The categorical classes of customers or consumers and applicable wastewater collection and wastewater treatment service criteria, service rates and service fees and charges as identified and set forth herein, are hereby established and adopted:
Single-family, duplex or triplex structure located inside or outside the city limits.
A commercial or industrial entity located inside or outside the city limits.
Multifamily commercial.
Multifamily commercial customers are those entities that purchase water in quantity for distribution to four or more prospective tenants, inside or outside the city limits.
Multifamily commercial customers normally are large multifamily housing authorities, housing complexes, and/or apartment complexes. Multifamily commercial customers may or may not maintain a contract for water supply with the city in accordance with regulatory requirements promulgated by the state or its agencies.
In addition to any contractual requirements, multifamily commercial customers shall not later than January 15 and July 15 of each service year notify and validate to the city the number of housing units and/or apartments, being served by the wholesale commercial customer as of January 1 and July 1 of the service year.
Sprinkler systems.
Landscape sprinkler systems located on residential or commercial properties, inside or outside the city limits.
The rates established herein and adopted shall:
Fund an ongoing, planned approach to operation, repair, and rebuild of the wastewater collection and wastewater treatment system in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations; and
Provide for payment of any and all debt incurred for completed and planned improvements to the existing wastewater collection and wastewater treatment system.
Connection to the city municipal wastewater collection and wastewater treatment system shall be deemed a contract between the city and the customer. By separate action city council shall establish policy for execution of the contract as to form and procedure.
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 1, adopted 3/1/02; Ordinance 2002-04-05, sec. 1, adopted 4/22/02)
As a precondition to receiving wastewater collection and wastewater treatment (sewer) services, an application and deposit for water service shall have been made in accordance with the city’s water rate ordinance. In addition to a deposit against future water bills, the water system deposit shall be a deposit against future wastewater collection and wastewater treatment (sewer) bills.
Said water deposit shall be retained by the city until such time as service is disconnected; after which, such deposit will be refunded to the customer or credited against any final unpaid bill.
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 3, adopted 3/1/02)
The city shall render a bill for wastewater collection and wastewater treatment (sewer) service each month based on a monthly reading of the customer’s water meter.
Bills shall be rendered so as to be delivered to the customer on or about the first business day of the month.
Bills shall be due and payable on or before the fifteenth calendar day of the month.
Policy and procedures for past due notification; past due/late charges; and service cutoff/disconnect dates shall be established by separate action of the city council.
Failure to make payment according to procedures set forth by this article, and any policy and procedures the city council may approve, shall result in forfeiture of the water service deposit and shall provide the city with grounds to disconnect water and sewer service.
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 3, adopted 3/1/02)
Wastewater service shall not be provided to a location or facility that is not in compliance with adopted city building codes and standards.
Dual wastewater service connections are prohibited. Dual wastewater service connections shall be defined as more than one user account on a single wastewater tap. Dual connection systems existing at the time this article is adopted shall be “grandfathered” for two calendar years. Separation of the dual service connection shall be at customer’s expense within two years. Failure to separate dual connection systems shall be grounds for the city to terminate water and sewer service to the affected customer.
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 4, adopted 3/1/02)
Sewer taps are the property of the city.
For the purpose of connecting the city wastewater distribution system to the service location, the city shall furnish and install, as part of its wastewater (sewer) tap fee, the sewer service pipe from its wastewater collection line to the service location property line service at a distance not to exceed fifty (50) feet. In the event a service connection beyond 50 feet is required, the property owner shall be charged for cost of materials and labor at current market cost.
The city shall furnish and install the wastewater (sewer) tap. Unless written permission is first obtained from the city manager, or his designated representative, it shall be unlawful for any person, other than an employee of the city, or its contractor, to knowingly or intentionally to tamper with a wastewater (sewer) tap.
Within practical limits, the location of the wastewater (sewer) tap should be mutually acceptable to the property owner and the city.
A new wastewater (sewer) tap shall be required for all new construction.
With respect to existing wastewater (sewer) taps, the city manager, or his designated representative, shall have the authority to accept or reject the serviceability of an existing wastewater (sewer) tap.
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 5, adopted 3/1/02)
Each property owner owning a lot or plot of ground in the city on which there is located a house or dwelling occupied or capable of being occupied by human beings and which lot or plot of ground is capable of connecting to a city water line by construction of two hundred (200) feet or less of water and sewer line is hereby required to connect such house or dwelling to city water lines at their expense within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the time water and sewer service is available. Each said property owner is further required to equip such house or dwelling with toilet facilities and keep said toilet facilities connected at all times with the city sewer and water lines and the occupants of the house or dwelling shall at all times use the sewer and water facilities of the city.
The city manager, or his designated representative may, for a period not to exceed one year, waive the requirements to connect to the city sewer or water lines when physical constraints would result in extraordinary cost to connect to such lines. Permanent waiver shall require an act of the city council.
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 6, adopted 3/1/02)
The city manager or his designated representative shall require new or replacement wastewater (sewer) supply systems to be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters, and require on-site waste disposal systems to be located so as to avoid impairment of them or contamination from them during flooding.
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 7, adopted 3/1/02)
Conditions under which city wastewater (sewer) services will be provided.
The city shall furnish wastewater (sewer) services to residential and commercial users located outside the city limits only upon the following conditions:
Adequate capacity exists.
There is adequate capacity of city services available for the purpose of servicing residential and commercial users outside the city without impairing services within the city. Whether such adequate capacity exists shall be determined solely by the city council, and the determination of the city council shall be final.
Owners outside city limits to bear costs of lines and furnish easements.
The construction costs of wastewater (sewer) lines and appurtenances which serve residential and commercial users outside the city limits shall be paid for by the owner, developer, or political entity requesting the service. Such owner, developer, or political entity shall also furnish suitable construction and permanent easements and rights-of-way for utility lines.
Construction to conform to city standards.
All design and construction shall be in accordance with city standards and specifications.
New subdivisions to comply with city subdivision regulations.
New subdivisions (any plat recorded after the date of passage of this article) desiring city wastewater (sewer) services shall comply with the subdivision regulations of the city in effect at the time such new subdivision is approved. Existing subdivisions whose plats were recorded with the county clerk at the time of the passage of this article shall be subject to the provisions of section 13.06.006 of this article.
City to have right of review.
The city shall have the right to review and approve all plats and plans and inspect and approve all water and wastewater (sewer) construction within subdivisions where water and/or wastewater (sewer) service is to be provided.
Water and wastewater (sewer) facility requirements.
Except as provided in subsection (4) above, all residential and commercial water users must be connected the city sanitary wastewater (sewer) collection and treatment facilities or to a septic system that complies with state regulations and requirements.
Water and wastewater (sewer) lines to meet ultimate requirements of city.
Where water or wastewater (sewer) lines and appurtenances are extended outside the city limits, the lines shall be sized to serve the ultimate requirements of the city.
Extended lines to be designed and inspected by city’s engineer.
All water and wastewater (sewer) lines and appurtenances extending from existing city facilities to any tract of land outside the city limits requesting water and/or wastewater (sewer) service shall be designed and inspected by the city engineer. The owner, developer, or political entity requesting the service shall pay for these services.
City may reimburse owner for oversized lines.
Where the size of the water or wastewater (sewer) lines required to meet the ultimate requirements for the city is larger than eight (8) inches and the total capacity is not required to serve the tract of land to be developed, the city may enter into a contract with the owner, developer, or entity constructing the lines for reimbursement for the excess capacity as other users request and are granted service. The developer or entity requesting service from an existing line shall pay a tap fee on a pro rata basis, as hereinafter set forth. The reimbursement to the owner, developer, or entity who paid for the line construction shall be made only from those tap fees paid to the city by users of the facility paid for by the said owner, developer, or entity.
Pro rata basis for tap fee.
The pro rata basis for the wastewater (sewer) tap fee shall be computed based upon the required demand for use and the fire protection as specified by the engineering criteria approved by the city’s engineer. The basis for cost shall be the actual total cost of the facility plus five (5) percent interest. The total cost shall include, but shall not be limited to, construction costs, engineering costs, and inspection costs.
The rates paid by residential and commercial users located outside the city limits for the use of the wastewater (sewer) facilities of the city shall be in accordance with provisions of this article.
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 8, adopted 3/1/02)
All wastewater (sewer) service lines on private property extending from the city’s water meter to the premises, including all connections, shall be installed, maintained, and repaired at the expense of the property owners.
All leaks and other defects in wastewater (sewer) service lines on private property shall be promptly repaired by the property owners. If required repairs are not completed within ten (10) days after written notice is mailed or hand delivered to the premises, water service to the premises shall be terminated and shall not be restored until the repairs are made and all applicable fees and expenses paid. Any expenditures incurred by the city because of said leaks or defects shall be charged against the property owners, and must be paid before water service is restored.
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 9, adopted 3/1/02)
Wastewater (sewer) service tap fees shall be as shown in table 1.
Table 1. Wastewater Tap Fees
Tap Size (inches)
Inside city limits
Outside city limits
Inside city limits
Outside city limits
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 10, adopted 3/1/02)
For new wastewater (wastewater (sewer) system service there shall be charged a fee for the initial service connection as shown in table 2.
Table 2. Initial Connection Fee
Inside city limits
Outside city limits
Inside city limits
Outside city limits
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 11, adopted 3/1/02)
There shall be occasion for a nonservice account customer to discharge environmentally acceptable wastewater into the city’s wastewater collection and wastewater treatment system. Said discharge may occur at a location within the wastewater collection system or at the wastewater treatment plant or both.
The fee for a single event discharge shall be 5.0 cents per gallon.
(Ordinance 2002-03-02, sec. 12, adopted 3/1/02)
Monthly charges.
The wastewater (sewer) charges to be levied monthly shall be composed of a customer charge and an additional consumption amount based on a 100% average monthly water consumption for the service months of December, January, and February.
In limited cases there will be mitigating circumstances which preclude using the service months of December, January, and February to determine average water consumption. In such situations, the city manager shall be authorized to use the service months of September, October, November, December, January, and February to determine the average monthly water consumption.
Customer charge.
The city wastewater collection and wastewater treatment system customer charge shall be as shown in table 3. The customer charge shall be levied monthly on each water service meter and shall include the first 3,000 gallons of water consumption.
Table 3. Customer Charge
Inside city limits
Outside city limits
Inside city limits
Outside city limits
Multifamily commercial
Inside city limits
Outside city limits
Sprinkler systems
Consumption rate.
Wastewater collection and wastewater treatment system consumption shall be computed in accordance with the rates shown in table 4.
Table 4. Consumption Rate
Customer Charge per first 3,000 gallons (dollars)
Rate per 1,000 gallons after first 3,000 gallons (dollars)
Inside city limits
Outside city limits
Inside city limits
Outside city limits
Multifamily commercial
Inside city limits
Outside city limits
Sprinkler systems
Minimum monthly charge.
The minimum monthly charge for wastewater collection and wastewater treatment system shall be equal to the customer charge for a particular service as shown in table 3.
(Ordinance 2002-04-05, sec. 13, adopted 4/22/02)