Parking for certain purposes prohibited
Sec. 12.05.003
§ 16-139
Parking adjacent to school property
Sec. 12.05.004
§ 16-140
Parking prohibited on narrow streets
Sec. 12.05.005
§ 16-141
Standing or parking on one-way streets
Sec. 12.05.006
§ 16-142
Standing or parking on one-way roadways
Sec. 12.05.007
§ 16-143
Stopping, standing or parking near hazardous or congested places
Sec. 12.05.008
§ 16-144
Parking of vehicles carrying flammable liquids or explosives
Sec. 12.05.009
Division 2. Loading Zones
§ 16-156
Authority to designate curb loading zones
Sec. 12.05.041
§ 16-157
Standing in passenger curb loading zones
Sec. 12.05.042
§ 16-158
Areas designated as loading zones
Sec. 12.05.043
Division 3. No Parking or Limited Parking
§ 16-171
Sec. 12.05.071
§ 16-172
Regulations not exclusive
Sec. 12.05.073
§ 16-173
Parking prohibited at all times on certain streets
Sec. 12.05.074(a)
§ 16-174
Streets designated as no parking
Sec. 12.05.074(b)
§ 16-175
Parking prohibited during certain hours on certain streets
Sec. 12.05.075(a)
§ 16-176
Parking time limited on certain streets
Sec. 12.05.077
§ 16-177
Stopping, standing or parking prohibited during certain hours on certain streets
Sec. 12.05.076
§ 16-178
Streets designated prohibiting parking certain hours
Sec. 12.05.075(b)
§ 16-179
Parking signs required
Sec. 12.05.072
Article VI. Trucks
§ 16-196
Amnd. by Ord. 364
§ 16-197
Amnd. by Ord. 364
§ 16-198
Designation of no thru truck traffic areas
Amnd. by Ord. 364
§ 16-199
Prohibiting thru traffic on certain streets
Amnd. by Ord. 364
§ 16-200
Streets designated no thru truck traffic
Amnd. by Ord. 364
Article VII. Weight Limits
§ 16-216
Sec. 12.07.031
§ 16-217
Designation of weight limits
Sec. 12.07.032
§ 16-218
Prohibiting overweight traffic on certain streets
Sec. 12.07.033
§ 16-219
Designated maximum weight bridges
Sec. 12.07.034
Article VIII. Bicycles
§ 16-236
Sec. 12.08.003
Article I. In General (Reserved)
Article II. Waterworks (Reserved)
Article III. Billing Procedure
Division 1. Generally (Reserved)
Division 2. Delinquent Accounts
§ 17-41
Sec. 13.02.031
§ 17-42
Due date
Sec. 13.02.032
§ 17-43
Amnd. by Ord. 145
§ 17-44
Discontinuance of service; fees
Amnd. by Ord. 145
§ 17-45
Payment of delinquency before obtaining city utilities
Amnd. by Ord. 145
§ 17-46
Amnd. by Ord. 145
§ 17-47
Write-off of delinquent accounts
Sec. 13.02.037
§ 17-48
Suit on delinquent accounts
Sec. 13.02.038
Appendix A. Zoning
Superseded by Ord. 246
Appendix B. Sewer Use Ordinance and User Charge System
Sec. 13.06.001
§ 1. Definitions
Sec. 13.06.002
§ 2. Prohibited discharges
Sec. 13.06.003
§ 3. Chemical discharges
Sec. 13.06.004
§ 4. Hazardous metals and toxic materials
Sec. 13.06.005
§ 5. Particulate size
Sec. 13.06.006
§ 6. Storm water and other unpolluted drainage
Sec. 13.06.007
§ 7. Temperature
Sec. 13.06.008
§ 8. Radioactive wastes
Sec. 13.06.009
§ 9. Impairment of facilities
Sec. 13.06.010
§ 10. Compliance with existing authority
Sec. 13.06.011
§ 11. Approving authority requirements
Sec. 13.06.012
§ 12. Approving authority review and approval
Sec. 13.06.013
§ 13. Requirements for traps
Sec. 13.06.014
§ 14. Requirements for building sewers
Sec. 13.06.015
§ 15. Sampling and testing
Sec. 13.06.016
§ 16. User charge system
Sec. 13.06.017
§ 17. Industrial cost recovery system
Sec. 13.06.018
§ 18. Saving clause
Sec. 13.06.019
§ 19. Conditions or permits
Sec. 13.06.020
§ 20. Power to enter property
Sec. 13.06.021
§ 21. Authority to disconnect service
Sec. 13.06.022
§ 22. Notice
Sec. 13.06.023
§ 23. Continuing prohibited discharges
Sec. 13.06.024
§ 24. Penalty
Sec. 13.06.025
§ 25. Failure to pay
Sec. 13.06.026
§ 26. Penalty for criminal mischief
Sec. 13.06.027
§ 27. Severability
§ 28. Effective date
Ordinance No. 1. User Charge System
§ 1. [User classification]
Sec. 13.06.081
§ 2. [Charges]
Sec. 13.06.082
§ 3. [User charge schedules]
Sec. 13.06.083
§ 4. Excessive strength charges
Sec. 13.06.084
§ 5. Review and revisions
Sec. 13.06.085
§ 6. Toxic pollutants charges
Sec. 13.06.086
§ 7. Notification
Sec. 13.06.087
§ 8. Charges for extraneous flows
Sec. 13.06.088
§ 9. Records
Sec. 13.06.089
§ 10. Validity
Sec. 13.06.090
User Charge Schedule