Variances from the specific rules and regulations stated in this article may be granted by the city council when, in its judgment, conditions warrant such variances; however, such actions by the city council shall not have the effect of subverting the spirit or intent of the aforementioned requirements. Financial hardship to an applicant shall not be deemed sufficient reason for granting a variance. Any variance granted shall be described in a statement which shall also contain all the specific facts upon which the variance was based, and that statement will be recorded in the official minutes of the city council.
(1986 Code, ch. 11, sec. 8; 1993 Code, art. 9.800)
Minor plats.
A minor plat may be administratively approved without the approval of the planning and zoning commission and the city council, subject to the following conditions:
A minor plat shall meet all of the informational and procedural requirements set forth for a final plat, including the required number of copies of the plat, a completed application form, and the required application fee.
A minor plat, for which a minor plat has not been approved in the preceding ten years, or replat involves four or fewer lots fronting on an existing street, not requiring any new street or the extension of any municipal facilities, except sidewalks, as determined by the city staff to serve any lot within the subdivision. Any property to be subdivided using a minor plat shall already be adequately served by all required city utilities, and all lots will have frontage on a public roadway.
To amend an approved plat the person shall file with the city administrator the minor plat, together with a copy of the plat being amended and a statement detailing the amendments being proposed for their consideration and conforming with section 212.016, Local Government Code. A minor plat shall meet all of the informational and procedural requirements set forth for a final plat, and shall be accompanied by all items required by the city administrator, including the required number of copies of the plat, and a completed application form.
Upon receipt of a favorable recommendation for approval by the city staff, the city administrator may approve a minor plat or may for any reason elect to present the minor plat to the planning and zoning commission and the city council for consideration. Should the city manager refuse to approve the minor plat, then the plat shall be referred to the planning and zoning commission and city council for review and approval within the time period required by state law.
The minor plat shall be entitled and clearly state that it is a “Minor Plat.”
The minor plat shall be filed at the county in the same manner as prescribed for a final plat.
A filing fee as established by the city council from time to time shall be paid to the city at the time the minor plat is filed with the city administrator.
(Ordinance 748-17 adopted 3/14/17)