All plumbing systems hereafter installed shall conform with the provisions of this code.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2(W); 1993 Code, sec. 3.320)
Connection to sewer required; exception.
Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed shall have a connection to a public or private sewer.
When there is no sewer available within two hundred feet (200'), an approved private sewage disposal system may be used.
Independent system required for each building; exception.
The drainage system of each new building and of new work installed in existing buildings shall be separate and independent from that of any other building and, when available, shall have an independent connection with a public sewer.
When one (1) building stands in the rear of another building on an interior lot and these buildings are on one (1) parcel of land under one (1) owner, then the building sewer may be extended to serve the rear building.
Easement provision for sewer crossing other lot.
A house sewer may not cross another lot unless an easement or right-of-way is provided to protect all property owners.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2(W); 1993 Code, sec. 3.320(a)–(c))
Changes in direction in drainage piping shall be made by the appropriate use of forty-five degree (45°) wyes or one-half (1/2) wyes, long or short sweep quarter bends, sixth (6th), eighth (8th) or sixteenth (16th) bends, or by a combination of these or equivalent fittings. Single and double sanitary tees and quarter bends may be used in drainage lines only where the direction of flow is from the horizontal to the vertical.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2(X); 1993 Code, sec. 3.321)
No fitting having a hub in the direction opposite to flow, or tee branch, shall be used as a drainage fitting. No running threads, bands or saddles shall be used in the drainage system. No drainage or vent piping shall be drilled or drilled and tapped.
Heel or side inlet bend.
A heel inlet quarter bend shall not be used as a vent when the inlet is placed in a horizontal position.
Obstruction to flow.
No fitting or connection which offers abnormal obstruction to flow shall be permitted.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2(Y); 1993 Code, sec. 3.322)
In existing buildings or premises in which plumbing installations are to be altered, repaired or renovated, necessary deviations from the provisions of this code may be permitted, provided such deviations conform to the extent [intent] of the code and are approved by the plumbing inspector.
(1986 Code, ch. 3, sec. 2(Z); 1993 Code, sec. 3.323)