All dogs within the city shall be cared for in accordance with the following:
It shall be unlawful for the owner, caregiver or keeper of any dog to permit such dog to run at large within the city. A dog is at large if it is not within an enclosure adequate to contain the dog upon or within property owned or leased by its owner, caregiver or keeper or restrained by a leash or harness personally held by the owner, caregiver or keeper of the dog.
It shall be unlawful for the owner, caregiver or keeper of any dog to restrain or anchor a dog by means of a tether, chain, cable, rope or cord, unless the tether or other restraint is being personally held by the owner, caregiver or keeper of the dog. No dog may be attached to any inanimate object.
Any dogs confined within a fenced yard or run must be provided with at least one hundred (100) square feet of space for each dog. Any dog kept within a house without a yard shall be provided an enclosure or run for such dog with at least one hundred (100) square feet for each dog. The enclosure shall be constructed of chain-link or similar type material with all four (4) sides enclosed. Then enclosure shall be of sufficient height to prevent the dog from escaping from the enclosure. The top of the enclosure shall be covered with material to provide the dog with shade and protection from the elements.
(Ordinance 976, art. 4, adopted 4/23/96; Ordinance 1062, sec. 1, adopted 11/9/04; 1972 Code, sec. 4-16)