Ordinances calling elections as well as those certifying election results for the imposition of sales and use taxes are on file in the office of the city secretary.
(Ordinance adopting Code)
The term “telecommunications services,” as used in this section, means the electronic or electrical transmission, conveyance, routing, or reception of sounds, signals, data or information utilizing wire, cable, radio waves, microwaves, satellites, fiber optic, or any other method now in existence or that may be devised, including, but not limited to, long distance telephone service. The storage of data or information for subsequent retrieval or the processing or reception and processing of data or information intended to change its form or content are not included in “telecommunications services.”
Pursuant to section 321.210 of the Texas Tax Code, the city hereby repeals the local sales and use tax exemption on telecommunications services.
(Ordinance 050514-01 adopted 6/3/2014)