[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
The sketch plan review offers the opportunity for an informal discussion of a proposed subdivision or land development before committing funds for engineering drawings and reviews that are required for preliminary plan submission. A sketch plan is not required however is strongly recommended to encourage dialogue between the applicant/developer and municipality before detailed plans are engineered.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
There are no filing fees for a sketch plan review unless specific engineering reviews are requested. If specific engineering reviews are requested a professional escrow agreement shall be established for reimbursement of professional review fees. Guidelines are found in § 22-504, but the submission can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual applicant/developer. The sophistication of the information supplied need only be sufficient to provide the background necessary for the Township reviewing agency’s, normally but not necessarily the Planning Commission, to answer the applicant/developer’s questions.
The plan submission shall be made to the Township Zoning Officer at least 10 calendar days prior to the regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting at which the plan is to be discussed. If an engineering review is requested the submission shall be made at least 20 calendar days prior to the meeting. All applicants/developers shall contact the Township to arrange for the presentation of the sketch plan to be placed on the reviewing agencies’ agenda.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
This is an informal review. The applicant/developer will describe the proposal and relate any concerns or questions to the reviewing agency. The agency will offer a nonbinding opinion or suggest other sources that are able to answer questions regarding the proposal. The applicant/developer is encouraged to submit a sketch plan to the Monroe County Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission’s review shall include, but is not limited to:
The location of all areas proposed for land disturbance (streets, foundations, yards, water supply, sewage disposal systems, stormwater management areas, including associated grading) with respect to features of natural or cultural significance as identified on the applicant/developer’s Existing Resource/Site Analysis (ER/SA) Plan and on the municipality’s Map of Potential Conservation Lands.
The potential for street connections with existing streets, other proposed streets, or in potential developments on adjoining parcels; the location of proposed access points along the existing road network.
Building layout.
When common open space (Greenway land) is provided:
The potential for common open space (Greenway land) connections with existing or potential common open space (Greenway land) on adjoining parcels.
The relationship of buildings to common open space (Greenway land).
Pedestrian access to common open space (Greenway land).
The compatibility of the proposal with respect to the objectives and policy recommendations of the Municipal Comprehensive Plan and Open Space Plan.
General consistency with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
After preparing the Existing Resource/Site Analysis (ER/SA) Plan but prior to the Planning Commission meeting in which the plan is to be reviewed, the applicant/developer is strongly encouraged to arrange for a site visit with the Planning Commission and other municipal officials and professionals, and shall provide sufficient copies of the ERSA Plan to distribute to all municipal officials attending the site visit. Applicant/developers, their site designers and the landowner are encouraged to accompany the Planning Commission. The purpose of the site visit is to familiarize local officials with the property’s existing conditions and special features, to identify potential site design issues and to provide an informal opportunity to discuss site design concepts, including the general layout of common open space (Greenway land) (if applicable) and potential locations for proposed buildings and street alignments.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
It is recommended that sketch plans, at a minimum, show the following information. All sketch plans shall be prepared in conformance with the four-step design process indicated in § 22-1003:
An Existing Resources/Site Analysis Plan (ER/SA) as set forth in § 22-603, Subsection 1C. For the purposes of the sketch plan, topography may be taken from U.S.G.S. maps unless more detailed topography is available; wetlands may be taken from maps published by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service; and woodlands may be taken from aerial photographs.
The sketch plan should be prepared as an overly to aerial photography.
Clearly and legibly drawn at a scale not less than one inch equals 100 feet indicating date, scale and north point.
A site location map.
The proposed name or identifying title of the subdivision or land development.
The name and address of the owner/applicant/developer.
The name and address of the engineer, surveyor, landscape architect or architect who prepared the plan.
Existing tract boundaries indicating the area of the original tract in acres and square feet.
Existing and proposed lot lines with lot areas in acres and square feet provided.
All existing and proposed structures and uses indicating all setback lines. All land proposed to be conserved or undisturbed shall also be identified on the sketch plan.
Required improvements such as streets, parking lot layout, number of parking stalls, stormwater management concepts, etc.
Existing and proposed street layout, including all streets adjacent to the tract and all proposed access points and parking areas.
Existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way within and adjoining tract.
The applicable zoning requirements.
Contours and the basis for topography and vertical datum base.
Lands with natural resources, as defined by the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
Zoning district(s) and proposed use(s) in accordance with the Smithfield Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
Zoning regulations in a tabular format including ordinance requirements and proposed conditions including, but not limited to, yard setbacks, impervious cover, building coverage, minimum lot size requirements, minimum lot frontage, etc.
The parcel identification number and recording information for the tract and all adjacent lots; zoning classifications for the tract and all adjacent lots.
A general description of the proposed method of water supply and sewage disposal.
Identification as a sketch plan - not for approval or construction.
A key map with a north arrow showing the entire development and its relation to surrounding areas.
The names of the owners of all abutting properties and existing uses.
Where a tract is to be developed in phases, a complete sketch plan for the entire tract.