There is hereby established a fire department to serve and protect the lives and property of the residents of the city. The city shall maintain a fire department consisting of both emergency medical service (EMS) personnel and firefighter personnel as authorized by the city’s fiscal year budget. The department may utilize the service of properly trained and qualified voluntary firefighters who are members of a related volunteer fire department. The fire department shall be known as the “Willow Park Fire and Rescue Department.”
(Ordinance 680-14, sec. 3, adopted 4/8/14)
The office of fire chief is created.
The department and volunteer firefighters assisting the department shall be under the control, supervision and direction of the fire chief. The fire chief shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the city council. There is no term of office. The fire chief may be removed for any reason by written recommendation of the city administrator and a 2/3 vote of the city council.
The fire chief shall meet the minimum requirements established by the state for such position.
In case of disability or resignation of the fire chief, the mayor shall appoint an acting fire chief.
The fire chief is the chief administrative officer of the department. The fire chief will direct all firefighting responses, the drafting and update of the standard operating procedures, and department policies and procedures for firefighting and emergency medical and rescue responses, and shall provide opportunities for training drills and basic or advanced certifications.
The fire chief is responsible to the city for the proper and efficient operation of the department. The fire chief shall:
Supervise, regulate and manage the department and maintain control of its activities.
Direct operations at fires.
Designate the order of succession of leadership in his absence.
Prescribe the specifications and manner of wear of the uniform and protective clothing.
Reorganize any part of the department when in the judgment of the chief such reorganization would best serve the department.
Compile and present the department’s annual fiscal budget request, with projected revenue and expenditures, in a manner prescribed by the city administrator.
(Ordinance 680-14, sec. 3, adopted 4/8/14)
Depending upon the level of service requested by the city, firefighters may be required to obtain certain certification or dual certifications as specified by the standard operating procedures. If additional certifications become necessary to provide enhanced levels of fire and EMS service for the city, department personnel will be given an opportunity to obtain those certifications.
Failure to acquire and maintain certification will be sufficient cause for the fire chief to transfer the person from their respective pay scale position to a lower pay scale position that correlates with the person’s ability and level of certification.
(Ordinance 680-14, sec. 3, adopted 4/8/14)
In case of riot, conflagration or other emergency, the city administrator, the mayor, or the fire chief may appoint additional firemen and officers for temporary service.
(Ordinance 680-14, sec. 3, adopted 4/8/14)
The chief of the fire department shall have the right to discipline, suspend or take personnel action against any of the officers or employees under the fire chief’s supervision or control for certain acts, including but not limited to incompetence, neglect of duty, immorality, drunkenness, failure to obey orders from the proper authority, or violation of federal, state, or local criminal laws. Any person disciplined or against whom any an adverse personnel action has been taken pursuant to this section has a right to appeal said action. The rights of appeal and procedures which must be followed are specified in the city employee handbook in effect at that time.
(Ordinance 680-14, sec. 3, adopted 4/8/14)
The fire chief shall submit a monthly status report to the city administrator relating to the activities of the department. The report should contain sufficient data and facts required to evaluate the performance of the department, its personnel and the readiness of the equipment and personnel to respond to routine or emergency calls. The fire chief shall keep the city administrator advised of the readiness of the volunteer fire department and any needs it may have with respect to equipment or personnel.
(Ordinance 680-14, sec. 3, adopted 4/8/14)
The department members shall give priority of response to Willow Park calls for service over other fire departments that they may be a member of or a mutual aid association or agreement that they may participate in.
(Ordinance 680-14, sec. 3, adopted 4/8/14)
There is hereby established a volunteer fire department within the fire department, which shall be composed of voluntary firefighters and referred to as the “Willow Park Volunteer Fire Department.” The volunteer fire department shall be composed only of volunteers, with no full- or part-time municipal employees. The fire chief, in consultation with the city, shall establish the size, composition and organization of the volunteer fire department and may amend such size, composition and organization from time to time.
Prior to performing any duties as a volunteer firefighter, each volunteer firefighter applicant shall complete a minimum of State Fireman’s and Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas (SFFMA) Module I (One) Firefighter I (Introductory) training from the city’s fire department. In addition, the city’s fire department shall provide uniforms, gear and equipment to the members of the volunteer fire department.
The volunteer fire department may incorporate as an IRS section 501(c)(3) or other tax-exempt organization, at their sole discretion.
No volunteer firefighter designated pursuant to this chapter shall be entitled to any compensation for service. A volunteer firefighter who sustains an injury in the course of performing official duties may receive hospital and medical assistance in the same manner as provided for full-time firefighters. The department shall maintain adequate worker’s compensation insurance coverage for protection of the members of the volunteer fire department.
Members of the volunteer fire department shall serve at the sole discretion of the fire chief once they have been so designated by the fire chief and may be called into service at any time. Volunteer firefighters of the city’s volunteer fire department shall serve as firefighters during their discharge of official duties, subject at all times to the direction, control and supervisory authority of the fire chief, and shall be subject to the same policies and standard operating procedures as are applicable to fire department personnel.
(Ordinance 680-14, sec. 3, adopted 4/8/14)
Interference prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with or impede any firefighting activity or activity relating to responding to a fire or an emergency.
Crossing fire hose.
It shall be unlawful for anyone to cause a vehicle to cross any fire hose while the same is being used, even if in the street, during training or in responding to a fire.
The fire chief may file a complaint against a person violating this section, which is a misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine in accordance with the general penalty provided in section 1.01.009 of this code.
(Ordinance 680-14, sec. 3, adopted 4/8/14; Ordinance adopting 2017 Code)
The city shall institute a voluntary program of contributions to the city fire department by establishing on any billings for city services, whether it be water, garbage, etc., an appropriate space and allowance for the citizens of the city to make a donation to the payment of emergency, fire and medical services to the city fire department. The city hereby places upon the city service bills the recommended voluntary contribution of one dollar ($1.00) per month. The same shall be part of the bill as soon as may be appropriately done through modification of the billing process to denote a voluntary contribution to the city fire department. Prior to the instigation of such voluntary contributions, each citizen shall be notified in an appropriate manner so as to alert and inform them that such voluntary contribution will be placed on their bills for city services and that the same is voluntary and at all times will remain voluntary. Further, the bill for city services should always carry the designation of voluntary contribution in a bold and conspicuous manner. All funds so received shall be collected by the city secretary and paid to the order of the city fire department at intervals determined by the city administrator so as to not interfere with the city’s normal financial procedures.
(1986 Code, ch. 5, sec. 3; 1993 Code, art. 5.300)