[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
It is the purpose of this Part to provide a procedure by which minor subdivisions may be reviewed.
In the event that the proposed subdivision shall involve a change in the location of streets, sanitary or storm sewers, water mains, culverts or any other municipal improvements, then the provisions of this Section shall not be applicable and the applicant/developer shall be required to comply with the requirements for preliminary major subdivision plans.
Only one minor subdivision shall be permitted for a single property. Subsequent subdivisions shall be considered to be major subdivisions and shall meet the requirements for major subdivision plans.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
The applicant/developer shall submit eight copies of the minor subdivision plans, data and application to the Township at least 10 calendar days in advance of a regular monthly meeting of the Township Planning Commission. Fees shall be paid as required.
The applicant/developer shall prepare a minor subdivision plan and application in preliminary or final form at the applicant/developer’s option.
The applicant/developer shall submit two electronic copies (one in Auto CAD format and one in PDF format) of the final plan on durable media such as CDs or DVDs.
Upon submission of a plan, the Township shall determine if the application is complete and, if so, schedule it to be accepted for review at the next regularly scheduled Township Planning Commission meeting; if the Township determines the application is incomplete, the plan and application shall not be reviewed but shall be returned to the applicant/developer with a report indicating the deficiencies. Once the plan is accepted for review by the Planning Commission this shall be considered the start of the MPC ninety-day review period.
Distribution. The Township shall distribute copies of the preliminary/final plan and supporting data to the following:
The Board of Supervisors: one copy.
The Township Planning Commission: five copies.
The Township files: two copies.
In addition to the copies noted above, the following submissions shall be made by the applicant/developer:
Township Engineer: one copy.
Township Solicitor: one copy.
Water Authority: copies per agency, as applicable.
Sewer Authority: copies per agency, as applicable.
Fire Company servicing the project, as requested.
School Board of the school servicing the project, as requested.
PennDOT (where required): copies per agency submission requirements.
Monroe County Planning Commission copies per agency submission requirements.
Monroe County Conservation District: copies per agency submission requirements.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
The following information and data shall be included on or accompany all preliminary minor subdivision plans. If the applicant/developer chooses to seek preliminary/final approval, then the requirements for final plans must be submitted.
The plan shall be clear and legibly drawn at a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet, indicating date, scale and north arrow.
The name of the subdivision or land development.
The tax map parcel number, the tax map sheet, block and lot numbers for the tract and for all adjacent lots.
The name and address of the owner/developer/applicant.
The name and address of the engineer, surveyor, landscape architect or architect who prepared the plan.
Existing tract boundaries indicating the area of original tract in acres or square feet.
All existing and proposed structures and uses indicating all setback lines as well as shortest distances between buildings.
The existing features, including all streets adjacent to the tract and all proposed access points and parking areas.
Existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way within and adjoining the tract.
The zoning district and boundaries and zoning on adjacent tracts.
Zoning requirements, including applicable district, lot size and yard requirements, open lands, impervious surface amount and ratio, buffer yards, height, resource protection standards and proof of any modifications, variance or special exceptions which may have been granted by the Township Zoning Hearing Board.
Existing and proposed lot lines.
Contours and the basis for topography and vertical datum base.
A key map with a north arrow for the purpose of locating the site to be subdivided showing the relation of the tract to adjoining property and to all streets, roads and municipal boundaries existing within 800 feet of any part of the property proposed to be subdivided.
A tax map format shall be used showing the names of the owners and uses of all abutting properties.
Significant physical features such as but not limited to streams, lakes, ponds and drainage rights-of-way, including the direction of flow; and the location of all environmentally sensitive features, including floodplains, floodplain soils, wetlands, lake and pond shorelines, woodlands, large trees standing outside of woodlands and steep slopes.
The original date, dates last revised, sheets revised, north point and scale shown graphically and numerically on the front sheet of the plan.
A recent title report shall be submitted verifying any restrictions in the deed affecting the subdivision or development of the property, including, but not limited to, any underground, overhead or surface utility easements or rights-of-way. Copies of easements shall be submitted for review.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimal parts thereof and bearings shall be in degrees, minutes and seconds. All radii, arc and chord lengths and central angles of curves shall be indicated.
The sheet or sheets shall be a minimum of 24 inches by 36 inches or larger sizes allowed for recordation purposes. If more than one sheet is necessary, each sheet shall be the same size and consecutively numbered to show its relation to the total number of sheets comprising the plan, i.e., Sheet No. 1 of 5, etc.
All plans must be acknowledged and sealed by a land surveyor responsible for the plan in compliance with the Land Surveyor Law. If an environmental consultant, architect or landscape architect collaborated in the preparation of the plan, his/her name and address shall also appear.
A complete outline survey of the property to be subdivided or developed shall be provided, showing all courses, distances, areas and tie-ins to all adjacent intersections. The survey shall not have an error of closure greater than one part in 10,000.
The location, name and widths of all streets bordering the land to be developed or subdivided, including legislative and traffic route numbers and their existing and ultimate rights-of-way.
The location of all existing buildings, towers, sewers, water mains, culverts, petroleum products or gas mains, fire hydrants and other significant man-made facilities and their existing and proposed use or disposition on the site.
The location of wells, on-site septic systems, stormwater management facilities and similar features or within 200 feet of any part of the land to be subdivided or developed.
Natural Features. The applicant/developer shall furnish on appropriate maps or other documents all natural features, including floodplains, soils, steep slopes, forested areas, lakes, ponds, watercourses, wetlands, quarries, rock outcroppings, boulder fields and the location of any unique plants or other vegetation. All applications shall include maps showing the location of the resources.
The location of any designated floodplain district, the 100-year flood elevations and the boundaries of the floodplain districts, including those determined by studies or FEMA firm maps.
The soil classifications, hydraulic soil classification, and boundary lines of all soils located on the tract with specific reference to any alluvial or hydric soils boundary. Soil descriptions for all soil types shall be provided and any building restrictions due to wet soils, seasonally high water table or other restrictions shall be provided on the plans.
Lakes, Ponds, Streams, Rivers, Creeks and Waters of the Commonwealth. All lakes, ponds and waters of the commonwealth shall be shown.
Wetlands Delineation. If any of the three wetlands parameters (hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation or evidence of hydrology) are present on a site proposed for development, a separate wetlands delineation of sufficient detail to allow for thorough review by Township officials must be submitted to the Township. As part of the delineation process, a field investigation shall be performed and wetlands boundaries on the site shall be verified and flagged. Delineation and verification shall be performed by a qualified wetlands professional. The delineation shall be incorporated into the plan. The person or organization performing the delineation shall certify that the delineation has been performed in accordance with the criteria for wetlands delineation established in the Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands, or any more restrictive amendments thereto. Wetlands shall be defined by metes and bounds.
Any existing buildings and structures, including structural remains which are located on or adjacent to the site and a statement as to whether or not these buildings have any historical significance.
The location of zoning district boundary lines affecting the subdivision and an indication that each lot is equal to or in excess of the applicable zoning district requirements.
Statements from the agency with jurisdiction as to the sufficiency and acceptability of the proposed means of water supply and sanitary sewers and from the Monroe County Conservation District as to soil erosion and sedimentation control to be provided.
An indication of any lots in which other than residential use is intended, the total number of lots created and the gross lot area and net lot area for each lot.
A statement or certificate by the applicant/developer indicating that, to the best of his or her knowledge, the plans are in conformity with engineering, zoning, building, sanitation and other applicable Township ordinances and regulations and, if they are not so conforming, to detail the areas of nonconformance and the reasons for requesting a modification to the Township standards.
All areas or features of the project parcel which are subject to the Township Official Map and the type of reservation as specified on the Official Map.
The location of all existing and proposed monuments shall be shown.
The location, size and ownership of all underground utilities and any rights-of-way or easements within the property shall be shown.
The layout, approximate dimensions, proposed use and consecutive numbering of all lots shall be shown. All sheets shall show lot numbers.
Record plans shall contain the information required by § 22-902.
Note: One or more of the above requirements may be waived at the sole discretion of the Township Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
Township Engineer Review. The Township Engineer, following receipt of the plans from the Township, shall review the engineering considerations and prepare a report of adequacy for the Planning Commission and Supervisors. The Township Engineer shall thoroughly check the plans of all subdivisions and land developments in order to determine the degree of compliance to all Township ordinances, design standards and engineering considerations.
Planning Commission Review. Following receipt of the complete submission to the Township, the Planning Commission shall:
Receive and review the applicant/developer’s submission.
Receive and review the report by the Monroe County Planning Commission and the reports of all other reviewing agencies or persons.
Receive and review the report by the Township Engineer.
Listen to the applicant/developer’s presentation.
Discuss submission with the applicant/developer at a Planning Commission meeting.
Determine whether the final plans meet the requirements of this Chapter and the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] and comply with all the conditions of preliminary plan approval. A final plan shall not be recommended for approval until the applicant/developer has met all the conditions of the action granting approval of such plan at the preliminary plan stage.
Submit a recommendation regarding plan approval on the plan for use by the Board of Supervisors, such recommendation to be contained within the Commission’s regular minutes or as a separate report at the discretion of the Planning Commission.
Board of Supervisors Review.
Following receipt of the Township Planning Commission’s report and, unless extended by the applicant/developer, within 90 days following the date of the first regular Planning Commission meeting which follows the date the complete application is filed, the Board of Supervisors shall:
Receive and review the applicant/developer’s submission, listen to the applicant/developer’s presentation and discuss the project with the applicant/developer at a public meeting.
Receive and review the reports by the Township Planning Commission, the Township Engineer, the Monroe County Planning Commission and other agencies or officials who have submitted a report.
Evaluate the applicant/developer’s submission, presentation, the discussion with the applicant/developer, the Township Engineer’s report and the Planning Commission’s report.
Determine whether the final plan meets the objectives and requirements of this Chapter and the Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
Express its approval of the plan, stating the conditions of such approval, if any, or its disapproval, stating the reasons therefore. The Township may approve plans subject to conditions which require the consent of the applicant/developer, in which event the applicant/developer shall advise the Board of Supervisors prior to the final vote by the Board of Supervisors on the plan as to whether he accepts or rejects said conditions.
Ruling on the Minor Subdivision Plans. The Board of Supervisors shall act upon the minor subdivision plan within the time limits and in the manner required in the MPC.
Notification of Ruling. The Board of Supervisors shall provide written notice to the applicant/developer in accordance with MPC requirements. Refusal by the applicant/developer to accept conditions of approval shall constitute disapproval of the plan.
A final plan shall not be signed by the authorized officers of the Board of Supervisors until the applicant/developer has met all of the conditions of the action granting approval of such plan.
Following approval of a final plan, the applicant/developer shall submit three completed and executed record plan Mylar drawings for signatures by the members of the Board of Supervisors. Submission shall also include three paper Record Plans and three complete paper sets. No Mylar plans shall be recorded until a development agreement between the Township and the applicant/developer has been executed.
No changes, erasures, modifications or revisions shall be made in any final plan after approval has been given by the Board of Supervisors and endorsed, in writing, on the plan. In the event that any final plan, when recorded, contains any such changes, the final plan shall be considered null and void, and the Board of Supervisors shall institute proceedings to have said plan stricken from the records of the County Recorder of Deeds.
All approved final plans must be recorded in accordance with Part 9, “Recording of Final Plan.”