It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep, harbor or have custody or control of a dog or cat over four (4) months of age unless such animal has been immunized against rabies by injection of antirabies vaccine by a licensed veterinarian or by a veterinarian validly licensed in another jurisdiction. Immunization shall be repeated annually so that continuing vaccinations are not more than one (1) year apart.
Every owner of a dog or cat immunized against rabies shall procure a rabies vaccination certificate from the veterinarian administering the vaccine.
The provisions restricting the use and sale of rabies vaccine for animals as set forth in the state statute enacting the Rabies Control Act of 1981 are hereby adopted by reference, as contained in chapter 826 of the Health and Safety Code, V.T.C.S., a copy of which is on file in the office of the city secretary, and as amended from time to time.
It shall be unlawful for a person to administer, sell, or distribute rabies vaccine for animals in a manner not authorized by subsection (c) of this section.
Every veterinarian whose office or place of business is located within the city, and every designated veterinarian whose office or place of business is located within or outside the city, shall keep detailed records of animal rabies vaccinations and, upon request of the city, shall provide a listing of rabies vaccinations to the rabies prevention section. The listing shall include the owner’s name and address, animal species, gender, date of vaccination and whether or not the animal has been altered.
(Ordinance adopting 1993 Code; 1993 Code, sec. 2.501)
Any animal that has rabies or symptoms which could reasonably indicate rabies, or that bites, scratches or otherwise creates a condition which may expose or transmit the rabies virus to any human being or other animal, shall be impounded immediately as provided in this section and shall be held in quarantine in the city a minimum period of ten (10) days from the date of the bite, scratch or when the condition which may have exposed or transmitted the rabies virus to a human being or other animal occurred, or longer as the rabies prevention officer may deem necessary. Such quarantine will be subject to the following conditions:
If a rabies prevention officer is able to notify the owner of a subject animal, the owner may exercise the option to quarantine the subject animal within twenty-four (24) hours of notification at any licensed veterinarian’s clinic in the city which has facilities for isolation cages, or other suitable site designated and approved by the rabies prevention officer.
A stray animal may be euthanized and its head examined for rabies by a department of state health services laboratory at any time during the impoundment or quarantine period when deemed necessary by the rabies prevention officer.
Any quarantined animal showing clinical signs of rabies shall be euthanized immediately and its head submitted to the nearest department of state health services laboratory for rabies diagnosis.
Animals bitten by a high risk animal or by a known suspected rabid animal shall be quarantined or euthanized in accordance with state law.
An animal placed in quarantine anywhere in the city shall not be released without the quarantine keeper providing notification of the animal’s release to the rabies prevention officer.
If the biting animal, whether owned or unowned, is a high risk animal, excluding dogs and cats, which bit, scratched or created a condition which may have exposed or transmitted the rabies virus to a human being or another animal, it shall be euthanized and its head submitted to the department of state health services laboratory for rabies diagnosis.
If the biting animal is a low risk animal which was not cage-raised, which bit, scratched or created a condition which may have exposed or transmitted the rabies virus to human being, the animal shall be euthanized and its head submitted to the department of state health services laboratory for rabies diagnosis.
The rabies prevention officer may require an animal which has inflicted multiple bite wounds, punctures, or laceration to the face, head, or neck of a human being to be euthanized and its head submitted to the department of state health services laboratory for rabies diagnosis.
Any animal required to be quarantined under this section which in the determination of the rabies prevention officer cannot be or is not being maintained in a secure quarantine shall be euthanized and its head submitted to the department of state health services laboratory for rabies diagnosis.
The owner of any animal that is reported to have rabies or symptoms thereof, or to have been exposed to rabies, or to have bitten, scratched or otherwise created a condition which may have exposed or transmitted the rabies virus to any human being or animal, or that the owner knows or suspects to be rabid or to have bitten, scratched or otherwise created a condition which may have exposed or transmitted the rabies virus to any human being or animal, shall submit such animal for quarantine to the rabies prevention officer or any police officer. If the animal dies prior to its quarantine, the owner shall submit the animal to the rabies prevention section for rabies diagnosis.
Any person who has knowledge of any animal that exhibits symptoms of or has been exposed to rabies, or of any animal which has bitten, scratched or otherwise created a condition which may have exposed or transmitted the rabies virus to any human being or animal, shall immediately report the incident to the rabies prevention section. The report shall include the name and address of the victim and owner of the animal, if known, and any other information he or she has relating to the incident or animal.
Every veterinarian or other person who is called to examine or professionally attend any animal with rabies or any other reportable communicable disease shall, within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter, report the following in writing to the rabies prevention officer:
Species and description of the animal;
Location of such animal;
Name and address of the owner thereof;
Type and character of the disease.
Every veterinarian practicing within the city shall keep detailed records of animal rabies vaccination and, upon request of the rabies prevention officer, shall provide a listing of rabies vaccinations to the rabies prevention section. The listing shall include the owner’s name and address, animal species, gender, date of vaccination and whether or not the animal has been altered.
The rabies prevention officer shall investigate and record all cases of rabies and suspected rabies.
The body of any animal that has died of rabies or that dies or is destroyed while in quarantine shall not be disposed of except as directed by the rabies prevention officer.
The owner of any animal quarantined under this section shall pay all reasonable costs of the quarantine and disposition of the animal, including charges for shipment of animal tissues, if required, to the department of state health services laboratory for testing.
An animal which has been quarantined may be released by the rabies prevention officer under the following conditions:
At the end of the observation period upon proof of vaccination or receipt of vaccination prior to release from quarantine;
When all applicable fees have been paid;
If the animal is not being held for legal proceedings; and
If the appropriate city license registration has been obtained.
It shall be unlawful for the owner of an animal that has rabies or symptoms which could reasonably indicate rabies, or that bites, scratches, or otherwise creates a condition which may expose or transmit the rabies virus to any human being or other animal, to fail or refuse to comply with any provision of subsection (a)(1), (d), (e), (f), (g), or (k) of this section.
(Ordinance adopting 1993 Code; 1993 Code, sec. 2.502)