The city hereby adopts the additional fifteen percent (15%) penalty to defray the costs of collection of delinquent taxes as authorized by Texas Tax Code, sections 33.07 and 33.08, for the current year and each succeeding year thereafter.
(Ordinance 2000-06 adopted 9/19/00)
The city council does hereby state and declare its intention to continue to offer to its taxpayers the discounts described in section 31.05(b) of the Texas Property Tax Code for the current year and each succeeding year thereafter.
(Ordinance 2008-09 adopted 10/21/08)
Goods in transit as defined by section 11.253(a)(2) of the Texas Tax Code, as amended by House Bill 621, enacted by the 80th Texas Legislature in Regular Session, shall remain subject to taxation by the city.
(Ordinance 2007-08 adopted 9/18/07)