It shall be unlawful for any person or business to set up or operate any special event such as a carnival, circus, or tent event, music concert, play, athletic or sporting event, or exhibition or performance in the city unless and until such person or business has first obtained a permit and paid to the city secretary a permit fee in the amount established by city council. The provisions of this division shall apply to any event which is being held for profit or which is being held in conjunction with or in promotion for any other activity which is held for profit. Any permit issued by the city for the setting up or operating of any such special event shall be good only for the specified term of such event or for a maximum of thirty days. Any event lasting longer than thirty (30) days shall require a subsequent reapplication pursuant to the terms listed in this division. Additionally, a reapplication fee in the amount established by city council shall be required.
(Ordinance 321-92, sec. I(A), adopted 5/19/92; 1993 Code, sec. 4.901; Ordinance adopting 2017 Code)
Any person or business desiring to hold such special event shall first file an application with the city administrator. Such application shall be reviewed by the appropriate city staff and recommendations shall be made to the city council for their review. The city council, upon the recommendation of city staff, shall act upon the application at the next appropriate city council meeting.
The application shall state in detail the different component parts of the event, including all concessions, shows, amusements, events, and businesses, and the proposed location of the activity, the time it is to run and the number of persons regularly traveling therewith and a projection of those expected to attend. This application shall give a full and complete plan of the proposed special event, and such additional reasonable information as required by the city staff or the city council shall be provided upon request.
Prior to the issuance of a special event permit, the applicant may be required to post a bond or deposit to offset any additional costs to the city associated with the provision of services to protect the life, health, welfare, and safety of the community. This amount shall be set by the city administrator and reviewed by the city council when it reviews the application.
(Ordinance 321-92, sec. I(B), adopted 5/19/92; 1993 Code, sec. 4.902)
Each person aiding or abetting the holding of any such special event without a permit or in violation of a permit shall be guilty of a violation under the provisions of this code.
(Ordinance 321-92, sec. I(C), adopted 5/19/92; 1993 Code, sec. 4.903)
Short-term events or activities sponsored solely by any church, school, school organization, hospital, or charitable or nonprofit organization, whose profits go only to such organization, shall be required to pay the fees normally required under this division. However, such organization may apply for an exemption from the required fees in their application and the fees shall not be paid until such request has been approved or denied by the city council. Such exemptions shall extend only to the required application fees and/or bond. All applicants must file a full application as required by the terms of this division.
(Ordinance 321-92, sec. I(D), adopted 5/19/92; 1993 Code, sec. 4.904)