No member of the city council shall hold any other employment or office under any city government while that member is a member of any city council or appointed board or commission thereunder, unless herein otherwise provided. No member of the city council or any member of any board or commission appointed by the city council, or any other officer of the corporation, shall be directly or indirectly interested in any work, business or contract, the expense, price or consideration of which is paid from the city treasury, or by an assessment levied by an ordinance or resolution of the city council, except as expressly authorized by law. No member of the city council or any other officer of the corporation may be the surety of any person having a contract, work or business with the city for the performance of which security may be required, nor be the surety on the official bond of any city officer.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 15(A); 1993 Code, sec. 1.501)
The city may purchase equipment or supplies from a cooperative association to which one or more members of its governing body or of an appointed board or commission thereunder belongs if no member of the governing body, board or commission will receive a pecuniary benefit from the purchase except as is reflected in an increase in dividends distributed generally to members of the cooperative association.
(1986 Code, ch. 1, sec. 15(B); 1993 Code, sec. 1.502)