[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
The procedures for review of subdivision or land development plans normally includes two stages, preliminary and final, and may also include a sketch plan stage at the option of the applicant/developer. These stages may be necessary to provide the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors adequate opportunity to review each proposal and ensure that their recommendations are included in the final plan. Review is required according to the following table:
The requirements for each plan stage are contained in plan requirements found further in this Chapter.
Plan Stage
Minor Subdivision
Major Subdivision
Land Development
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
Where a tract is to be developed in phases, a complete preliminary plan for the entire tract shall be submitted initially.
Preliminary approval for the subdivision or land development must be obtained for the entire development. Final approval may be obtained phase by phase.
The extent of each phase for which a separate final plan is to be submitted shall be shown and a time schedule presented for the submission of the final plan for those phases. The order of development shown on the preliminary plan must be adhered to, and, if changes are required, plans must be revised and reviewed and approved.
Each phase of a development must be designed so that it could be developed independently and stand on its own meeting all applicable Township ordinances without other phases, including the street system, utilities, provision of required open land, provisions of the stormwater management provisions, and protection of all natural resources.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
The applicant/developer shall attend a mandatory pre-construction conference, to be conducted by the Township Engineer. In addition to the applicant/developer and the Township Engineer the following organizations/officials shall be invited to attend; Zoning Officer, Water Authority, Sewer Authority, PennDOT, Monroe County Conservation District, the Department of Environmental Protection and other outside agencies as needed. The pre-construction conference must be held prior to the breaking of ground or the commencement of any site construction work.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
All subdivision or land developments shall be subject to the reservations shown and established by the Smithfield Township Official Map which has been enacted by ordinance pursuant to Article IV of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Code. All public streets, public grounds and other the public elements identified by the Official Map of Smithfield Township which are shown on final, recorded plats which have been approved in accord with this Chapter shall be deemed amendments to the official map. No public hearing need be held or notice given if the amendment of the Official Map is the result of the addition of a plat which has been approved in accord with this Chapter.