[Ord. 187, 4/18/2008]
This Part provides for two types of uses which are as follows:
Permitted Uses. Uses listed as permitted uses in all districts shall require no special action by the Planning Commission or Zoning Hearing Board before a zoning permit is granted by the Zoning Officer.
Conditional Uses. Uses listed as conditional uses in all districts shall, prior to the issuance of a zoning permit by the Zoning Officer, be subject to review and recommendation by the Planning Commission and approval by the Supervisors in accordance with §§ 27-704 and 27-705 hereof.
[Ord. 187, 4/18/2008]
District Regulations Are of Two Types; Use Regulations and Development Standards. The intent of each zoning district, and regulations that shall apply in each, are given in the Schedule of District Regulations attached hereto and made a part hereof. Whenever any owner or occupant of any property in Smithfield Township shall, for any purpose or in any manner:
Establish a new use;
Commercially clear, excavate or grade land for purposes of making permanent structural improvements to a property;
Change an existing use;
Make permanent structural improvements to a property;
Erect a new building;
Move, alter, add to or enlarge any existing land use or building;
Such owner or occupant shall first comply with these and the other requirements of this Chapter and obtain a zoning permit, unless specifically exempted from such requirements by this Chapter. A zoning permit shall be required whenever a change in land use occurs, regardless whether any new construction is involved or not.
If a proposed use is not included in any category of uses or within any zoning district on the Schedule of District Regulations, the Board of Supervisors shall render a formal determination as to whether or not the use is permitted in a given district and if the use is permitted, it shall then process the application as a conditional use. The Board of Supervisors shall make its determination on the basis of similarities of the use to other specifically listed uses within various districts, taking into consideration the impacts of the use on the community and the neighborhood in which it is proposed. This provision is intended to avoid being exclusionary with respect to unlisted uses not otherwise prohibited by this Chapter. This provision shall not be used to reclassify uses that are already listed nor shall the Board of Supervisors allow any use which is not listed in a particular district if that use is already permitted in another district.
[Ord. 187, 4/18/2008]
The following uses are expressly prohibited in any zoning district:
Any use that involves the use or production of dangerous and hazardous materials or products.
Any use that may cause injury, annoyance, or disturbance to any of the surrounding properties or to their owners and occupants.
Any use which is noxious or objectionable by reason of the emission of smoke, dust, ash or other form of air pollution.
Any use which involves the discharge or dispersal of liquid or solid wastes which may adversely affect health or sanitation of persons or cause contamination of the soil or watercourses.
Dumps or disposal sites, except a refuse disposal site established as an official Township refuse disposal site or a refuse site duly licensed by the Township Supervisors.
Amusement parks, circuses and related activities including, fire works displays, except for a temporary period upon the issuance of a special permit by the Township Supervisors.
Artificial lighting facilities of any kind with light sources which create glare beyond the lot lines.
Obscene and Other Sexual Materials. Any use involving activities which constitute violation of 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 5903, as amended, relating to display, sale, lending, distribution or exhibiting of obscene and other sexual materials, or any ordinance of Smithfield Township, whichever is more restrictive. The term “obscene materials,” as used in this Chapter, is defined to mean any material, including any book, magazine, pamphlet, newspaper, story book, comic book, or writing, however reproduced, or sound recording, phonograph, tape or wire recordings, and any figure, visual representation, or image, including any drawing, photograph, picture, sculpture, three dimensional form or motion picture which:
The average adult person, applying contemporary community standards of Smithfield Township would find, when considered as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest.
Depicts or describes in a patently offensive way:
Ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated.
Masturbation, excretory functions, or exhibition of the genitals or genital area.
Erotic fondling, massage or touching of the uncovered or covered genitals, buttocks, pubic area, or any part thereof, the breasts of a female, and whether the same is engaged in alone or between members of the same or opposite sex, or between humans and animals or humans and inanimate objects.
Sexual excitement which means the facial expressions, movements, utterances or other responses of a human, male or female, whether alone or with others, whether clothed or not, who is in an apparent state of sexual stimulation or arousal, or experiencing the physical or sensual reactions of humans engaging in or witnessing sexual conduct.
Sadomasochistic abuse which means flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is nude or clad in undergarments or in a sexually revealing or bizarre costume, or the condition of such person being fettered, bound or otherwise physically restrained in an apparent act of sexual stimulation or gratification.
The material, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational or scientific value.
Any structure or use within the minimum required front, side or rear yard setback on a lot or parcel, except as may be otherwise specifically allowed under this Chapter.
[Ord. 243, 5/11/2022]
Residential uses (including but not limited to single-family residential dwellings) of any type are prohibited in the ED and M-1 Districts, unless said residential uses are part of a major mixed use development, mixed-use building, incentivized development option, or as a preexisting and nonconforming use. “Medical and health and care uses” as defined in § 27-1002 shall not be deemed a residential use prohibited by the foregoing provision even if such uses include facilities where medical, health or continuing care patients reside within units located in an ED District.
[Ord. 236, 6/30/2020; as amended by Ord. 237, 7/28/2020; and by Ord. 243, 5/11/2022]
Purposes. The major mixed use development option provides an alternative set of provisions for development of certain larger properties in the ED Economic Development District. These provisions are intended to allow for compatible mixtures of commercial and residential development on larger tracts. This type of development is intended to allow people to shop, work, reside, have meals, and enjoy recreation within the same area, without needing to travel onto major highways. The intent is to encourage development where residents can walk or bicycle or take a short drive using internal roads to reach places of employment and commercial businesses. Another goal is to promote transitional development, with a transition from commercial uses to new residential uses to existing residential uses.
Applicability and Overall Requirements for a Major Mixed Use Development.
Compliance with Other Provisions. A major mixed use development shall be required to meet all requirements of all Township ordinances, except for zoning ordinance provisions that are specifically modified by this Section to be more restrictive or more permissive.
For example, the allowed uses and dimensional and coverage requirements in the underlying zoning district shall remain in effect, except where this Section includes a differing standard regarding the same matter, such as where it is stated in this Section that a use is prohibited or permitted by right within a major mixed use development. The existing parking, signs, environmental protection, slope, floodplain, supplementary regulations, administrative, definitions and all other provisions of this Chapter shall remain in full effect, except where this Section includes a differing standard regarding the same matter.
Tract Requirements. The major mixed use development option provisions shall only be able to be used on a tract of land that meets all of the following conditions: (a) the tract includes a minimum total of 25 acres of contiguous land within the ED Economic Development District, and (b) the tract is adjacent to one or more State roads. A “tract” shall mean one or more adjacent lots that are under common control at the time of approval of the first land development plan for the property. Various parcels may be in separate legal ownership for the purposes of financing, and lots may subsequently be subdivided and sold consistent with Township ordinances. If any lot is subdivided from the major mixed use development, it shall continue to be bound by the major mixed use development regulations, unless specifically approved otherwise by the Board of Supervisors. Such specific approval by the Supervisors shall only occur after a written application is submitted in accordance with Township ordinances in effect at that time. If any lot is subdivided from the major mixed use development, it shall still be considered to be part of the same major mixed use development and shall not be considered to be a separate major mixed use development. Reasonable conditions may be placed by the Board of Supervisors on a subdivision or land development plan approval to ensure compliance with these major mixed use development requirements over time.
If land is proposed to be subdivided, the final subdivision or land development plan shall clearly specify the landowner or entity that will be responsible to complete, own and maintain any required improvements over time.
Land in common ownership that is separated by a public street, as defined in Chapter 22 (Subdivision and Land Development) of the Township’s Code of Ordinances (SALDO), shall be considered to be contiguous for the purposes of creating a “major mixed use development.”
Within a major mixed use development, residential uses shall be allowed, but only on a tract of 50 or more acres, and where there is compliance with Subsection 1C(3) of this Section. Construction shall actively begin on a phase of at least 10 acres of commercial development before final subdivision or land development plans shall be approved by the Township for any phase including residential development.
There is no minimum acreage for a mixed-use building or the incentivized development option.
Additional Submittal Required. Before any land development is approved or a zoning permit is issued (whichever occurs first) that utilizes this major mixed use development option, the applicant shall submit a feasibility and compatibility plan. This plan shall show contours, steep slopes, 100-year floodplains, natural waterways, lakes, ponds, major internal roads, proposed points of external traffic access, tentative phasing, proposed land areas for various types of land uses, land areas proposed to be provided for recreation use by residents, perimeter buffers and perimeter setbacks. Such plan shall also include the same information listed in § 22-504 of Chapter 22 for a “sketch plan.”
This feasibility and compatibility plan is intended to be reviewed by the Township Engineer, Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors. Such plan shall not by itself provide any vested rights to a developer. Such plan should be submitted to the Township prior to the submittal of a land development plan. If substantial changes are proposed in a phase that differs from the previously reviewed feasibility and compatibility plan, then a revised feasibility and compatibility plan shall be submitted to the Township.
The feasibility and compatibility plan shall show how each phase of the major mixed use development will be able to properly function if later phases of the development are not built or are delayed. This provision applies in addition to the phasing requirements under the SALDO.
During this review, Township officials may make suggestions and recommendations regarding the feasibility and compatibility plan, but such comments shall not be binding upon the Township.
Connecting Road. Where a major mixed use development parcel is adjacent to two State roads, one new road that meets public street standards shall be required to be constructed as part of the major mixed use development to connect the two State roads.
Traffic Access from Existing Uses. A major mixed use development may be designed to provide rear or side vehicular access to an adjacent existing lot or use, provided there is mutual consent of the adjacent landowners. A major mixed use development may also be designed to provide a road connection that offers an alternative route for residents living along an adjacent street, provided there is consent of the Board of Supervisors for the connection at the time of subdivision and/or land development approval.
Uses. The permitted by right, special exception and conditional principal and accessory uses allowed in a major mixed use development shall be the same as are provided in the ED Economic Development District, except for the following specific use modifications:
Allowed Uses. The following uses shall be allowed as permitted by right uses in a major mixed use development:
Movie theaters.
Restaurants with or without drive-in service.
Drive-in uses including retail sales and financial institutions with drive-through lanes.
Athletic facility or health club.
Car dealership that includes new vehicle sales and with accessory automotive service in compliance with § 27-511, Subsections 8 and 12, of this Chapter, which may include overnight parking of vehicles, but which shall not include storage of junked or totaled vehicles.
Auto services in compliance with § 27-511, Subsection 8, of this Chapter, but not including uses involving the following: storage of junked or totaled vehicles, overnight outdoor storage of vehicles, or heavy duty vehicular repairs (such as engine or transmission replacement, body shop work, or parting out vehicles).
Day care, child or adult.
Facilities meeting the State licensing requirements for assisted living residences, personal care homes, or nursing homes.
Hotel, motel, and inns (which are each required to have internal lobbies and corridors).
Offices (which may include business, medical or governmental offices).
Commercial indoor entertainment uses (such as bowling alleys and indoor archery) or outdoor areas for special community events.
Community center or private recreational facilities for residents of the major mixed use development and their occasional invited guests.
Specifically Prohibited Uses. The following uses are specifically prohibited in an approved major mixed use development: adult businesses and entertainment, gambling uses, commercial kennels, trucking terminals, flea markets, commercial stables, funeral homes, and crematoriums. Also, a use that involves applying permanent tattoos to persons shall not be allowed in a major mixed use development.
Residential Uses.
Semi-detached two family, multifamily, and attached single-family dwellings shall be permitted by right in a major mixed use development, provided all the additional requirements are met:
Multifamily dwellings shall follow the provisions of § 27-506 of this Chapter, except that the multifamily dwellings shall not need conditional use approval, and except as revised by Subsection 1D of this Section.
There shall be compliance with the 50 acre minimum tract size requirement as provided in Subsection 1B(3) of this Section.
The major mixed use development tract shall be adjacent to two or more State roads.
A condominium or closely similar form of ownership shall be allowed provided there is compliance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Community Act and/or the Pennsylvania Uniform Condominium Act, both as amended.
Semi-detached two family, multifamily and attached single-family dwellings shall be allowed to have the same accessory uses as are allowed within the R-2 District. The prohibition of residential uses in § 27-304 of this Chapter in the ED Economic Development District shall not apply to dwellings that are allowed within a major mixed use development.
Semi-detached two family, multifamily and attached single-family dwellings in a major mixed use development shall not be leased for periods of less than 30 days. If a homeowner or condominium association is proposed for dwellings, then such leasing limitation shall also be required to be regulated through homeowner or condominium association documents.
Buildings that are exclusively for residential use shall have a minimum front yard of 20 feet and a minimum separation from a principal building of 30 feet.
An unenclosed porch or deck for each dwelling may extend a maximum of 10 feet into the thirty-foot separation distance provided above.
Pedestrian Pathways. See Subsection 1D(8) of this Section.
Uses per Building. A building or lot may include more than one allowed type of use.
Dimensional and Supplementary Requirements. The same zoning dimensional requirements that apply to the ED Economic Development District shall also apply in a major mixed use development, except for the following specific modifications:
Impervious Coverage. Certain lots within a major mixed use development shall be allowed to have a maximum impervious coverage of 80%; provided, that other lots within the major mixed use development include a deed restriction, conservation easement or other Township-approved enforcement method that establishes a maximum impervious coverage of less than 65%. These approved percentages shall guarantee that the total impervious coverage for all lots in the major mixed use development does not exceed 65%.
For example, if a 10 acre lot has an 80% impervious coverage, then another 10 acre lot must have a maximum 50% impervious coverage, so that the 20 acres together maintain a 65% impervious coverage. Impervious coverage shall be calculated for each lot after the subdivision for roads.
Each submittal to the Township that involves new impervious coverage shall show mathematical compliance with the impervious coverage limit. Each subdivision or land development plan shall state which lots (if any) are proposed to use this averaging provision and the specific maximum impervious coverage that will apply to each lot. The variation in impervious coverage shall be approved at the time of subdivision approval. One lot shall not be allowed to have an impervious coverage that is higher than 65%, unless another lot(s) is restricted at the same time to have the required lower impervious coverage.
Front Yards of Commercial Lots; Maximum Setbacks; and Front Yard Parking.
New vehicle parking spaces shall not be located within 25 feet from the legal right-of-way of a State road. Such setback area shall be maintained in vegetative ground cover, except for approved driveway crossings and pedestrian facilities. For a lot along a State road, a maximum of 20% of the required off-street parking spaces for each lot may be located in the land area between a State road right-of-way and the nearest principal building.
The minimum front yard for a new commercial building from the right-of-way of a State road (after subdivision approval) shall be 20 feet. This reduced front yard setback shall only be allowed if a minimum of 30 feet of public right-of-way will be available from the adjacent center line of the State road.
For every two new principal commercial buildings that are proposed adjacent to a State road in a major mixed use development, one of those buildings shall have a maximum building setback of 60 feet from the right-of-way of that State road, for at least a portion of that building.
Where motor vehicles will be parked adjacent to a State road and will be visible from a State road, a screening wall shall be installed. This wall shall have an appearance from the State road of brick or decorative stone. Such wall shall have a height of between 30 and 42 inches (unless a taller height is incorporated into a retaining wall), and shall not be required to be installed where the wall would obstruct safe clear sight distances or views of signs mounted towards the tops of commercial buildings. If a landscaped earth berm is integrated into the landscape, such berm may be used in place of the wall, if the berm is able to serve the same purpose of filtering views of parked cars from the State road.
An area used for occasional short-term loading and unloading of trucks may be placed along any side of a commercial building if it will allow the minimization of parking spaces between the building and a State road. However, a tractor-trailer truck loading dock (such as for a supermarket) shall be screened from view from a public street by walls, decorative fencing, landscaping, grading, or similar features.
A minimum building setback of 25 feet shall be required for a front yard of a building from a new interior public street.
A reduced rear or side yard building setback of 10 feet and a reduced parking area setback of five feet shall be required when abutting the lot line of an existing principal commercial use in a commercial district.
A minimum lot area of 1/2 acre shall apply to any lot that includes a principal commercial use. A new internal lot line may be created within the major mixed use development that passes through a common wall, provided there is a shared maintenance agreement for the common wall.
Perimeter. A new building shall maintain an eighty-foot minimum building setback from the boundary of an R-1 or R-2 Zoning District. A landscaped buffer yard with a minimum width of 50 feet shall be provided where new commercial or residential development is proposed adjacent to or directly across the street from an R-1 or R-2 District.
The number and types of plants within this required buffer shall meet the standards listed in § 27-502, Subsection 7C(7), of this Chapter, except as modified by this Section. A minimum of 50% of the required buffer plantings shall be evergreen plants. The number of deciduous shade trees within this required buffer shall be increased to an average of one tree per 40 feet of buffer yard length.
Buffer yard screening under § 27-502, Subsection 7, of this Chapter shall not be required along a State road where commercial uses are adjacent to that State road. There may be breaks in the buffer yard where necessary for Township-approved vehicle or pedestrian access crossings, stormwater crossings, utility rights-of-way, or to provide adequate sight distance at an intersection.
The following minimum sizes shall apply for required buffer yard plantings at the time of planting: evergreen trees shall be a minimum of eight feet in height and deciduous trees shall have a minimum caliper of 2.5 inches, measured at a height of 4.5 feet above the adjacent ground level.
Portions of the buffer shall include a landscaped berm. The berm shall vary in height to provide a more naturalistic appearance and shall not include finished grades of more than three to one. Required plantings shall be placed on the residential zoning district side of any berm.
A maximum of 50% of required buffer plantings shall be of one species.
If fencing or a wall is provided within the buffer yard, the fencing or wall shall be placed on the major mixed use development side of required buffer yard.
A detailed planting plan shall be submitted with each final land development plan.
A maintenance agreement lasting 18 months after planting of the buffer shall be established for the buffer plantings. This agreement with the Township shall require maintenance and replacement as needed of the plantings by the developer. If any required plantings die at any time after the conclusion of the maintenance agreement, those plantings shall be replaced by the current landowner within six months.
The maximum building height for buildings within a major mixed use development shall be 60 feet, excluding: decorative peaked roofs and mechanical areas that are not occupied by persons, except as provided in Subsection 1D(4)(b) of this Section. In addition, the height exceptions in § 27-501, Subsection 2E, of this Chapter shall apply.
The maximum building height for attached single-family and semi-detached two family dwellings within a major mixed use development shall be 40 feet, excluding: decorative peaked roofs, mechanical areas that are not occupied by persons and a parking level that may be placed under the first occupied floor level. In addition, the height exceptions in § 27-501, Subsection 2E, of this Chapter shall apply.
Exterior accessibility of buildings by emergency equipment shall be reviewed by local fire officials. The then-current version of the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC) shall apply, including sprinkler standards. Appendix D of the then-current version of the International Fire Code (IFC) shall apply regarding accessibility for emergency equipment.
Dwellings. Multifamily dwellings shall meet the submission requirements in § 27-506, Subsection 1A, of this Chapter. All dwellings shall meet the dimensional provisions of this Section instead of the requirements of the ED Economic Development District. Under § 27-506, Subsection 1B, of this Chapter, the maximum average density of all dwellings within the major mixed use development shall be five units per acre, exclusive of: (a) the areas of existing and proposed public street rights-of-way; (b) land areas with non-man-made slopes of 25% or greater (as defined in § 27-401, Subsection 3E(3),of this Chapter); and (c) areas within the 100-year floodplain. A major mixed use development shall not include more than 500 total dwelling units; provided, that the applicable density requirement must also be met. A building containing multifamily dwelling units shall not include more than 68 dwelling units and shall not include more than four habitable residential stories.
Floor Area. The minimum indoor building floor area for each dwelling unit in a major mixed use development shall be 735 square feet for a one bedroom unit, and 970 square feet for a unit with two or more bedrooms. Every dwelling unit shall include at least one bedroom.
Amenities. Each phase with a residential use shall include a community center of at least 5,000 square feet of building floor area and also one of the following additional amenities: a fitness center; a swimming pool; or similar aquatics area. Such facilities shall be available for recreational use by the residents and their occasional invited guests. Each phase with a residential use may also include a leasing/management office, outdoor barbeque area, a meeting room and similar facilities for residents and their occasional invited guests. The community center building, any other indoor recreation facilities, and any improved outdoor recreation facilities (such as a picnic/barbeque area) shall total a minimum of one acre for each residential phase.
Age Restrictions; Limits on Bedrooms. A minimum of 40% of the total number of dwelling units in the major mixed use development shall comply with the applicable age-restricted requirements of the U.S. Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995, as amended. For dwelling units that are not within an age-restricted development phase, a minimum of 50% shall have a maximum of one bedroom per unit, and the remaining dwelling units shall have a maximum of two bedrooms per unit. An age-restricted development phase is not intended to be defined as “senior housing” as outlined in § 27-511, Subsection 3 and/or 3.1, of this Chapter and “retirement housing community” as outlined in § 27-511, Subsection 3.5, of this Chapter.
Design and Amenities.
A set of “architectural and design standards” for the entire major mixed use development shall be submitted by the applicant at the time of the first land development plan submission within the development. These standards shall become binding upon the development of the lots, as a condition of land development approval, as a recorded deed restriction or declaration of covenants and restrictions, through a developer’s agreement, or through another method acceptable to the Township. These standards shall become binding prior to any lot being sold to a different entity.
The architectural and design standards shall address the following matters, at a minimum: prohibited exterior building materials, requirements for variations and architectural features in building facades; consistency in the design of parking lot lighting poles and any street lighting poles; consistency in commercial signs; and provision of site furnishings. A master sign plan shall also be submitted at the same time to describe typical locations, designs and materials of signs.
After the architectural and design standards are legally established under this Section, any later changes or modifications shall require approval by resolution of the Board of Supervisors or through another Township approval process acceptable to the Township.
An architectural elevation of each proposed new principal building shall be provided to the Township for review at least 45 days prior to the intended date of issuance of a construction permit for the building.
Major customer and resident pedestrian entrances to buildings shall include a roof overhang, awning, canopy, inverted entrance, or roof extension to provide protection from inclement weather.
Rooftop heating and air conditioning equipment shall be screened from street-level view from public streets by parapet walls or architectural screens with materials and colors consistent with the materials of the building, rooflines, landscaping, grading, or similar features.
Nonresidential Development Standards.
Front Facades. A minimum of 30% of the portion of a front facade of a commercial building that is below a height of 12 feet above the ground shall be comprised of glass or similar transparent materials, except this measurement shall be 10% for a tenant space of more than 20,000 square feet. Mirrored glass shall not be used.
Benches, planters and conveniently located decorative trash receptacles shall be provided along the front facade of a multi-tenant retail building. The design of these features shall be consistent with the overall architectural design.
The front facade of any building that is more than 60 feet in length shall include architectural features such as decorative cornices, a clock tower, turret, the appearance of varying rooflines as viewed from the front, variation in colors or building materials, offsets, projections, variations in relief, awnings, canopies, variations in setbacks, decorative light fixtures that extend from the building, and/or similar architectural details that provide variations in the design.
Exterior building materials may include the following and other materials that meet the requirements of the architectural and design standards: masonry brick; stone; shot-blast or ground-face masonry units; glass block; cultured stone; exterior insulated finishing systems; architectural precast concrete for sills and heads in masonry features; synthetic wood trim and panel materials; cementitious siding; fiber cement siding and/or panels (similar to James Hardie products); architectural metal finishes; trim and panel materials; and materials with a closely similar appearance to the listed materials.
Prohibited exterior building materials for building sides that are visible from a road, front facade or lot line shall include the following: T-111 siding; painted concrete masonry units that are not shot-blast or ground-face; corrugated metal panels; or aluminum siding. Vinyl siding may be used on portions of a building that are not visible from a public street and on up to 30% of exterior sides of a building that are visible from a public street.
Where appropriate, faux second story windows may be used to present a harmonious design.
Where flat roofs are used, the front facade shall include a decorative cornice, include material accents, include a parapet wall, or have the appearance of a pitched roof as viewed from the front. Where pitched roofs are used, they shall have a roof overhang on the front facade of at least nine inches and should have a minimum pitch of five to 12 (rise over run) or two or more slope planes.
The front of a multi-tenant retail building shall include a pedestrian walkway with a minimum width of six feet. The main public pedestrian entrance shall be visible from the front of a building. In addition, pedestrian crosswalks shall be marked at an interval averaging every 200 feet where there are major pedestrian crossings of the main driveway through a multi-tenant retail lot. Such crosswalks shall also include a marked or raised refuge area for pedestrians to stand while waiting to cross.
The use of earth tone colors is encouraged, while the use of fluorescent colors is discouraged.
Residential Development Standards.
Each attached single-family and semi-detached two family dwelling shall include a pitched or peaked roof.
Trash receptacles shall be provided in any outdoor common areas of multifamily dwellings, with a design consistent with the architectural design of buildings.
Exterior residential building materials may include the following and other materials that meet the requirements of the architectural and design standards: masonry brick; stone; shot-blast or ground-face masonry units; cultured stone; architectural precast concrete for sills and heads in masonry features; synthetic wood trim and panel materials; cementitious siding; fiber cement siding and/or panel (similar to James Hardie products); trim and panel materials; and materials with a closely similar appearance to the listed materials.
Prohibited exterior residential building materials shall include the following: T-111 siding; painted concrete masonry units (except on surfaces such as the inside of trash enclosures that are not visible from a street or lot line), or vinyl or aluminum siding. Vinyl siding may be used on portions of a building that are not visible from a public street and on up to 30% of exterior sides of a building that are visible from a public street. Vinyl siding may be used on portions of an attached single family building that are not visible from a public street and on up to 70% of exterior sides of a building that are visible from a public street.
Benches, planters, and bicycle racks shall be provided within a multifamily residential development phase. The design of these features shall be consistent with the overall architectural design and a pedestrian orientation.
Buildings shall have consistent architectural detailing on all sides that are typically visible to public view. Roofs, parapets, and eaves will be integrated to form harmonious banding, as well as providing varied complementary shapes.
Newly installed electric service and telecommunications lines within the tract shall be installed underground.
See the outdoor lighting requirements in § 22-1020 of Chapter 22, including the maximum lighting spillover requirement. The maximum mounting height of an exterior lighting fixture shall be 20 feet, except a height of 30 feet shall be allowed in portions of a commercial development that are more than 200 feet from a residential zoning district.
Transit and Bicycles.
If public transit service will be provided to the major mixed use development, then the applicant shall include a transit shelter with mostly transparent sides and with benches for transit riders, at a location selected in consultation with the transit provider. If the transit provider is the Monroe County Transportation Authority (MCTA), then the transit shelter shall comply with the then-current MCTA standards and requirements.
A bicycle rack shall be provided in front of any store of more than 25,000 square feet of floor area and in front of each multifamily building containing more than 12 units, unless provisions are made for indoor or enclosed shelter of bicycles for such buildings. A minimum of two bicycle racks shall be provided on a lot that includes five or more retail establishments.
Pedestrian Access.
Textured and colored pedestrian crosswalks with a durable finish shall be installed by the developer at major pedestrian crossings within the major mixed use development.
In a parking lot of more than 200 spaces, a pedestrian pathway with a minimum six-foot width shall be installed across the parking lot to reach a building. This pedestrian pathway shall include no more than two crossings per lot by vehicle traffic and shall be landscaped.
A pedestrian pathway system shall be installed as part of a major mixed use development. The pathway system shall include compacted crushed stone, concrete, bituminous or closely similar surfaces with a minimum width of five feet that connects together areas of proposed residential development to various areas of new business development, and that also connects to a boundary of the major mixed use development and to any traffic signal that is directly abutting the major mixed use development. Such pathway system shall also be provided approximately parallel to pre-existing public roads. Such pathway system is not required to be placed within a street right-of-way if a pedestrian easement is established.
This pathway system may be used in place of sidewalks where the pathway will provide the same connections between destinations.
In addition, a nature trail shall also be provided for residents, particularly where the topography makes it difficult to provide pathways.
The pathway shall be properly maintained by the owner of the lot on which the pathway is located, unless the Township specifically approves an alternative responsible party.
If a pedestrian pathway exists or has been approved on an adjacent property, the Board of Supervisors may require that the pathway system in the major mixed use development connect to it.
Dumpster Screening. Trash dumpsters shall be screened from view of public streets by architectural masonry walls, changes in grades, mostly solid decorative fences with a solid gate, and/or landscaping with a minimum height of five feet.
Deciduous shade trees shall be planted adjacent to public streets unless existing trees will be preserved within the same area. An average of one deciduous shade tree shall be required for each 60 feet of lot-line length along the right-of-way. Such trees may be planted with trunks immediately outside of the public right-of-way, or at another proposed location that is approved by the Township. The species shall be subject to approval by the Township.
Landscaped islands shall be provided within parking lots in conformance with § 27-502, Subsection 7B, of this Chapter. No more than 15 abutting spaces shall be placed in a row unless the spaces are separated by a landscaped island with a shade tree.
A minimum of two landscaped areas shall be provided within a major mixed use development that serve as rain gardens to filter pollutants from runoff and to promote groundwater recharge. Additional rain gardens may be required to meet requirements of the Township Stormwater Ordinance (Part 2 of Chapter 26).
A minimum average of one deciduous shade tree within the major mixed use development tract shall be planted for every five required off-street parking spaces, such as trees placed within and around parking areas.
Slope Disturbance. Within a major mixed use development, the following text shall apply in place of § 27-401, Subsection 3E(2), of this Chapter and Chapter 22, § 22-1002, Subsection 7E, of the SALDO:
Section 27-401, Subsection 3E(1), of this Chapter shall not apply to slopes that were man-made less than 50 years prior to the enactment of the major mixed use development provisions in this Section. Section 27-401, Subsection 3E(1), of this Chapter shall not apply to disturbance of slopes that occurs in order to grade and construct a new public street that is required by this Section to connect two State roads.
The maximum percentage disturbance of steep slopes in § 27-401, Subsection 3E(1), of this Chapter shall not apply to disturbance of steep slopes for commercial lots or lots with mixed commercial-residential uses within a major mixed use development where each contiguous steep slope area consists of 50 feet or less of vertical elevation change. However, § 27-401, Subsection 3E(1), of this Chapter with regard to non-man-made slopes shall continue to apply to development where the contiguous steep slope area involves more than 50 feet of elevation change.
In § 27-401, Subsection 3E(1), of this Chapter and § 22-1002, Subsection 7E, of Chapter 22, the maximum disturbance of a “moderately steep slope” shall be increased from 60% to 80% for a major mixed use development.
Institutional Uses. State-licensed assisted living residences, personal care homes or nursing homes shall be considered institutional uses. Such uses may comprise a maximum of 10% of the total land area of the tract, and shall meet the same lot area, setback, and coverage requirements as commercial uses, but shall have a maximum total building height of 35 feet.
Signs. If a major mixed use development is approved to include a total of more than 150,000 square feet of commercial building floor area, then the sign provisions in § 27-504 of this Chapter for a “regional shopping center” shall be allowed to be used for the major mixed use development, except for the following specific modifications:
A single allowed center identification pylon sign shall have a maximum total height of 25 feet, may identify up to eight tenant names, and shall have a maximum total sign area of 160 square feet on each of two sides. Most of this pylon sign structure (other than the actual sign area) shall have the appearance of masonry stone, and the top of the sign shall include a cornice or similar decorative feature to complement the architecture of the major mixed use development. Such decorative stone and cornice areas and structural elements that do not include a message shall not be considered part of the sign area. One such sign shall be allowed on each side of the State road if commercial uses are proposed on each side of the State road within a major mixed use development.
The allowed center monument signs may identify up to eight tenant names.
For each lot or condominium parcel occupied by one or two business uses along a public street, a pylon sign with a maximum sign area of 50 square feet per side and a maximum total height of 18 feet shall be allowed. An additional 30 square feet per side of changeable message sign area shall be allowed for a commercial use that sells gasoline. However, such pylon signs shall be separated from each other by a minimum distance of 225 feet. Two lots may share a single pylon sign; provided, that the maximum sign area of that shared sign shall be the total of the sign area that would have been allowed for the two signs.
Except for signs where a taller height is specifically allowed by this Section, for signs that are not attached to a building, the maximum total height above the ground level shall be 10 feet.
Building identification signs attached to a wall of a business building shall have a maximum total sign area of one square foot for each foot of building length upon which the signs are attached.
A sign attached to a building wall shall not be constructed using a rectangular metal box with a plastic face. However, this provision shall not prohibit internally lit signs that only display company logos.
Flashing signs, signs with moving images, and signs with scrolling words are prohibited. The provisions of § 27-504, Subsection 1M, of this Chapter regarding prohibited signs shall continue to apply.
Size. All parking spaces may have a minimum size of nine by 18 feet, without causing a reduction in the maximum impervious coverage regulation. However, larger spaces are required to serve persons with disabilities in compliance with State regulations.
Number of Parking Spaces.
One or more commercial uses within a major mixed use development shall provide off-street parking at a minimum rate of one space per 200 square feet of building floor area; provided, however, that the following shall apply:
A movie theater or a stand-alone restaurant on its own lot shall provide a minimum of one parking space for every three customer seats.
For multifamily dwellings, the minimum parking space requirements shall be one space for each one bedroom unit and 1.8 spaces for each unit of two or more bedrooms. For attached single-family and single-family semi-detached dwellings, the minimum parking space requirement shall be two parking spaces per dwelling unit, plus an average of 0.1 parking space per dwelling unit within that phase for visitor parking.
The required number of parking spaces for other uses (such as a hotel or motel) shall be as provided in § 27-402 of this Chapter and the accompanying Schedule II of this Chapter.
Shared Parking. The Board of Supervisors shall have the authority as a conditional use to approve a reduction of off-street parking space requirements if the applicant provides written evidence that proves to the satisfaction of the Supervisors that the uses will have different peak periods of parking demand that reduce the total need for parking.
If such a reduction is approved, the Board shall have the authority to place reasonable conditions on any such approval, such as tying the reduction to the current mixture of uses and/or requiring a legal agreement among uses that commits them to share parking spaces during the life of the development.
Recreation Land. A minimum of 25% of the total lot area of the total residential lot area shall be made available for recreation use of residents of the development. Land area occupied by a community center or pool that is not open to the public may not count towards this requirement. This requirement shall apply in place of common open space and greenway land requirements in the SALDO and § 27-506, Subsection 1C(4) and (5), of this Chapter.
Common Property Ownership and Maintenance. In cases where the ownership of common property is involved, evidence of arrangements for the continuous ownership and maintenance of same shall be provided by the developer for approval by the Township. This shall specifically include, but not be limited to, provisions dealing with the ownership and maintenance of open space, improvements, and utilities. Said arrangement shall indemnify the Township of any responsibility associated with same; and shall be prepared in accord with the Township SALDO. The developer shall also submit evidence of compliance with the Pennsylvania Condominium Law or an attorney’s opinion that said law does not apply to major mixed use development.
[Ord. 225, 12/13/2016]
In addition to the prohibition as outlined as § 27-304 of this Chapter, short term rentals are prohibited in the R-C (Residential Conservation), R-1 (Low Density Residential) and the R-2 (Moderate Density Residential) Zoning Districts. However, short term rentals shall be allowed in the R-E (Resort) Zoning District as a permitted use.
[Ord. 225, 12/13/2016]
A bed and breakfast is prohibited in the B-1 (Planned Boulevard) Zoning District.
[Ord. 237, 7/28/2020; as amended by Ord. 238, 9/9/2020; and by Ord. 243, 5/11/2022]
Purposes. The incentivized development option is intended to allow greater flexibility of development alternatives and encourage development of underutilized properties within the Township. More specifically, the intent of the incentivized development option is to accomplish the following objectives:
Encourage a balance of uses that will transform Smithfield Township into a hub for working, living, shopping and entertainment;
Encourage infill development, adaptive reuse of older buildings and mixed use development by incentivizing businesses to open and/or relocate to Smithfield Township;
Expand business and job opportunities;
Establish design standards which enhance Smithfield Township’s unique identity and promote increased walkability; and
Provide options to streamline the project approval process.
The project site must be located in the ED Economic Development District and must meet the minimum development standards as outlined in the Schedule of District Regulations as per § 27-309 of this Chapter.
The project must consist, without limitation, of a minimum of two uses (multiple uses). Uses proposed as part of the project must be permitted within the underlying district.
Design Standards.
Yard setbacks shall comply with the requirements of the underlying zoning district.
Maximum permitted impervious coverage is 65%. Maximum building coverage is determined by the underlying district.
Parking shall not be permitted within the required minimum front yard setback. All parking shall be provided to the side and rear of the principal building(s)/structure(s). A 10% decrease in the required front yard setback shall be permitted for projects which locate parking to the side and rear of the principal building(s)/structure(s).
Building Height. The minimum height for the first floor shall be 15 feet. Refer to § 27-511, Subsection 21C, of this Chapter for maximum building height regulations.
Site Design. The design principles set forth in this section shall be used to review site plans, building plans and use permits for all multiple use projects proposed on land utilizing the incentivized development option. The following guidelines are intended to promote visual interest from the street. This transitional space between the street and the building is defined by the site design, architecture, and streetscape elements.
Building Orientation. Buildings and major pedestrian entrances should be oriented towards centers of activity, such as the primary street frontage or public spaces.
Roofline offsets shall be provided to lend architectural interest and variety to the massing of a building and to relieve the effect of a single long roof. The use of alternating dormers, stepped roofs, gables, or other roof elements can be used to add visual relief and articulation to the overall building form.
All buildings proposed within the incentivized development shall be constructed of building materials and colors approved as part of the development application.
Long expanses of blank walls shall be avoided through the use of wall articulation. Breaking the continuous plane of the wall can be done by recessing vertical segments of the wall at several intervals. Also, a course of brick or other masonry material can be applied to the exterior walls to add visual interest at certain junctures in the wall. Changes in the material colors are also encouraged to break up wall surfaces. The maximum permitted width of an uninterrupted wall plane shall be 50 feet.
Pedestrian and vehicular circulation patterns shall be designed to minimize potential conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians and to provide enhanced separation. Lots with multiple buildings shall include pedestrian connections between adjacent uses, structures and parking areas.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall have a minimum width of five feet. Sidewalks shall be constructed to provide access from all principal building entrances to the sidewalk system and parking areas.
Shared entrances and exits shall be provided where determined appropriate and feasible by the governing body. If a shared entrance and exit are impractical, the provision for cross access among adjacent properties shall be required to internalize traffic and reduce turning movements directly onto adjacent roads. New construction or improvements shall plan for, accommodate, and/or reserve land for future connections with adjacent properties to facilitate cross access.
The use of awnings, canopies, recessed entries and other design elements is encouraged to define the first floor and provide shelter to entryways.
Commercial (By Right) Uses Under This Chapter and Residential Uses.
No residential uses shall occupy any commercial frontage.
This first (ground) floor shall house only commercial (by right) uses allowed under this Chapter and where this first (ground) floor must contain, at a minimum, the same amount of square footage area per floor as the largest of any other floor(s) of the building.
If there is a multi-building development project, the commercial (by right) uses under this Chapter may be concentrated in one building (or on more than one floor) as long as the minimum square footage area is met as calculated for each proposed use.
Residential uses shall not be located on the first (ground) floor of any mixed-use building except in the following circumstances:
In developments where one (or more) buildings are not suitable for commercial (by right) uses as a result of a lack of access to street frontage, the first (ground) floor of such a lacking-access building may be residential provided that this first (ground) floor area is then transferred to another building in the same development project and that transferred area shall be commercial.
Residential uses incidental to dwelling units (such as mailboxes, washers/dryers) may be located on the ground floor; provided, that no such incidental use shall occupy any commercial street frontage. Also, entrance doors to the residential floors may be located in either the front, rear or both front and rear of the first (ground) floors of any building provided such entrance doors do not interfere with the first (ground) floor commercial use or violate any building codes.
Trash Enclosures. The storage and/or staging of refuse shall take place in the rear yard and shall be buffered or screened from street-level view of parking facilities, adjacent properties and all streets. Buffering or screening of trash enclosures may include, but is not limited to, architectural masonry walls, changes in grade, mostly solid decorative fences with a solid gate, and/or landscaping with a minimum height of five feet.
Landscaping. Site landscaping shall be required for all developments and shall be limited to native species. Invasive species are prohibited.
Deciduous shade trees shall be planted adjacent to public streets, unless existing trees will be preserved within the same area. An average of one deciduous shade tree shall be required for each 60 feet of lot line length along the right-of-way. Such trees may be planted with trunks immediately outside of the public right-of-way, or at another proposed location that is approved by the Township. Refer to Chapter 22. § 22-1101, Subsection 1C(3)(a), for a recommended list of street trees for use in Smithfield Township.
Landscaped islands shall be provided within parking lots in conformance with § 27-502, Subsection 7B(1), of this Chapter. No more than 15 abutting spaces shall be placed in a row, unless the spaces are separated by a landscaped island with a shade tree.
A minimum average of one deciduous shade tree shall be planted for every five required off-street parking spaces, such as trees placed within and around parking areas.
Landscaped buffers shall be required along property boundaries which are adjacent to residential uses and/or residential districts. Plant material shall be at least six feet in height when planted and shall include a mix of evergreens, shade trees, ornamental flowering trees, and shrubs. Plantings shall be maintained permanently, and any plant material which does not live shall be replaced within six months. Quantities shall comply with the requirements of § 27-502, Subsection 7C(7), of this Chapter.
Lighting. Site lighting shall improve the safety and visibility of parking areas and pedestrian zones.
Lighting shall be designed such that poles, fixtures, ornamentation and materials are of a pedestrian scale and height and provide for a safe pedestrian experience.
Fixture heights shall be between eight and 20 feet in height, with shorter poles along sidewalks and pedestrian zones, and taller poles within parking areas.
Light trespass into adjacent noncommercial areas shall not exceed 0.1 foot-candle in intensity.
Building-mounted lighting shall be permitted at building entrances and other pedestrian areas. Building-mounted lighting shall be of a style complementary to the architectural character of the building and surroundings, and shall not be mounted higher than 15 feet above grade.
Review Process. An applicant may submit land development plans for preliminary and final approval conditioned upon compliance with all requirements of the incentivized development option outlined in this Section.
Code reviser’s note: Ordinance 237 added these provisions as § 27-306 of this Chapter. This Section was editorially renumbered to avoid duplication of numbering.
[Ord. 187, 4/18/2008; as amended by Ord. 188, 5/27/2008; by Ord. 189, 7/22/2008; by Ord. 192, 11/20/2008; by Ord. 197, 9/14/2010; by Ord. 206, 4/10/2012; by Ord. 225, 12/13/2016; by Ord. 226, 7/12/2016; by Ord. 234, 3/18/2020; by Ord. 237, 7/28/2020; by Ord. 243, 5/11/2022; by Ord. No. 249, 3/27/2023; and by Ord. No. 247, 1/10/2024]
District Intent
Principal Permitted Uses
Conditional Uses
Accessory Uses
Development Standards
R-1 Low Density Residential District:
This District includes large land areas that should, to the degree practical, be developed in a manner that preserves their open space character and natural amenities.
Permanent and seasonal residences at low density, as well as recreational uses, resorts, camps, wildlife preserves and other types of uses compatible with the natural environment are appropriate.
Accessory solar energy system
Commercial seasonal camps
Communications towers on municipal property
Conservation subdivisions (see § 27-302, Subsection 3)
Forestry and forest reserves, wildlife refuges
Membership clubs, camps and associations
Municipal recreation and entertainment facilities on lots of 5 or more acres in land area
One-family detached dwellings (1 per lot)
Assisted living facilities
Bed and breakfasts
Day care facilities (home care only)
Federal, state and county buildings and uses
Place of worship
Planned residential developments (PRDs)
Professional and home occupations
Public utility structures
Schools, colleges and education facilities
Stables, commercial (as part of resort)
Accessory use or structure
No-impact home-based business
Noncommercial keeping of household pets
Private garages, tool houses and play houses
Private outdoor swimming pools
Signs as provided hereunder
Storage of vehicles and boats per § 27-503, Subsection 6
Lot area:
50,000 sf
40,000 sf
40,000 sf
20,000 sf
Lot width:
150 feet
125 feet
125 feet
100 feet
Lot depth:
200 feet
175 feet
175 feet
150 feet
Front yard:
35 feet
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
Side yard:
30 feet
25 feet
25 feet
20 feet
Rear yard:
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
20 feet
Building coverage:
Building height:
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
A = On-site sewage and water
B = Central water only
C = Central sewage only
D = Central sewage & water
R-2 Moderate Density Residential District:
This District comprises areas of the Township that are basically rural in character and that are or may be used for permanent or seasonal residences at moderate densities as well as for other purposes in keeping with the rural nature of the area. Many of these areas are served with central sewage and water.
Accessory solar energy system
Commercial seasonal camps
Communications towers on municipal property
Conservation subdivisions (see § 27-302, Subsection 3)
Forestry and forest reserves, wildlife refuges
Membership clubs, camps and associations
Municipal buildings and uses
One-family detached dwellings (1 per lot)
Outdoor recreation and entertainment facilities on lots of 5 or more acres in land area
Two-family dwellings
Assisted living facilities
Bed and breakfasts
Campgrounds per Ord. 128
Continuing care facilities
Day care facilities (home care only)
Federal, state and county buildings and uses
Mobile home parks per Ord. 128
Multi-family dwellings per § 27-506
Nursing home or skilled nursing facility
Place of worship
Planned residential developments (PRDs)
Planned unit developments on 10+ acres
Professional and home occupations
Public utility structures
Residential conversions
Schools, colleges and education facilities
Senior housing
Accessory use or structure
No-impact home-based business
Noncommercial keeping of household pets
Private garages, tool houses and play houses
Private outdoor swimming pools
Signs as provided hereunder
Storage of vehicles and boats per § 27-503, Subsection 6
Lot area:
40,000 sf
30,000 sf
15,000 sf
10,000 sf
Lot width:
150 feet
125 feet
100 feet
70 feet
Lot depth:
175 feet
150 feet
125 feet
110 feet
Front yard:
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
Side yard:
25 feet
25 feet
20 feet
10 feet
Rear yard:
25 feet
25 feet
20 feet
10 feet
Building coverage:
Building height:
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
A = On-site sewage and water
B = Central water only
C = Central sewage only
D = Central sewage & water
R-C Residential Conservation District:
This District is intended to provide for residential development in the form of conservation subdivisions and other low intensity uses consistent with preservation of rural character in instances. It encompasses lands that can be difficult to develop without using conservation subdivision design. These lands also encompass special features that such design will help to protect
Accessory solar energy system
Commercial seasonal camps
Communications towers on municipal property
Conservation subdivisions (see § 27-302, Subsection 3)
Forestry and forest reserves, wildlife refuges
Membership clubs, camps and associations
Municipal buildings and uses
One-family detached dwellings (1 per lot)
Outdoor recreation and entertainment facilities on lots of 5 or more acres in land area
Two-family dwellings
Bed and breakfasts
Campground per Ord. 128
Day care facilities (home care only)
Federal, state and county buildings and uses
Place of worship
Planned residential developments (PRDs)
Professional and home occupations
Public utility structures
Residential conversions
Schools, colleges and educational facilities
Stables, commercial (as part of resort)
Accessory use and structure
No-impact home-based business
Noncommercial keeping of household pets
Private garages, tool houses and play houses
Private outdoor swimming pools
Signs as provided hereunder
Lot area:
80,000 sf
80,000 sf
80,000 sf
25,000 sf
Lot width:
150 feet
125 feet
125 feet
100 feet
Lot depth:
175 feet
150 feet
150 feet
125 feet
Front yard:
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
Side yard:
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
20 feet
Both side yards:
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
Rear yard:
25 feet
25 feet
25 feet
20 feet
Building coverage:
Building height:
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
A = On-site sewage and water
B = Central water only
C = Central sewage only
D = Central sewage & water
M-1 Industrial Districts:
This District is intended to include areas most suitable for industrial and extractive land uses
All uses permitted in the ED District as a principal permitted use
Accessory solar energy system
All uses permitted in the ED District as a conditional use
Adult entertainment/business
Distribution plants
Federal, state and county buildings and uses
Fulfillment centers
Logistics distribution and/or depots
Outdoor shooting ranges
Outdoor storage facilities (see § 27-511, Subsection 18, of this Chapter)
Paper mills
Quarries and other extractive industries
Railroad yards and freight stations
Solar energy facilities - uses and structures
Truck terminals
Warehouse (whether over or under gross area of 50,000 square feet)
Wholesale establishments
Other similar uses
Lawful uses not otherwise permitted
Accessory use and structure
Signs as provided hereunder
Lot area:
40,000 sf
40,000 sf
40,000 sf
40,000 sf
Lot width:
150 feet
150 feet
150 feet
150 feet
Lot depth:
200 feet
200 feet
200 feet
200 feet
Front yard:
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
Side yard:
20 feet*
20 feet*
20 feet*
20 feet*
Rear yard:
20 feet**
20 feet**
20 feet**
20 feet**
Building coverage:
Building height:
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
* Add 25 feet where abutting a residential district boundary
** Add 35 feet where abutting a residential district boundary
A = On-site sewage and water
B = Central water only
C = Central sewage only
D = Central sewage & water
R-E Resort District:
This District is intended to encompass and support the further development, and support the further development, on an incremental or planned unit basis, of existing large self-contained resorts within the Township
Accessory solar energy system
Bed and breakfasts
Commercial indoor recreation and entertainment
Communications towers on municipal property
Forestry and forest reserves, wildlife refuges
Lodging accommodations
Membership clubs, camps and associations
Restaurants (resort affiliated)
Short term rentals
Campgrounds per Ordinance 128
Communications centers/towers
Day care facilities for resort guests and workers
Kennels for resort customers
Motels and hotels
One-family detached dwellings (part of resort)
Planned residential development (PRDs)
Public utility structures
Restaurants (independent)
Solar energy facilities - uses and structures
Two-family dwellings (part of resort)
Accessory use and structure
Signs as provided hereunder
Lot area:
10 acres
10 acres
10 acres
10 acres
Lot width:
200 feet
200 feet
200 feet
200 feet
Lot depth:
200 feet
200 feet
200 feet
200 feet
Front yard:
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
Side yard:
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
Rear yard:
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
50 feet
Building coverage:
Building height:
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
35 feet
45 feet
45 feet
45 feet
45 feet
A = On-site sewage and water
B = Central water only
C = Central sewage only
D = Central sewage & water
ED Economic Development District:
This District is intended to encourage a diverse number of compatible, nonresidential uses along high volume traffic corridors. The District promotes flexible design options to encourage well-designed nonresidential land uses in conformance with the goals of the Smithfield Township Comprehensive Plan, and the following objectives:
A. Provide the broadest range of nonresidential uses in the Township.
B. Encourage the retention of the existing community character of Smithfield Township by preserving the existing buildings and landscaped spaces to the greatest extent possible.
C. Discourage strip-style commercial development which requires incongruous architectural styles, excessive paved areas, and numerous curb cuts.
D. Encourage consolidation of driveways, parking, and curb cuts to provide more efficient and economical access and parking.
E. Encourage a coordinated pedestrian path system to provide efficient and convenient pedestrian access from parking areas to and among the various permitted uses.
F. Assure suitable design to protect the character and property values of adjacent and nearby neighborhoods.
G. Provide regulations that minimize congestion and hazardous traffic conditions.
H. Allow existing nonresidential properties to be appropriately redeveloped.
I. Improve the Township’s economic and budgetary sustainability by expanding the tax base and job creation through appropriate nonresidential development and redevelopment.
Accessory solar energy system
Adult and/or child day care facilities
Assisted living facilities, continuing care facilities, nursing homes
Bank or financial institution
Bar or tavern
Building supply center, lumber yard and contractor’s business
Business or professional offices and/or services
Club or fraternal organization
Commercial indoor recreation and entertainment
Communications centers/towers
Concentrated commercial mall
Convenience stores, with or without fuel pumps
Data centers and disaster recovery facilities
Emergency service facilities
Farmer’s market
Forestry and forest reserves, wildlife refuges
Funeral home or mortuary
Hospital or medical center
Incentivized development
Indoor flea markets
Light manufacturing, wholesale and warehouses (warehouse only up to a maximum gross floor area of 50,000 square feet)
Major mixed use development
Medical offices
Mixed use building
Motel/hotel or inn
Municipal uses
Nursery, garden center, or greenhouse
Adventure lodging
Automotive and vehicular sales and rentals
Automotive services
Indoor shooting range (§ 27-511, Subsection 26, of this Chapter)
Motel/hotel or inn without an indoor lobby (an office does not qualify as an indoor lobby)
Moving vehicle rental and supply establishments
Rehabilitation facility
Solar energy facilities - uses and structures
Tower-based or a non-tower-based wireless communications facility (WCF)
Accessory use on the same lot with and customarily incidental to the use permitted and utilized
Accessory uses shall meet all requirements for permitted uses.
Signs as per the existing sign ordinance
Lot area:
30,000 sf
30,000 sf
30,000 sf
30,000 sf
Lot width:
100 feet
100 feet
100 feet
100 feet
Lot depth:
150 feet
150 feet
150 feet
150 feet
Front yard:
50/65 feet*
50/65 feet*
50/65 feet*
50/65 feet*
Side yard:
20 feet**
20 feet**
20 feet**
20 feet**
Rear yard:
30 feet**
30 feet**
30 feet**
30 feet**
Building coverage: ***
Building height: ***
40 feet
40 feet
40 feet
40 feet
* Principal structures measuring up to 5,000 square feet (gross floor area) require a minimum front yard of 50 feet. Principal structures in excess of 5,000 square feet (gross floor area) require a minimum front yard of 65 feet.
** Add 20-foot buffer yard where abutting a residential district.
*** See § 27-511, Subsection 21, of this Chapter for additional regulations.
A = On-site sewage and water
B = Central water only
C = Central sewage only
D = Central sewage and water
Any building over two stories shall be required to have elevator access to all floors (in addition to step access).
Open space and low intensity outdoor recreational uses
Outdoor recreation and entertainment facilities
Personal services
Place of worship
Planned unit developments
Post office
Public transportation facilities
Public utility
Repair services, other than automotive
Retail stores
Retirement housing community
Schools, colleges and education facilities
Shopping center
Short stay medical center
Small wireless communications facilities (SWCF)
Studio for dance, art, music, photography, or exercise
Technical schools and training centers
Telecommunication facilities
Tool and equipment rental
Transient business
Veterinarian offices/animal hospital or commercial kennel