It is the duty and obligation of all owners, occupants, and users of real property abutting upon streets within the city, at their own cost and expense, to keep and maintain the sidewalks (and paving laid thereon) bordering their property level, at curb grade, and free of depressions, excavations, elevations, inequalities, obstacles, obstructions, or encroachments, natural or artificial, above or below ground level, or which overlap, impinge upon, or appropriate any part of the sidewalk area or the space up to eight feet above it; and to allow no oils, greases, ice, snow or water to collect or remain thereon; and, generally, in every manner, to keep such sidewalks in a safe adequate, and indefective condition so that they are easily accessible to and may be freely and safely used by the public for travel by foot.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 1)
Where and when, by reason of a violation of any of the foregoing provisions, injury or damage is occasioned to or inflicted upon any person, whether on the sidewalk or in the street, primary liability for all such injury or damage shall rest upon the owner, occupant, and user of the property abutting upon such defective sidewalk.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 2)
Wherever in the specifications hereinafter set out the following terms are used, the intent and meaning shall be interpreted as follows:
The person, partnership, corporation or other entity which undertakes or contracts to construct driveways, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and setbacks in city streets and alleys.
The city council of the City of Yorktown, Texas.
The city secretary of the City of Yorktown, Texas, or his authorized representative.
The property owner, occupant, or user, individual or firm having the work done by the contractor.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 3)
It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership or corporation to construct, reconstruct or repair any sidewalk, setback, driveway, curb, gutter or work incident thereto in the streets and alleys of the city without first obtaining a permit for such work from city hall, applications for which permits shall be made on forms furnished by the city.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 4)
No permit issued under this division, or any construction to be done thereunder, shall be assigned, transferred or sublet, but the permittee shall remain in personal charge of all work done thereunder.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 5)
The manager or some city street or building official or engineer designated by the manager shall furnish information establishing lines and grades for the construction, reconstruction or repair of any improvement covered by this division, after a permit has been granted for such construction, and all such construction shall be in accord with such lines and grades and subject to approval of the city manager or such official designated by him. Stakes shall be set by or at the expense of the contractor.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 6)
No materials shall be used in any construction mentioned in this division until the same has been inspected and approved by the city manager, and any such material which is not approved by the city manager shall be removed from the streets and sidewalks at the expense of the contractor. No concrete mixture shall be poured until forms and excavations have been inspected and approved by the city council or building official.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 7)
No more than one-third of the width of the street shall be occupied by materials, equipment or tools, and barricades shall be placed around such equipment so as to leave at least two-thirds of such street open for traffic, which barricades and street obstructions shall be supplied with lights at nighttime so that the same will serve as protection to the public as a result of such obstruction in such streets.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 8)
Any contractor who violates any provision or requirement of this division as hereinbefore or hereinafter set out shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punished by a fine in accordance with section 1.01.009 of this code, and any contractor who shall sublet or assign his contract or permit any other to have control of such work shall not receive any other or further permits to do any kind of construction work covered by this division, as the penalties for such violation.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 9)
Cement shall be Portland cement meeting the current standard tests for commercial cement.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(a))
Water for concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, organic matter, or other deleterious substances. In general, city water will be required.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(b))
Fine aggregate shall be clean, sharp natural sand, graded from coarse to fine within the following limits (using laboratory sieves with square openings):
Sieve Size
Total Passing
(percentage by weight)
3/8 inch
No. 4
95 to 100
No. 16
45 to 80
No. 50
5 to 30
No. 100
0 to 8
No. 200
0 to 3
Not more than two percent (2%) of clay or loam by volume shall show at the end of one hour’s settlement of the water in which a sample of the sand has been thoroughly washed. Sand shall contain not more than one-half percent (1/2%) by weight of organic or other deleterious matter.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(c))
Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, tough gravel or broken stone, and shall contain not more than one-half percent (1/2%) by weight of soft, friable, thin, elongated or laminated pieces and alkali, organic or other deleterious matter. Material for coarse aggregate shall be graded from coarse to fine within the following limits (using laboratory sieves with square openings):
Sieve Size
Total Passing
(percentage by weight)
2 inch
1-1/2 inch
95 to 100
3/4 inch
35 to 70
3/8 inch
10 to 30
No. 4
0 to 5
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(d))
Pit-run materials may be used if they meet the requirements of this division.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(e))
Materials shall be measured in accurate measuring boxes, buckets or wheelbarrows, in such a manner that the quantities can be closely controlled during the progress of the work. Shovel measurement will not be permitted.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(f))
It is the intent of this division to secure, for every part of the work, concrete of homogeneous structure which, when hardened, will have the required strength and resistance to weathering. To this end, the strengths of concrete will be as follows:
2000 pounds per square inch for curbs, gutters, sidewalks and residential driveways.
300 pounds per square inch for setbacks and commercial driveways.
These strengths to be obtained in twenty-eight (28) days by tests on 6" x 12" cylinders. The tests shall be made at the expense of the city except that the contractor shall furnish the concrete.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(g))
In the event that the contractor furnishes reliable test records of concrete made with materials from the same sources and of the same quality and mixed in the same proportions in connection with current work, all or a part of the strength tests specified herein may be waived by the manager.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(h))
The concrete shall be of such consistency and composition that it can be worked readily into the corners and angles of the forms and around the reinforcement without permitting the materials to segregate or free water to collect on the surface. The contractor shall adjust the proportions of cement and aggregate as may be necessary to produce a mixture which will be easily placeable at all times, due consideration being given to the methods of placing and compacting used on the work.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(i))
The slump as measured by a standard slump cone shall in no case exceed six (6) inches.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(j))
The mixing equipment shall be capable of combining the aggregates, cement, and water within the specified time into a thoroughly mixed and uniform mass, and of discharging the mixture without segregation.
Machine mixing.
The mixing of concrete shall be done in a batch mixer of approved type which will insure a uniform distribution of the material throughout the mass. The equipment at the mixing plant shall be so constructed that all materials, including the water, entering the drum can be accurately proportioned and be under control. The entire batch shall be discharged before recharging. The volume of the mixed material per batch shall not exceed the manufacturer’s rated capacity of the mixer. The mixing period shall be not less than one (1) minute and shall be measured from the time when all of the solid materials are in the mixer drum, provided that all of the mixing water shall be introduced before one-fourth of the mixing time has elapsed.
Truck mixing.
Truck mixers shall be of the revolving drum type, watertight, and so constructed that the concrete can be mixed to insure a uniform distribution of materials throughout the mass. Except as subsequently provided, the truck mixer shall be equipped with a tank for carrying mixing water. Only the prescribed amount of water shall be placed in the tank unless the tank is equipped with a device by which the quantity of water added can be readily verified. The mixing water may be added directly to the batch, in which case a tank shall not be required. The maximum size of batch in truck mixers shall be in accordance with the specified rating of the mixer.
Hand mixing.
Hand mixing of concrete will not be allowed.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(k))
The retempering of concrete or mortar which has partially hardened, that is, mixing with or without additional cement, aggregate, or water, will not be permitted.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(l))
All concrete shall be protected so that the temperature at the surface will not fall below 40° F, or that there will be no loss of moisture from the surface for 24 hours after the concrete is poured.
Protection against loss of moisture from the surface of the concrete shall be accomplished by keeping the surface continuously wet for one (1) day. This may be done by any one of the following methods:
The surface of the slab protected by ponding;
Covering concrete with burlap or cotton mats kept continuously wet;
Covering concrete with paper of suitable type;
Covering concrete with a one-inch layer of earth or sand kept wet;
Continuous sprinkling.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(m))
During the progress of construction, the manager may have tests made to determine whether the concrete as being produced complies with the standards of quality specified. The contractor shall cooperate in the making of such tests to the extent of allowing free access to the work for the selection of samples and storage of specimens, and in affording protection to the specimens against injury or loss through his operations.
Three cylinders will generally be made for each class of concrete used in any one day’s operation.
Samples of concrete for test specimens shall be taken at the mixer, or, in the case of ready-mixed concrete, from the transportation vehicle during discharge. When, in the opinion of the manager, it is desirable to take samples elsewhere, they shall be taken as directed by him.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(n))
Should the strengths shown by the test specimens fall below the values required, the manager shall have the right to require changes in proportions on future work or shall have the right to require the removal and replacement of those sections which failed to develop the required strength.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(o))
The foundation shall consist of firm, hard soil from which all vegetable matter and other loose material have been removed.
All soft and spongy places must be dug out and the resulting holes filled with solid materials, thoroughly tamped. Exceptionally hard, compacted spots in the subgrade must be loosened and tamped to provide a uniform bearing.
If, in the opinion of the manager, the soil in the foundation is of such a character that it will swell or shrink with changes in its moisture content to such an extent that the concrete may be damaged, the soil shall be excavated four (4) inches below the subgrade and refilled with sand.
Material for fills shall be placed and tamped in six (6) inch layers. The top of all fills shall extend at least one (1) foot beyond the edges of the walk or other structure, and the slopes of fills shall be at least two (2) feet horizontal to one (1) foot vertical to prevent undue erosion.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(p))
Forms shall conform to the shape, lines, grids, and dimensions of the concrete as called for. Lumber used in forms for exposed surfaces shall be dressed to a uniform thickness, and shall be free from loose knots or other defects. Joints in forms shall be horizontal or vertical where appearance of the finished surface is of importance. For unexposed surfaces and rough work, undressed lumber may be used. Lumber once used in forms shall have nails withdrawn, and surfaces to be in contact with concrete thoroughly cleansed before being used again.
Forms shall be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar. They shall be properly braced or tied together so as to maintain the desired position and shape during and after placing concrete.
The inside of metal forms shall be coated with non-staining mineral oil or other approved material, or in case of wood forms they shall be thoroughly wetted.
The removal of forms shall not be started until the concrete has attained the strength necessary to support its own weight and any construction live loads.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(q))
Before beginning placement of concrete, hardened concrete and foreign materials shall be removed from the inner surface of the mixing and conveying equipment.
Water shall be removed from the space to be occupied by the concrete before concrete is deposited, unless otherwise directed by the manager. Any flow of water into an excavation shall be diverted through proper side drains to a sump, or be removed by other approved methods which will avoid washing the freshly deposited concrete.
Concrete shall be handled from the mixer, or, in the case of ready-mixed concrete, from the transporting vehicle, to the place of final deposit as rapidly as practicable by methods which shall prevent the separation or loss of the ingredients. Under no circumstances shall concrete that has partially hardened be deposited in the forms [and concrete shall be deposited] as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid rehandling. It shall be deposited so as to maintain, until the completion of the unit, a plastic surface approximately horizontal.
Concrete, regardless of the type of transporting vehicle, shall have, when deposited in the forms, the quality required.
Concrete, during and immediately after depositing, shall be thoroughly spaded, rodded and compacted.
Accumulation of water on the surface of the concrete due to water gain, segregation, or other causes, during placement and compacting, shall be prevented as far as possible by adjustments in the mixture. Provision shall be made for the removal of such water as may accumulate so that under no circumstances will concrete be placed in such accumulations.
Concrete shall be deposited continuously, or in layers of such thickness that no concrete will be deposited on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams and planes of weakness within the section.
Before depositing new concrete on or against concrete which has hardened, the forms shall be retightened. The surface of the hardened concrete shall be roughened as required by the manager, in a manner that will not leave loosened particles of aggregate or damaged concrete at the surface. It shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter and laitance, and saturated with water. To insure an excess of mortar at the juncture of the hardened and the newly deposited concrete, the cleaned and saturated surfaces, including vertical and inclined surfaces, shall first be thoroughly covered with a coating of mortar or neat cement ground against which the new concrete shall be placed before the ground has attained its initial set.
Sidewalks, driveways, setbacks, and all other flat work are to be of one-course concrete construction.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(r))
Sidewalks shall be of concrete and have a minimum thickness of four (4) inches. In the residential portions of the city, sidewalks shall be four (4) feet in width. In case greater widths are desired, special authorization shall be secured from the engineer. In business districts, the walks shall occupy the entire width from property line to curb. The walk shall be sloped 1/4 inch in one foot above the curb.
An entrance sidewalk for a residence in a residential area may vary from the four and one-half (4-1/2) foot standard sidewalk width if the requirements of the particular location are such as to warrant a narrower or a wider walk; however, no entrance walk shall be less than three (3) feet nor more than six (6) feet in width.
Sidewalks on grades up to and including three (3) percent shall be given a smooth float finish, and on grades over three (3) percent shall be given a brush finish. Immediately after the concrete is placed it shall be tamped and then struck off with a template. The surface shall then be “floated” or “darbied” and dusted. This dry dust, consisting of one part Portland cement to 1-1/2 parts sand, must be sprinkled on the wet concrete not more than twenty (20) minutes after the concrete is placed, and not more than ten (10) minutes after the first coat of dust is applied the work is to be struck off with a straight edge or darby and the second coat applied. As soon as the concrete has become firm, it shall be floated with a wood float and then be troweled with a steel trowel to a uniform, smooth surface. Following this the walk shall be edged and grooved.
To obtain a suitable brush finish, a fine-haired brush not less than four (4) inches in width shall be used. The brush is to be swept lightly on the surface of the concrete with a sweeping, circular motion. The entire surface shall be brushed until a uniform appearance is obtained, care being taken that the edger and jointer tool marks are not obliterated.
To obtain a suitable smooth float finish, the concrete, as soon as it has become firm, shall be floated with a wood float to a uniform smooth surface. Following this the walk shall be edged and grooved. The walk shall then be floated transversely or longitudinally, care being taken that the edger and jointer tool marks are not obliterated.
That portion of the sidewalk in the driveway shall be placed as driveway but finished as sidewalk.
The edger shall be of steel three (3) inches wide with a 1/4" radius and shall be used on the edges against the forms, expansion joints and old work, in order to give the work a finished appearance. The spacing of the jointer marks shall not exceed five (5) feet and shall conform to the jointer marks in the curb. The jointer shall leave a mark 3/16 of an inch in width and 3/8 of an inch in depth. The marks formed by the edger and the jointer shall be on a true line. The marks left by these tools on the flat surface of the walk shall be troweled out.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(s))
Sidewalk surfaces constructed of materials other than concrete may be installed only on written approval of the engineer. Request for such approval shall be made by the owner in writing with a sketch indicating the work to be done. Any sidewalk surface constructed of a material other than concrete shall be laid on a four (4) inch concrete base and shall be constructed so that it will form an integral part with the base. Approval for a special sidewalk will include specifications for the construction of the type of sidewalk to be installed.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(t))
Separate gutter, where curbs are in place, or combined curb and gutter, shall be constructed in accordance with the standards shown on the plans attached to an ordinance adopted November 24, 1980. Construction of curb without gutter will not be permitted. The radius of the curb return at a street intersection will be designated by the engineer.
In not more than one hour after the concrete has been placed, the curb form shall be removed and a thin coating, not over 1/4" thick, of finish mortar, composed of one part cement to two parts fine aggregate, shall be worked into the exposed faces of the curb and gutter by means of a trowel and “mule.” Curb and gutter shall be finished true to line and grade with the aid of a straight edge, steel trowel, steel “gooseneck” and fine-haired brush. The straight edge is to be used on the face of the curb and in the gutter. The curb and gutter is to be worked with a steel trowel and “gooseneck” to give the work the appearance of a trowel finish. It is to be edged and jointed in the same manner as specified for sidewalks, and after the work has become firm it is to be brushed lightly longitudinally with a final crosswise brushing.
Curbs and gutters constructed of material other than concrete may be installed only with written approval of the engineer. Request for such approval shall be made by the owner in writing with a sketch indicating the work to be done. Approval for such curbs will include specifications for the construction of the type of curb to be installed.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(u))
Driveways shall be classified as residential, light commercial and heavy commercial and shall be constructed in accordance with the standards indicated on the plans attached to an ordinance adopted November 24, 1980.
Driveway flat work shall be of one-course construction and given a smooth wood float finish.
Driveway curbs shall be given the finish specified for curb and gutter.
Driveways shall be marked in rectangular squares not over five (5) feet wide by cutting through the finished surface as specified for sidewalks.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(v))
A residential driveway shall include any driveway leading into residential or other private property where no heavy wheel loads may be expected.
The minimum width shall be 10'0".
The curb return shall have a minimum radius of 2'6".
Residential driveways shall be of concrete five (5) inches thick including the sidewalk and gutter section.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(w))
All driveways into places of business which serve or are served by automobile traffic shall be classified as light commercial driveways. All driveways which shall be subject to other types of commercial use, including (but without limitation) filling stations and warehouses, shall be classified as heavy commercial driveways. Special permission must be obtained from the engineer before a light commercial or heavy commercial driveway may be built. Request for such approval shall be made by the owner in writing with a sketch indicating the location and dimensions of the commercial driveway.
Light commercial driveways, including the sidewalk and gutter sections, shall be of plain concrete 5" thick. Any sidewalk which is free from cracks on the proper grade and in good condition may remain in place when a light commercial driveway leading thereto is installed, but if any such sidewalk shall become dangerous to the public it shall be removed and replaced by the property owner with concrete of the required thickness. Heavy commercial driveways, including the sidewalk and gutter sections, shall be of reinforced concrete 5" thick, and where a sidewalk exists within the limits of such driveway, the sidewalk shall be replaced with reinforced concrete 5" thick.
3/8" round deformed bars of reinforcing steel on 18" centers both ways shall be placed in heavy commercial driveways two (2) inches from the finished surface, and shall be securely tied at each intersection. Wire mesh consisting of 6 gauge wire on 6" centers, both ways, or an approved equal, may be used as an alternate to bars of reinforcing steel.
Metal reinforcement shall be accurately positioned and secured against displacement by using annealed iron wire ties or suitable clips at intersections, and shall be supported by concrete or metal supports, spacers or metal hangers.
The reinforcing steel shall be placed so as to have one bar three (3) inches from and parallel to the outside edges of the driveway slab and adjacent to all expansion joints. All splices in the steel shall be lapped at least forty (40) times the diameter of the steel. Where wire mesh is used, the outside wire shall be not more than 1-1/2" from the outside edge of the concrete.
The curb returns shall have a radius of not more than the distance from the front edge of the sidewalk to the face of the curb and not less than 2'6".
In case a driveway, due to development of the abutting property, has become obsolete and of no further use to the property, the owner may be required by the city council to remove such driveway and replace it with a standard curb and gutter and, where necessary, a sidewalk, all at his own expense.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(x))
A setback is that additional area formed by setting the curb back from the regular curb alignment towards the property line to obtain a more convenient parking space in the street abutting a commercial establishment.
In no case shall a setback be constructed where the additional depth obtained is less than eight (8) feet.
A setback may be installed only on written approval of the manager. Request for such approval shall be made by the owner in writing accompanied by a sketch indicating the work to be done.
The property owner shall be required to maintain the setback area in a clean, presentable condition at his own expense. In case the setback area is not maintained properly, the owner may be required by the city council to remove the setback within a reasonable length of time and replace it with a standard curb and gutter and where necessary, a sidewalk, all at his own expense.
In case a setback, due to development of the abutting property, has become obsolete and of no further use to the property, the owner may be required by the city council to remove such setback and replace it with a standard curb and gutter, and, where necessary, a sidewalk, all at his own expense.
The setback shall be of plain concrete, 5" thick, and shall be given a smooth wood float finish and be marked in rectangular squares as specified for sidewalks. Setback curbs shall be given the finish specified for curb and gutter.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(y))
Transverse expansion joints 1/2" in thickness and to the full depth and width of the work shall be spaced not over twenty-five (25) feet apart in curbs, gutters, driveways, setbacks and sidewalks. These joints shall be placed on dividing lines between lots where practicable. A 1/2" expansion joint shall be installed where a sidewalk intersects, joins or abuts a stormwater inlet or other structure, another walk or a curb. Where the sidewalk occupies the entire space between the curb and sidewalk and between the sidewalk and building or wall. [sic]
Expansion joint material at least 1/2" in thickness shall be placed in a concrete driveway where the driveway slab or curb abuts the pavement, gutter, curb and sidewalk, as indicated on the standard plan attached to an ordinance adopted November 24, 1980. Expansion joint material shall be neatly trimmed to the surface of the finished work.
The expansion joint material used shall completely fill the space required.
Scrap pieces of joint material that cannot readily be assembled without open seams shall not be used.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(z))
Repair work shall comply with the provisions of this division except that sections of structures being replaced shall in general conform as nearly as possible in dimensions, shape and appearance with the structure in place.
Sections of sidewalks, driveways, curbs and gutters to be repaired shall be cut out and replaced to the jointer marks.
The contractor shall be required to backfill his work properly to the full depth of the structure. He shall be required to remove from the site all surplus excavated material and debris and put the work into a neat and presentable condition.
In case the surplus excavated material on the site is not sufficient to backfill the structure to its full required depth, the contractor shall be required to obtain the additional material and backfill the structure properly as indicated on the standard plans attached to an ordinance adopted November 24, 1980, which are made a part of this division.
(Ordinance adopted 11/24/80, sec. 10(z-1))