Commercial vehicle
shall have the same meaning as the definition of "commercial motor vehicle" contained in Texas Transportation Code section 548.001(1), as it exists or may be amended.
Local commercial vehicle
means any commercial vehicle whose origin or destination is within the city limits, as they exist or may be amended.
Motor vehicle
shall have the same meaning as the definition of "motor vehicle" contained in Texas Transportation Code section 642.001(1), as it exists or may be amended.
Personal trailer
means a wheeled device made to be hauled without cost by a noncommercial motor vehicle upon a road or highway, and includes a horse trailer, dog trailer, car trailer, motorcycle trailer, boat trailer, lawn equipment trailer, gooseneck trailer, and any other trailer designed and intended to be used to carry animals, boats, large items, or motor-driven means of transportation.
Recreational vehicle
means a portable vehicle designed for a temporary or short-term occupancy for travel, recreational or vacation uses, including but not limited to vacation travel trailers, converted buses, tent trailers or similar devices used for temporary portable housing.
Residential street
means any portion of a street that is located within or has adjacency on at least one (1) side to any district classified or permitted by the city's zoning ordinance to contain residential homes, apartments or condominiums, but shall exclude any designated truck route.
Through commercial vehicle
means any commercial vehicle not defined as a local commercial vehicle.
(Ordinance 568-08 adopted 2/19/2008)
Any person, firm, corporation or entity who violates this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00).
Each continuing day's violation or use of other unauthorized streets within the same day shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions under this article shall not preclude the city from filing suit to enjoin the violation. The city retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law.
(Ordinance 568-08 adopted 2/19/2008)
No person shall knowingly or recklessly operate any commercial vehicle upon any public street, except upon such streets as are designated as truck routes or in accordance with an approved road use agreement. Whenever any street designated as a truck route is being repaired or is otherwise temporarily out of use, the city manager or his/her designee is authorized to designate alternate truck routes for such periods as may be necessary.
This article shall not apply to:
Recreational vehicles and personal trailers;
Street construction, maintenance and repair vehicles engaged in the construction, maintenance, or repair of city streets;
Vehicles used by public utility companies engaged in providing or expanding their service(s) within the city or repairing facilities within the city;
Authorized emergency vehicles responding to emergency calls or on official business;
Vehicles used or operated by the city performing city business;
Vehicles used by any city franchisee for the franchisee's approved activities, only if the franchisee's road use agreement with the city provides for repair of damages to city streets caused by the franchisee's vehicles, under any circumstances; or
Vehicles operating under a valid permit issued by the Texas or U.S. Department of Transportation pursuant to Transportation Code section 623.071.
Commercial vehicles restricted to designated as truck routes under this section may depart from such truck routes where:
It is necessary to load or unload merchandise at locations situated off designated truck routes within the city boundaries; provided, however, such vehicles shall not leave a designated truck route until they have reached a turning-off point that can be described as the shortest practical distance to the destination of the vehicle within the city boundaries which is consistent with the reasonable operation of the vehicle.
It is necessary to travel to or from a truck terminal or place of truck repair so long as such vehicle proceeds by the most direct route practical from the truck route to the terminal or place of truck repair and so long as the vehicle does not use residential streets or roadways to reach a truck terminal or place of truck repair. In no event will such commercial vehicles departing from a designated truck route, under the provisions of this exception, operate on streets or roadways prohibited for truck travel under this article.
No person shall knowingly or recklessly operate a commercial vehicle, except as exempted in subsection (b), on any street not designated as a truck route without having in their possession a log book, delivery slip, or other evidence of destination or point of origin for such vehicle in the city.
The following streets or sections of streets within the municipal limits are designated as truck routes:
Ranch House Road;
All United States highways; and
All state highways.
The director of public works shall erect appropriate signage or markings providing identification of designated truck routes or other prohibited areas.
(Ordinance 568-08 adopted 2/19/2008)
Any person desiring to operate a commercial vehicle on city streets or roads not designated as a truck route, or in a manner not authorized by this article, shall enter into a road use agreement with the city. Said individual shall hereinafter be referred to as "applicant."
The road use agreement may relate to the individual operation of a single vehicle or may include multiple vehicles and operators.
Applications shall be obtained from, and submitted to, the city secretary.
Applicants shall furnish at their expense a corporate surety performance bond, with the city as an additional insured, in an amount determined by the city, based on the estimated cost to the city, at the time of the agreement, reasonably necessary for materials, labor and equipment to reconstruct the particular roadway(s) covered by the road use agreement. Said bond shall be in full force and effect during the duration of the road use agreement.
The applicant shall specify the gross weight of the equipment or vehicles, which shall not exceed 30,000 pounds of gross weight on a designated municipal truck route or 20,000 pounds gross weight on a nondesignated truck route.
The city shall ascertain and designate the particular roadways capable of sustaining the excess load weight and the duration of use.
The road use agreement shall specify the procedure for inspection of any road or street damage caused by or resulting from use by the applicant or agents. A specific date [shall be established] for reimbursement to the city for the reconstruction of any portion of any street or road after receiving notice of damage. If the applicant fails to timely pay the road damage amount determined by the city, the road use agreement shall terminate.
(Ordinance 568-08 adopted 2/19/2008; Ordinance 594-09 adopted 4/20/2009)
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, or permit to be operated, a commercial vehicle upon any street or alley within the city, except that such commercial vehicle may travel or be operated a on an street designated as a truck route, United States highway, or state highway.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any local commercial vehicle upon any street or alley within the city, except on a designated truck route, United States highway, or state highway.
A local commercial vehicle may leave any designated truck route, United States highway, or state highway and travel on any street or alley within the city for the purpose of delivering or picking up goods, wares, materials, and/or merchandise or returning to its established place of business or home. When a local commercial vehicle enters a street or alley as herein permitted, such vehicle shall enter such street or alley at the intersection nearest the point of pickup or delivery or its established place of business or home and return to the truck route by the nearest route.
Where more than one pickup or delivery off the designated truck route is required, a local commercial vehicle other than a diesel-powered tractor or tractor-trailer combination shall not be required to return to the truck route after each individual pickup or delivery if the next pickup or delivery is less than one-half mile from the preceding pickup or delivery, but in any event the vehicle shall return to the truck route upon the completion of all pickups and deliveries.
No commercial vehicle or diesel-powered tractor or truck-tractor combination shall be operated on any residential street between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. unless a specific written exception has been granted by the city.
It is an offense for an individual to operate a commercial vehicle on all streets and roads in the city unless:
It is pursuant to a road use agreement with the city that is in effect on the date of operation;
It is on a truck route designated herein; or
Pursuant to an authorized activity or exemption herein.
(Ordinance 568-08 adopted 2/19/2008)