The city council shall establish a schedule of fees and expenses, and a collection procedure for building permits, certificates of occupancy, appeals, and other matters pertaining to this chapter. The schedule shall be posted in the office of the city administrator, and may be altered or amended only by the city council.
No application for a zoning change will be accepted and scheduled for processing until the application fee established by city council and on file in the offices of the city has been paid.
No permit, certificate, special exception, or variance shall be issued unless and until such costs, charges, fees, or expenses listed below have been paid in full or waived by the city council, nor shall any action be taken on proceedings before the board of adjustments unless or until preliminary charges and fees have been paid in full or waived by the city council.
The applicant shall pay any and all costs in excess of ordinary administration expenses incurred by the city in addition to the schedule of fees and charges established by city council and on file in the offices of the city.
If an applicant feels that special circumstances justify a request for a waiver of any or all of the above fees, such may be requested by making an application with the city council for a waiver of such costs.
(Ordinance 335-93 adopted 2/16/93; 1993 Code, ch. 12, ex. A, sec. 19.00; Ordinance 360-94 adopted 4/19/94; Ordinance 414-97 adopted 12/16/97; Ordinance adopting 2017 Code)