After this charter has been approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the city voting at the election at which it is submitted, it shall go into effect immediately after the governing board canvasses the returns and an official order declaring the charter adopted has been entered upon the records of the city by the governing body thereof.
When this charter goes into effect, the mayor and aldermen under the previous government shall continue in office until their respective terms expire, and shall become the first mayor and councilmen under this charter, the title of alderman being changed to councilman. All other city officers and employees under the previous government (including members of boards and commissions) shall continue in their respective offices and positions of employment under this charter until their services are terminated in accordance with the provisions of this charter and ordinances relating to the creation, change, and abolition of offices and removal of officers and employees, as the case may be.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this charter, the council shall consist of six members until the beginning of the terms of newly elected councilmen in 1973.
All ordinances, resolutions, rules, and regulations in force in the city on the effective date of this charter, insofar as they are not in conflict with this charter, shall remain in force until amended or repealed or until they expire by their own limitations. All taxes, assessments, liens, encumbrances, and demands, of or against the city, fixed or established before such date, or for the fixing or establishing of which proceedings have begun at such date, shall be valid when properly fixed or established either under the law in force at the time of beginning of such proceedings or under the law after the adoption of this charter.
The adoption of this charter shall not abate or otherwise affect any action or proceeding, civil or criminal, pending when it takes effect, brought by or against the municipality or any office, department, agency, or officer thereof.
The charter commission in preparing this charter finds and decides that it is impracticable to segregate each subject so as to permit a vote of “yes” or “no” on the same, for the reason that the charter is so constructed that it should be adopted in its entirety. For this reason, the charter commission directs that the charter be voted upon as a whole and that it shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the city at an election to be held for that purpose on November 28, 1972.
In not less than thirty days prior to such election, the board of aldermen shall cause the city secretary to mail a copy of the charter to each qualified voter of the city as of January 31 preceding the election.
If a majority of the qualified voters voting at such election vote in favor of the adoption of this charter, it shall become the Charter of the City of Tulia. After the returns have been canvassed, the same shall be declared adopted and an official order declaring the charter adopted shall be entered upon the journal of the governing board. The city secretary shall file an official copy of the charter with the records of the city.
The city secretary shall furnish the mayor a copy of the charter; and the copy of the charter so adopted, authenticated and certified by his signature and the seal of the city, shall be forwarded by the mayor to the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, and shall show the approval of the charter by majority vote of the qualified voters voting at such election.
To the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Tulia:
We, the undersigned members of the Charter Commission of the City of Tulia, Texas, heretofore duly elected to frame a Charter for the City of Tulia, do hereby certify that the said Charter Commission has framed the Charter of the City of Tulia, Texas, as it appears hereinbefore, and that we hereby approve and propose this Charter for submission at an election to the qualified voters of the City of Tulia.
In testimony whereof, we hereunto set our hands to duplicate copies of said Charter of the City of Tulia, Texas, at Tulia, Texas, this the 14th day of September, 1972.
/s/ A.W. Reeves
/s/ Morris Webb
/s/ A.C. Hill
/s/ K.G. Vaughn
/s/ Ed L. Harris
/s/ Danny P. Lewis
/s/ T.A. Hayhurst
/s/ V.H. Harman, Jr.
/s/ Guy C. Young
/s/ Dwane Love
/s/ Bob G. Phillips
/s/ William L. Daniel
/s/ Vesta Orr
/s/ Mattie Evans
/s/ Thomas M. Littlejohn
Sworn to and subscribed in duplicate before me this the 14th day of September, 1972. My commission expires June, 1973, in and for Swisher County.
/s/ Faye Cox
Notary Public