The word “paving” shall include any work in which asphalt or concrete is poured into a single piece covering three square yards or more of surface area, and for which no building permit is required under any other ordinance.
(Ordinance adopted 4/14/97, sec. 1(1))
Any person who violates this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine in accordance with section 1.01.009 of this code.
(Ordinance adopted 4/14/97, sec. 1(8))
It shall be unlawful for any person to perform paving work in the city without first obtaining a paving permit. Any person acting for himself, or acting as the agent, employee or independent contractor of another, who violates this article is subject to the penalties set out in this article.
(Ordinance adopted 4/14/97, sec. 1(2))
Paving permits shall be issued only after an application in the form of an affidavit is presented to the city. The application shall contain:
The name and residence address of the applicant and the owner of the property where the paving work is proposed.
The exact location of the property where the paving work is proposed.
A brief description of the paving work, including the purpose, duration of work, and expected completion date.
A positive statement that the proposed paving work will not (i) obstruct or hinder the use of any public street, alley or way, or (ii) obstruct or hinder the present arrangements for surface water drainage. Grade or slope shall be equal to each existing culvert at the end of each intersection in the direction of drainage.
Such other data as the building inspector shall require.
(Ordinance adopted 4/14/97, sec. 1(3))
Within seven days of receipt, the building inspector shall review and act on the application. The factors to be considered include, without limitation, the effect on surface water drainage, the land values and uses in the area, and such other factors as may relate to the harmonious development of the city. The inspector shall either grant the permit, refuse it, or grant the permit with special conditions attached.
(Ordinance adopted 4/14/97, sec. 1(4))
Each application for a paving permit shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount established by city council, which shall be refunded 14 days after the permit is refused. The applicant may appeal the inspector’s refusal of a permit, or the conditions attached to the grant, by requesting a public hearing before the city council. The applicant must request such hearing within 10 days of the inspector’s action on the permit. The city secretary shall notify the applicant of the date, time and place of the public hearing. By majority vote, the council may sustain, amend or overrule the inspector’s action on the application. The amount of the fee may be amended periodically by the city council, either by specific ordinance or by providing for a different fee in the city budget.
(Ordinance adopted 4/14/97, sec. 1(5); Ordinance adopting Code)
Each paving permit shall be issued for a maximum period of six months, after which it is void. No paving permit may be transferred or assigned without the city’s consent.
(Ordinance adopted 4/14/97, sec. 1(6))
The inspector shall inspect the paving work on-site after the trenches are excavated and the forms are erected. The permit holder has the duty to notify the inspector on a timely basis of when the inspection may be done, which shall be before any concrete is poured. The inspector shall have the right to enter any lands in the city for the purpose of carrying out this article.
(Ordinance adopted 4/14/97, sec. 1(7))