The terms “association” and “association grounds” shall have the same meaning herein as defined in section 301.1 of the state rules concerning pari-mutuel racing promulgated by the state racing commission, and its successor rules. The term “admitted person” herein means any person admitted to the association grounds during a race meeting to wager or to observe a race, including children of all ages.
Fee established.
The association or its assigns or receivers shall collect a fee in the amount established by city council from each and every admitted person to said association grounds and shall tender the same to the city under the following terms:
The association may collect a stated fee in any manner not contrary to the law that the association deems efficient.
The stated fee shall be collected for each day that an admitted person goes upon the association grounds.
In the event that an admitted person has purchased a season ticket or any membership that entitles the admitted person to enter upon the association grounds without paying a daily admission fee to the association, the association is not required to collect from the admitted person the stated fee each day. However, the association shall nevertheless tender to the city the stated fee for each day that such an admitted person goes upon the association grounds.
Reporting attendance.
Each licensed racetrack within the city subject to the provisions of this section shall furnish to the city weekly reports, and maintain records, of the attendance at the facility during the week of the report.
Remittance to city.
It shall be the duty of the licensed facility to tender the report and applicable fee to the city by the Thursday following the end of the preceding racing week. For the purposes of this section, the end of a racing week shall be Sunday.
(Ordinance 299-91 adopted 7/16/91; 1993 Code, secs. 1.1801–1.1803; Ordinance 340-93 adopted 6/23/93; Ordinance adopting 2017 Code)
All hotels/motels within the definition of article 11.04 shall, in addition to all other applicable rules and regulations, operate in the following manner.
Registration of guests.
Each hotel/motel shall have a designated office for the registration of incoming and departing guests and such shall be staffed during all normal business hours. At this registration, the hotel/motel will maintain a registration of all guests, and such registration information shall be maintained by the hotel/motel, and such registration shall include but not be limited to such matters as the name and address of the guests, the number of people in the party, the type and make of each vehicle and its license number and any other matters which the hotel/motel deems appropriate.
Minimum time for renting room.
It shall be an offense for any hotel/motel to rent its rooms in any time increment of less than twenty-four (24) hours.
Size of rooms.
Each hotel/motel will be required to have ninety percent (90%) of the rooms rented for occupancy to have habitable square footage of two hundred forty (240) square feet. No room rented for occupancy will have habitable square footage of less than one hundred ninety (190) square feet.
(Ordinance 309-91 adopted 12/3/91; 1993 Code, art. 4.800)
It shall be a violation of this code for any person or entity to store commercial materials outside of any building on their property in a manner which is unsightly or which is aesthetically incompatible with surrounding uses from the point of view of a person of ordinary sensibilities. Likewise, no person shall store or accumulate uncovered outdoors trash or rubbish on commercial property.
(Ordinance 329-92 adopted 12/15/92; 1993 Code, art. 4.1000)