[Ord. 245, 7/13/2022]
The Board of Supervisors of Smithfield Township hereby creates the position of Township Manager and assigns thereto the following rights, duties, obligations, and conditions. The Board of Supervisors may enter into an employment agreement pursuant to 53 P.S. § 66301(a.1) with the Township Manager. The employment agreement may set forth the terms and conditions of employment, and the agreement may provide that it shall remain in effect for a specified period terminating no later than two years after the effective date of the agreement or the date of the Board of Supervisors’ reorganizational meeting following the next municipal election, whichever shall first occur. An employment agreement entered into pursuant to this Section may specify conditions under which a Township Manager would be entitled to severance compensation, but in no event shall an employment agreement guarantee employment through the term of the agreement or confer upon the Township Manager any legal remedy based on specific performance.
[Ord. 245, 7/13/2022]
The Manager shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors. The position is considered “at will” and the Manager may be removed from this position with or without cause or reason, and at any time by a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 245, 7/13/2022]
The Manager shall be chosen on the basis of their educational accomplishments; executive, budgetary, and administrative abilities; experience in grant writing and in the submission of grant applications; and overall experience with particular reference to the duties of their office as hereinafter outlined. The Manager need not be a resident of the Township or of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the time of their appointment, but prior to reaching their first anniversary they must reside either in Smithfield Township or within 25 miles of Smithfield Township, and shall continue to meet the residency requirement for the tenure of their office. The Board of Supervisors may consider on a case-by-case basis relief from the mileage requirement, provided the total distance from Smithfield Township does not exceed 35 miles. In consideration of said requirement, the Board of Supervisors shall interpret “distance from Smithfield Township” as the distance from the home of the Township Manager to the nearest border of the Township.
[Ord. 245, 7/13/2022]
Before performing any of their duties as Township Manager, and continuously thereafter, the Manager shall provide a bond to the Township with a bonding company, as a surety in good standing, doing business within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and on the U.S. Treasury List of Certified Companies in an amount directed by the Board of Supervisors and conditioned upon the faithful performance of the Manager’s duties. The premium for said bond will be paid by the Township from the general fund.
[Ord. 245, 7/13/2022]
The compensation (salary and benefits package, if any) of the Township Manager shall be fixed by resolution at the time of their employment with the Township. However, the establishment of such compensation is not to be deemed as any entitlement by the Manager to such compensation in the future; and such compensation may be adjusted from time to time by a majority vote of the Board.
[Ord. 245, 7/13/2022]
In case of absence or illness of the Manager from the Township, the Board of Supervisors shall designate a qualified individual to perform temporarily the duties of the Manager during such absence or disability.
[Ord. 245, 7/13/2022]
The Township Manager shall act as Chief Administrative Officer of the Township. The Township Manager reports to and is subject to oversight from the Board of Supervisors. The powers and duties of the Township Manager shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
They shall supervise and be responsible for all functions and activities of all municipal departments.
The Township Manager is responsible for achieving and maintaining a reasonable level of work productivity from the Township’s workforce. The Township Manager shall have the authority to issue verbal and written warnings to Township employees. The Township Manager shall be responsible for recommending to the Board of Supervisors all hiring, suspensions, demotions, and dismissals of employees, and may only take such action upon determination by the Board of Supervisors.
The Township Manager is responsible for instituting and maintaining lawful employment/hiring procedures within the Township.
The Manager is responsible for the Township’s compliance with Federal and State employment and personnel laws; is responsible for the implementation of Township policies relating to matters of employment, including but not limited to maintenance of the Township’s official personnel files (basic, medical and other), including being responsible for the confidential securing of those files in accordance with applicable law.
The Township Manager is responsible for recommending the compensation payable to, and the benefit structure applicable to, all Township employees. The Board of Supervisors has final authority in regard to such compensation and benefits and shall, in the exercise of this authority, give reasonable weight to the recommendations of the Manager.
In regard to personnel matters the Township Manager shall be the chief public spokesperson of the Township, it being recognized that having a single, centralized individual performing such a role best enables the Township to comply with its legal obligations to the public and to its employees.
The Manager is empowered to recommend personnel policies, ordinances, and resolutions to the Board of Supervisors.
The Manager is empowered, so long as the costs for so doing are within the bounds of the administrative budget, to send or permit employees to attend training opportunities.
The Manager has the authority and responsibility to plan and direct the work to be performed by the Township’s workforce; to delegate aspects of that authority and responsibility to subordinate managers and supervisors; to make, to the Board of Supervisors, personnel-related recommendations (whether related to policy formation, legislation, or otherwise) and to decide and/or make recommendations regarding other matters relating to Township personnel management.
The Manager may hold other compatible offices and head such departments as the Board of Supervisors may from time to time direct.
The Manager shall inform the Board of Supervisors regarding the conduct of Township affairs through submission of periodic reports on the condition of the Township finances, the accomplishment of organizational objectives and other reports requested by the Board of Supervisors, and shall make such recommendations to the Board of Supervisors as the Township Manager deems necessary and advisable for the welfare of the Township.
The Manager shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Board of Supervisors not inconsistent with this or other laws and ordinances.
[Ord. 245, 7/13/2022]
The Office of Township Manager shall not be deemed incompatible with the Office of Township Secretary, Treasurer, Zoning Officer, or any other nonelected Township office or Township police officer.