Any person, partnership, association, corporation or anyone else owning or possessing real estate located within the corporate limits of the city desiring to install or place into use any water well or wells on property within the city shall be required to obtain a permit for such well or wells from the city secretary and mayor before commencing any work thereon or placing into use a well or wells, and failure to obtain a permit shall be deemed a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall [be subject to] the penalty or penalties herein prescribed.
(Ordinance 1011, sec. I, adopted 1/9/56)
Such permits (whether one or more) shall be issued only upon a showing of good cause therefor, and the mayor and city council shall determine whether or not such a permit should be issued. The city secretary shall accept applications for permits and report each application received to the next regular meeting of the city council. Each application so received shall be referred by the city council at such regular meeting to the appropriate (waterworks) committee for its investigation, and said committee shall report its recommendations together with the recommendation of the superintendent of public utilities to the next regular meeting of the city council, and the city council shall at that regular meeting decide whether or not such permit shall be issued. Upon approval of an application by the city council, the mayor and city secretary shall issue the permit upon the payment of a fee in the amount established by city council by the applicant to the city secretary. No permit shall be issued until approved by the mayor and city council at a regular meeting and payment of said prescribed fee. Anyone digging, drilling or placing into use any water well or wells without first obtaining said permit shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in accordance with section 1.01.009 of this code per day, and each and every day shall constitute a separate and distinct offense or violation of this article.
(Ordinance 1011, sec. II, adopted 1/9/56; Ordinance adopting Code)
Anyone having a water well or wells on their premises shall file a written report thereof with the city secretary within thirty (30) days after passage of this section and publication of same as required by law. Said report shall state the location and number of wells, whether or not now in use, the size of the motor used to pump the water, the depth thereof, the capacity of the well, whether or not cross-connected with the city water supply, and such other information as may be desired by the city council in such report. Such report shall be referred to the appropriate (waterworks) committee by the city council for investigation and its report together with the recommendations of the superintendent of public utilities to the next regular meeting of the city council, and the city council shall at that regular meeting decide whether or not a permit for such well or wells shall be issued. The mayor and the city secretary shall issue such permit free of charge unless such existing well or wells are determined to be dangerous, contaminated, polluted or injurious to the health of persons using the same in the opinion of the city health officer, and the penalty or penalties prescribed in section 13.05.002 shall be applicable upon failure to file said report and obtain the prescribed permit.
(Ordinance 1012 adopted 3/12/56)