[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988]
The purpose of this Part is to establish procedures for the use and maintenance of holding tanks designed to receive and retain sewage from certain residential, commercial and industrial uses where connection to sanitary sewers is imminent, and it is hereby declared that the enactment of this Part is necessary for the protection, benefit and preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Township.
[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988]
Unless the context specifically and clearly indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this Part shall be as follows:
Any use permitted within any Commercial District, as those terms are defined in the Zoning Chapter herein.
Any person or entity making application under this Part.
A watertight receptacle which receives and retains sewage and is designed and constructed to facilitate ultimate disposal of the sewage at another site. Holding tanks include, but are not limited to the following:
A toilet using chemicals that discharge to a holding tank.
A holding tank where sewage is conveyed to it by a water carrying system.
A holding tank designed to receive sewage where water under pressure is not available.
Any use permitted with any Industrial District, as those terms are defined in the Zoning Chapter herein.
Any use permitted within any Residential District, as those terms are defined in the Zoning Chapter herein.
Any and all collector sewers, connecting sewers, interceptors, pumping stations, force mains, lateral connections (extending two feet within lot lines), and other appurtenances used in the collection or conveyance of sewage.
Any substance that contains any of the waste products of excrement or other discharge from the bodies of human beings or animals and any noxious or deleterious substance being harmful or inimical to the public health or to animal or aquatic life or to the use of water for domestic water supply or for recreation.
The Township of Smithfield or any municipal authority formed by the Township of Smithfield to enforce this Part and other ordinances relating to the collection and treatment of sewage within the Township.
[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988]
The Township shall issue a holding tank permit whenever a developer shall meet all of the requirements of this Part.
[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988]
The Supervisors are hereby authorized and empowered to adopt by resolution such rules and regulations concerning the issuance of holding tank permits as they may deem necessary from time to time to effect the purposes herein.
[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988]
All such rules and regulations adopted by the Township shall be in conformity with the provisions herein, all other ordinances of the Township, and all applicable laws, and regulations of the relevant departments and administrative agencies of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988]
The collection and transportation of all sewage from any residential, commercial or industrial use utilizing a holding tank shall be performed under the direction and control of the Township, and the disposal thereof shall be made only at such site or sites as may be approved by the relevant municipal, county and State departments or agencies.
[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988]
Before a holding tank may be installed to service a residential, commercial or industrial use, the developer shall:
File with the Township evidence that developer has reserved adequate sewage treatment capacity in an existing sanitary sewer system or planned sanitary sewer system which is scheduled to be completed within two years of the date of developer's application, as those terms are defined in Chapter 18, Part 2.
File with the Township a copy of a written contract between the developer and a contractor covering the periodic removal of sewage from the holding tank for the period during which the holding tank shall be used.
Submit to the Township Engineer plans for the construction and subsequent removal of the holding tank, together with information on size, location, or any other matter that the Township Engineer may reasonably require in order to complete his review. The Township Engineer shall have 60 days to approve or disapprove of the plans submitted for review. If the plans are disapproved, the Engineer shall specifically state in writing the nature of all deficiencies. The developer may resubmit the plans with the required changes for approval. The Engineer shall then have 30 days to approve or disapprove the plans as modified. If the plans are again disapproved, the process shall be repeated until the plans are withdrawn or receive final approval, which shall be a prerequisite to the granting of a holding tank permit. If the Engineer shall not respond to any submission or resubmission within the time prescribed herein, then such submission shall be deemed approved.
Enter into an escrow agreement with the Township and escrow funds equal to the total cost to construct and service the holding tank (in accordance with the contract required by § 18-307, Subsection 2, increased by a contingency factor of 10% and also increased by the cost of the Township Engineer's plan review, construction inspection and final inspection. Said escrow agreement shall be in a form acceptable to the Township and its Solicitor.
Pay a fee to the Township for the holding tank permit in accordance with the schedule of fees adopted by the Township and comply with such other rules and regulations as shall be promulgated by the Township from time to time.
Execute an agreement to hold the Township harmless in the event of a claim against the Township arising from the operation of the holding tank.
[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988]
The developer of any property that utilizes a holding tank shall:
Maintain the holding tank is conformity with this Part or any ordinance of this Township, the provisions of any applicable law, and the rules and regulations of the Township and of any relevant department or administrative agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Permit only persons authorized by the Township to collect, transport, and dispose of the sewage held in the holding tank.
[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988; as amended by Ord. 128, 4/26/1994; and by Ord. 141, 4/28/1998]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a district justice in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each Section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988]
Whenever sanitary sewers become available for use by a property serviced by a holding tank, such holding tank shall be disconnected and disposed of in accordance with the Township holding tank permit, and proper connection made to the sanitary sewer within 90 days after notice to make connection. The Township's failure to give such notice shall not act as a waiver of developer's obligations under this Section, which obligations shall be fulfilled within 90 days of developer knowing or having reason to know that connection to a sanitary sewer is possible.
[Ord. 95, 3/21/1988]
In addition to any other remedies provided in this Part, any violation of this Part shall constitute a nuisance and may be abated by the Township by either seeking appropriate equitable or legal relief from a court of competent jurisdiction.