For purposes of this division, the term “truck” is defined as any motor vehicle designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property, and that has a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of more than 32,500 pounds, and is not intended to include those trucks commonly known as pickup trucks, panel delivery trucks, and carry-all trucks.
(Ordinance 71111, sec. 1, adopted 6/11/11)
This division hereby establishes and creates certain truck routes in, through, and around the city for all trucks entering or exiting the city, as follows:
Every federal and state highway;
Every farm-to-market road; and
The streets within the city as established by city council.
Trucks are not permitted on any other streets in, through and around the city unless otherwise indicated in this division.
(Ordinance 71111, sec. 2, adopted 6/11/11; Ordinance adopting Code)
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a truck as defined herein on any street, alley, or public way in the city not hereby designated as a truck route. Any truck that has a point of origin or destination point in the city that is not a truck route may use the shortest (most direct) route to or from the truck route nearest to such point.
Through traffic of any truck on any street within the city other than those streets or highways specifically designated in this division hereof is expressly prohibited and declared to be unlawful.
(Ordinance 71111, sec. 3, adopted 6/11/11)
Due to occasional low water crossings over some city streets, the gross vehicle weight in some locations shall be limited to 5 tons (10,000 pounds). Such streets shall be clearly marked with signs indicating such load limits. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a vehicle on or through such marked streets with a gross vehicle weight of more than 5 tons (10,000 pounds).
(Ordinance 71111, sec. 4, adopted 6/11/11)
This division shall not apply to any vehicles owned or operated by:
The city;
The county; or
Yorktown Independent School District.
(Ordinance 71111, sec. 5, adopted 6/11/11)
Signs marking truck routes.
Signs marking the city’s designated truck routes are to be located as near as practicable to the city limits, facing traffic entering the city on all truck routes, and at all intersections that include one or more truck routes. The city administrator is hereby directed to place appropriate signs on the streets indicated herein.
Signs prohibiting truck traffic.
“No Truck Traffic” signs are to be placed at the locations designated by city council.
Signs limiting the gross vehicle weight of a vehicle to 5 tons (10,000 pounds).
Signs indicating that the load limit is 5 tons or less shall be placed at the locations designated by city council.
(Ordinance 71111, sec. 6, adopted 6/11/11; Ordinance adopting Code)
Any person who commits a violation of any provision of this division shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished by a fine in accordance with section 1.01.009 of this code for each offense. Each day a violation is committed or continues shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ordinance 71111, sec. 7, adopted 6/11/11)