The city council hereby approves a change to a type A general law municipality as provided in chapter 6, Texas Local Government Code.
(Ordinance 05-O-79 adopted 12/12/2005; 2009 Code, sec. 1.02.001)
Right of eminent domain.
Pursuant to the authority granted to the city by chapter 251, Texas Local Government Code, when the city council considers it necessary, the city may exercise the right of eminent domain for a public purpose to acquire public or private property, whether located inside or outside the city, for any of the following purposes:
The providing, enlarging, or improving of a city hall; police station; jail or other law enforcement detention facility; fire station; library; school or other educational facility; academy; auditorium; hospital; sanatorium; market house; slaughterhouse; warehouse; elevator; railroad terminal; airport; loading or unloading facility; alley, street, or other roadway; park, playground, or other recreational facility; square; waterworks system, including reservoirs, other water supply sources, watersheds, and water storage, drainage, treatment, distribution, transmission, and emptying facilities; sewage system including sewage collection, drainage, treatment, disposal, and emptying facilities; electric or gas power system; cemetery; and crematory;
The determining of riparian rights relative to the city’s waterworks;
The straightening or improving of the channel of any stream, branch, or drain;
The straightening, widening, or extending of any alley, street, or other roadway; and
For any other municipal purpose the city council considers advisable.
Title to property.
When condemning land under this section, the city may take fee simple title to the property if the city council expresses the intention to do so.
An exercise of the power of eminent domain granted by this section and applicable state law is governed by chapter 21 of the Texas Property Code.
(Ordinance 06-O-42, secs. 2.1, 2.2, adopted 5/22/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.02.002)
The building located at 2801 Ranch Road (“RR”) 1869 is hereby declared to be the city hall for the city.
(Ordinance 04-O-27 adopted 6/28/2004; 2009 Code, sec. 1.02.003)
The flag design attached to Ordinance 04-O-03 as exhibit A and incorporated herein for all purposes is hereby declared the official flag for the city.
(Ordinance 04-O-03 adopted 2/23/2004; 2009 Code, sec. 1.02.004)
Editor’s note–Former section 2.01.005 pertaining to the official newspaper, was repealed and deleted in its entirety by Ordinance 2023-O-041 adopted 9/27/2023. Prior to the deletion, this section derived from the following: Ordinance 10-O-25, adopted 9/27/2010 and 2009 Code, sec. 1.02.005.
The city establishes the following guidelines for the delivery of all mail, packages, notes, correspondence, or other communication to any city official or staff member:
Items addressed to the mayor shall be delivered to the mayor;
Items addressed to the mayor and city council shall be delivered to the mayor and copies delivered to all city council members;
Items addressed to an individual councilperson shall be delivered to the addressed councilperson;
Items addressed to a former mayor or council member shall be delivered to the mayor and all councilpersons;
Items addressed to an individual city staff person, employee, or legal counsel shall be delivered to the person to whom the item is addressed;
Items addressed to a former individual city staff person, employee, or legal counsel shall be delivered to the person’s successor to whom the item is addressed; and
Items of little value to the mayor or city council, such as circulars, advertisements, or other forms of “junk mail,” shall be delivered or discarded as determined by the city secretary or her designee.
Items not included in the list provided in subsection (a) above shall be disseminated to the mayor and city council. If a response to a communication is required, the city council may determine the appropriate response at a city council meeting.
The city secretary or her designee shall deliver all mail, packages, notes, correspondence, or other communications to any city official or staff member within a reasonable time. It is presumed that two (2) business days is reasonable time, unless otherwise specified in writing by the city secretary or her designee. Delivery of any communication to the mayor’s or city councilperson’s designated mail delivery drop at city hall shall be considered delivery of the communication to that person. In the event the city secretary or her designee is unable to perform the duties described herein, the city council may appoint a member of the city council, including the mayor, to perform the duties described herein.
(Ordinance 01-O-17, secs. 2–4, adopted 9/14/2001; 2009 Code, sec. 1.02.006)
Electronic and digital signatures are authorized for use according to the following rules.
The following definitions apply to this section:
Digital signature
has the same meaning as in section 2054.060(e)(1) of the Texas Government Code.
Electronic record
has the same meaning as in section 322.002(7) of the Texas Business and Commerce Code.
Electronic signature
has the same meaning as in section 322.002(8) of the Texas Business and Commerce Code.
“UETA” means the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, commencing at section 322.001 of the Texas Business and Commerce Code. In any communication or transaction with the city for which the parties have agreed to conduct the communication or transaction by electronic means, the following provisions apply:
When a record is required to be in writing, an electronic record satisfies that requirement, if it is in accordance with the UETA.
When a signature is required, the parties may agree that either:
An electronic signature satisfies that requirement, if it is in accordance with the UETA; or
A digital signature satisfies that requirement, if it is in accordance with section 2054.060 of the Texas Government Code.
The city manager shall determine acceptable technologies and vendors under this section consistent with industry best practices to ensure the security and integrity of the data and the signature. The city manager shall further determine the documents for which the city will accept electronic signatures.
This section is intended to enable the city to use electronic records, electronic signatures, and digital signatures to the fullest extent allowed by law and does not limit the city’s ability to use electronic records, electronic signatures, or digital signatures in any way.
(Ordinance 20-O-79 adopted 12/14/2020; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
For each meeting, the following procedures for citizens' comments shall apply:
Public comments unrelated to an agenda item.
For each City Council, Board, Committee, Commission or Task Force meeting, an agenda section shall be placed on the agenda allowing for members of the public to address the respective governmental body. Said section shall be identified as "Public Comments." The Public Comments portion of the meeting shall occur before the governmental body considers any item on the regular or consent agendas.
A member of the public may address the governmental body by filing a request with the city secretary or recording secretary, in advance. The request must include the speaker's name, residence address, daytime telephone number, and the subject matter to be presented. Citizens may provide contact information if they wish to be contacted by city representatives. Forms for requesting to speak shall be made available at the meeting.
Each member of the public signed-up to speak during public comments shall have no more than three (3) minutes to address the governmental body.
Public comments relating to specific item.
This subsection applies to meetings of all City Council, Board, Committees, Commissions or Task Forces or other governmental bodies, established by Council.
Any member of the public who desires to address the governmental body regarding an item on the agenda will be allowed to speak before or during the consideration of that item. The Presiding Officer determines when speakers will be recognized by the governmental body.
Speaker Forms shall be placed in the meeting location allowing for a member of the public to sign up to speak. A member of the public may address the board by completing a Speaker Form and submitting it to the City Secretary or Recording Secretary before being recognized.
Each member of the public signed up to speak shall have no more than three (3) minutes to address the City Council.
(Ordinance 05-O-71, sec. 2, adopted 9/26/2005; 2009 Code, sec. 1.03.033; Ordinance 21-O-03.22-03 adopted 3/22/2021; Ordinance 2023-O-047 adopted 11/15/2023)