Office established.
The office of plumbing inspector is hereby established under the supervision of the building official/inspector.
The building official/inspector may appoint plumbing inspectors and may designate a chief plumbing inspector as he or she may prescribe. Such appointments shall be subject to confirmation by the city council. The building official retains the power to act in place of the plumbing inspector in his or her absence.
It shall be the duty of the plumbing inspector to enforce the provisions of this code. He or she shall be responsible for making inspections, issuing permits and performing all other functions of the office of plumbing inspector as prescribed in the code or by administrative order. He or she shall keep complete records of all permits issued, inspections made and other official work performed in accordance with the provisions of this code. He or she shall also keep on file in the office of plumbing inspection a list of plumbing equipment inspected, which shall be accessible for public reference.
Disconnection of water or gas supply.
After giving notice to the affected consumer(s), the plumbing inspector shall have the power and it shall be his or her duty, where any building, premises or construction contains improper or defective plumbing or where same has been constructed, erected, altered or repaired without a permit as provided by this code, to give prompt written notification to the utility involved to cut off the water or gas supply thereto until such improper or defective plumbing shall be made to comply fully with the provisions of this code, and a certificate of the plumbing inspector shall have been issued.
Where action is taken by the plumbing inspector to enforce the provisions of this code, such action shall be in the name and on behalf of the city, and the inspector in so acting shall not render himself or herself personally liable for any damage which may occur to persons or property as a result of an action committed in good faith in the discharge of his or her duties, and any suit brought against any inspector by reason thereof shall be defended by the city attorney until final determination of the proceedings contained therein.
Right of entry.
The plumbing inspector shall have the right to enter any building or premises at any reasonable time in the discharge of his or her official duties, or for the purpose of making any inspection, reinspection or test required by this code.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2(D); 1993 Code, sec. 3.302)
No person, firm or corporation or other entity shall install or perform any plumbing work as defined in this code without first having secured a permit in accordance with the provisions of this code.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2(II); 1993 Code, sec. 3.332)
No person, firm, corporation or other entity shall cause or permit any plumbing installation to be connected with the city water or sewer system or to any gas distributing system, nor shall such person, firm, corporation or other entity use or permit the use of any such plumbing installation, or cause or permit any water, sewage or gas to flow through the same, before it has been inspected and approved as herein provided.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2(JJ); 1993 Code, sec. 3.333)
Any person, either by himself or agent, and any firm, corporation or other entity, who violates any of the provisions of this code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction of any such violation, shall be fined, and each day during which such violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. In any case of a violation of any of the terms or provisions of this code by any corporation, the officers and agents actively in charge of the business of such corporation shall be subject to the penalty herein provided. Any offense defined herein which has been defined by laws of the state as an offense, and for which a penalty has been prescribed, shall be punished as provided in said state law, and nothing herein shall be held as fixing any penalty contrary to a penalty provided by the laws of the state.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2(KK); 1993 Code, sec. 3.334)
This code does not relieve from or lessen the responsibility or liability of any person owning, operating, controlling or installing any plumbing, gas piping or gas-fired appliances for damages to person or property caused by any defect therein, nor shall the city be regarded as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or certificate of approval issued as herein provided.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2(LL); 1993 Code, sec. 3.335)