The operation of the waterworks, sewage disposal system, and any other public utilities now being operated by or hereafter operated by the city council shall be conducted through and as a part of the public utilities department of the city, which shall be at all times and in every respect subject to the control and direction of the city council pursuant to its ordinances, rules, regulations, and resolutions, and as governed by the applicable laws of the state.
The mayor and city council shall employ a suitable person to be in charge of and whose title shall be “The Superintendent of Public Utilities, Yorktown, Texas,” hereinafter referred to as the superintendent, who shall be an employee of the city, holding such employment from month to month and whose salary shall be payable on a monthly basis as set by the mayor and city council at the time of his employment and as provided for in the city budget.
The superintendent may be dismissed and his employment terminated by giving him thirty (30) days’ notice thereof by the mayor and city council, they giving or assigning their reason or reasons therefor, and he shall remain at all times while so employed under the control and direction of the mayor and city council. In the event the superintendent’s employment is so terminated by the giving of thirty (30) days’ notice as aforesaid, then, and in that event, he shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days’ termination pay, provided he terminates his employment immediately; otherwise, in the event he elects to work all or any part of the thirty days’ notice given to him, then his termination pay shall be proportionately decreased, and if he works fifteen days of the thirty days’ notice then he shall not be entitled to any termination pay. In making the initial appointment of or any subsequent appointments of the superintendent, the mode of his selection shall be upon the recommendation of the mayor and as confirmed by the city council.
The superintendent of public utilities shall be employed as soon as practicable after the passage of this section. Subsequently or thereafter, upon the resignation or discharge of the superintendent by the mayor and city council, a suitable person shall be similarly appointed and he shall forthwith enter upon the performance of such duties.
The superintendent shall read the water meters of every patron of the waterworks system each month and in time to report the readings to the office of the city secretary on or before the 23rd of each month. He shall take water samples from the water system each month and send them to the state department of health services for analysis and once each year he shall send samples from all wells supplying water to the water system of the city to the state department of health services for analysis, filing all reports of analysis made and as received from the state department of health services forthwith with the city secretary.
The superintendent shall inspect the operation of the waterworks and sewage disposal systems, devoting his personal attention thereto continuously, taking care of all pumps and keeping them greased and in good working condition, seeing to it that the storage tank and water tower are kept filled at all times, keeping the pumping plants clean and in good operating condition, superintending all taps of water mains, laying of water pipes and sewer pipes, making connections with the water mains, and ascertaining that water meters are kept in good working order as well as all water cut-offs at the meters.
The superintendent shall see that there are no water leaks in the water system, repairing the same promptly as they appear; he shall install meter boxes whenever so requested and as necessary.
The superintendent shall take good care of all the tools, equipment, motor vehicles and supplies belonging to the city insofar as the same shall be given or assigned to him; he shall not use nor lend out any of said items to any person, firm, partnership, corporation or body either natural or artificial, unless engaged in the work of the city and having approval of the city council, nor shall he permit any item or motor vehicle to leave the city limits without the express consent of the mayor or of a member of the city council.
The superintendent shall flush all city fire hydrants once every thirty days and keep the taps and nuts in good working order as well as properly greased.
The superintendent shall not hire any laborers or assistants without the express consent of the mayor and city council when the amount or cost of labor involved exceeds the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) in any given calendar month. The superintendent shall make monthly reports to the mayor and city council, giving them up-to-date information regarding the condition of the waterworks system, fire hydrants, sewage disposal system, and all extensions made on the waterworks and sewage disposal systems in his said reports, showing the same on a map whereon shall be correctly designated the location of such additions, and he shall indicate the depth of the pipe, size of the pipe and the location of each new fire plug.
The superintendent shall not purchase any article, item or make any engagements or contract for material, merchandise, supplies or labor where the amount involved shall exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) in any given calendar month without the express approval and authorization of the mayor and city council.
The superintendent shall make and file with the city secretary a daily work sheet for each working day on which he shall list the work performed in his department and the approximate time required in accomplishing the same. The work sheet shall be filed on the day following the day on which the work was done.
(Ordinance adopted 4/19/53)
The city’s deposit for persons desiring city utilities shall be in the amount established by city council. The provisions of the ordinance regarding necessity of the deposit and lien for unpaid charges are unchanged.
Billing generally.
All monthly water bills and sewer and garbage charges shall be billed and considered in all things as one charge, and the payment of such charge shall not be divided at any time for any reason, and the payment shall apply to the bill as a whole. Monthly charges shall become due and payable on the first of each month following the month in which service was rendered and shall be payable in full at the city offices by the tenth day of that month.
Reading of meters; delinquency; meter tampering fee.
All water meters will be read as nearly as possible by the 20th of each month by city personnel.
All bills for water usage shall be mailed out by the city on the last day of each month.
The water bill will become delinquent on the tenth of the month following the receipt of the water bill by the patron.
All patrons delinquent on the 15th of the month will be notified that their water services will be terminated for nonpayment on the 25th of the month. A flat fee in the amount established by city council will be assessed on each delinquent water account.
All patrons where water services were terminated will be charged a reconnect fee in the amount established by city council to restore service.
A tampering fee in the amount established by city council will be charged to accounts where meters have shown unauthorized usage.
No person whose service has been turned off shall be allowed to reopen the service or turn on the water until all fees have been paid in full.
Any person owing water rents and moving to other premises shall pay all former delinquencies before service is connected.
Access to meter; malfunctioning meters.
If easy access to a meter is obstructed in any manner whatsoever by a patron or if entrance to the premises is made dangerous by a vicious dog or otherwise, thereby preventing a meter reader from procuring a reading of the meter, the charges may be estimated for the amount not to exceed double the normal charge, and if the consumer does not remedy the condition and should he further refuse to pay the estimated bill, the city water department shall have the right to discontinue the service without further notice, and service shall not be resumed until the conditions complained of have been remedied and all charges for water service paid.
If a meter fails to register the water actually consumed by reason of the register or meter getting out of order, the city water department may estimate the charge by the normal consumption, taking into consideration the season of the year. This estimation may be based on the consumption either before or after the period the meter fails to register the water consumed.
Testing of meter.
If a patron complains of the charges for water supplied him and if he demands that the meter supplying his premises be tested, the city water department may remove and test the meter, and the consumer or his representative shall witness such test. If it is found that the meter does not register in error more than two percent fast, the consumer shall pay the amount established by city council for making the test, and no adjustment of the charges shall be made. If, however, the meter should register more than two percent fast, the consumer shall pay no fee for such test, and the city water department shall make appropriate adjustment in the water service charges.
(Ordinance adopted 1/23/07; Ordinance adopting Code)
During periods declared to be a water shortage, it shall be unlawful for residents of the city who live on the north side of State Highway No. 72, also known as Main Street, to water lawns or other outdoor vegetation on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. It shall be unlawful for residents of the city who live on the south side of State Highway No. 72 to water lawns or other outdoor vegetation on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays. “Resident” shall be presumed to be the person or persons responsible for the payment of charges for water and sewer service to the property, as shown on the records of the city. “Water shortage” shall mean a period of time after any day in which total usage exceeds 700,000 gallons of water in the city. The city secretary shall cause notice of the water shortage to be published in any newspaper of general circulation in the county, and the period of water shortage shall continue until notice of the termination of such period is published in a similar fashion. A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine in accordance with section 1.01.009 of this code for each day on which unlawful watering occurs.
(Ordinance adopted 7/24/89)