[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
The final plan as approved and signed by the Board of Supervisors shall, within 90 days of the satisfaction of all conditions of approval, be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Monroe County. The date of approval shall be deemed to be the date on which the applicant/developer has satisfied all the conditions of plan approval. Plans submitted for recording by the Monroe County Recorder of Deeds shall officially note that the plans have been reviewed by the Board of Supervisors and the Monroe County Planning Commission.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
The record plan shall be a clear and legible blue or black line print on white opaque Mylar, or other material acceptable to the Monroe County Recorder of Deeds, and shall be an exact copy of the approved final plan on one sheet of the size required for final plans.
The applicant/developer shall submit three sets of Mylar record plans, three sets of paper record plans, and three complete sets of the subdivision or land development plans to the Township for original signature.
The following information shall appear on the record plan, in addition to the information required elsewhere in this Section:
On all applications where improvement construction plans are required, the following note shall appear on the record plan: “Sheets two through --- inclusive, on record at Smithfield Township, shall be considered a part of the approved final plan as if recorded with same.” These shall be listed by sheet number and title on the record plan.
Seals, Notes and Certificates (See Appendix A for example certification).
The seal and signature of the Registered Land Surveyor certifying that the plan represents a survey made by him, that the monuments shown hereon exist as located and that the dimensional and geodetic details are correct.
The impressed corporation seal if the subdivider is a corporation.
The impressed seal of a notary public or other qualified officer acknowledging the applicant/developer’s statement of intent.
A statement to the effect that the applicant/developer is the owner of the land proposed to be developed and that the subdivision or land development shown on the final plan is made with his or their free consent and that it is desired to record the same.
An acknowledgment of said statement before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments.
Signatures. The following signatures shall be placed directly on the plan in ink:
The signatures of the applicant/developer or owners of the land. If the applicant/developer of the land is a Corporation, the signatures of the President and Secretary of the Corporation shall appear.
The signature of the notary public or other qualified officer acknowledging the owner’s statement of intent.
The signatures of the licensed engineer or surveyor or landscape architect who prepared the plan.
The signature of the Township Engineer.
The signature of the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Township Planning Commission.
The signatures of the simple majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors.
The plan shall indicate that it has been reviewed by the Monroe County Planning Commission, in accordance with the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247.
Once the plan has been recorded, a copy of the recorded plan (one Mylar, one paper, one full paper set) shall be returned to the Township for the Township files.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
After a plan has been duly recorded, the streets, parks and other public improvements shown thereon shall be considered to be a part of any Official Map which was or has been adopted by the Township in accordance with Article IV of Act 247.
Every street, park or other improvement shown on a subdivision or land development plan that is recorded shall be deemed to be a private street, park or improvement until such time as it has been offered for dedication to the Township, accepted by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and recorded in the Monroe County Courthouse or until it has been condemned for use as a public street, park or other improvement.
All expenses and costs of maintaining all improvements prior to dedication, including, but not limited to, snow plowing, shall be the responsibility of the applicant/applicant/developer/applicant/developer.
[Ord. 208, 9/25/2012]
Alternate Plans. Only one subdivision and/or land development plan involving any one specific area of land shall be before the Township for review during any one moment in time. Simultaneous review of different proposals for the same parcel will be reviewed as a sketch plan only at the Planning Commission’s discretion.
Until a submission is approved or rejected by the Board of Supervisors, the applicant/developer may withdraw the submission and submit a revised plan following the submission and review procedures, which apply to that plan. For any submittal of a revision of a previously submitted plan, the Township Zoning Officer may require the applicant/developer to submit additional fees, if needed, based upon the Township’s expenditures on the review up to that time.
If a revision is submitted to a subdivision or land development plan that is under review, and the Planning Commission determines the revision to be a substantial revision, then such revision shall be considered a new submittal, and the ninety-day maximum time period for Township action shall re-start after the first regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting after such submittal of the revised plan.
Any revised plans shall be submitted to the Monroe County Planning Commission for review. Proof of such submission shall be provided to the Township.
A revision or re-subdivision of a recorded plan or a final plan approved by the Board of Supervisors shall be considered as a new submission and shall comply with all of the regulations of this Chapter.
If the Zoning Officer, after consultation with the Township Engineer, determines that a revision of a previously Approved Plan is only for a “lot line adjustment” or an annexation of one lot onto another lot or is only to correct erroneous data or minor omissions or revise engineering details or supporting documentations, the plan may be submitted under the simplified requirements and procedures for a minor subdivision.