Every town meeting shall be called pursuant to a warrant issued by the select board which shall state the time and place at which the meeting is to convene and the subjects which are to be acted upon.
The select board shall cause copies of the warrant for each town meeting to be posted on the town bulletin boards at least seven days before the meeting is to convene. Such posting shall be deemed to be the legal notification of such meeting, and the legal service of such warrant.
The select board shall cause a copy of the warrant for each town meeting to be delivered in hand, or mailed to the residence of the town moderator, the representative town meeting members and to the head of each town agency at least ten[1] days before the meeting is to convene. The select board shall also provide for the distribution, by mail or otherwise, of a copy of the warrant for each town meeting, to every occupied dwelling in the town, at least ten[2] days before the town meeting is to convene. The distribution provided in this sub-section (.3) shall not be deemed to be a part of the legal service of the town meeting and failure to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall not serve to invalidate the proceedings of any town meeting.
Art 11 of the 1984 Fall Town Meeting changed “seven” to “ten”.
Art 11 of the 1984 Fall Town Meeting changed “seven” to “ten”.
In General.
The town meeting shall meet, in regular meeting, twice in each calendar year and, in special meetings, at such other times as the select board may direct, or as otherwise provided by law.
Spring Meeting.
There shall be a spring town meeting, which shall be primarily concerned with the adoption of an annual budget and other warrant articles which have a fiscal effect on the town. The spring town meeting shall begin on the last[1] Monday of April and shall continue, by adjournment from time to time, until disposition has been made of all articles contained in the warrant. However, no article that contains an appropriation of funds applicable to the annual operating budget for the ensuing fiscal year shall be considered by this town meeting prior to the first Monday of May.
During the first session of the spring town meeting, as the last order of business under Article 1 (reports of town officers), town meeting member precinct meetings shall be held for the purpose of electing precinct chairmen and precinct clerks, electing persons to fill town meeting member vacancies, electing members to the town meeting committee on rules, and to conduct other precinct business that may be necessary and proper. During the first session of the fall town meeting, as the last order of business under Article 1 (reports of town officers), town meeting member precinct meetings shall be held, if necessary, for the purpose of electing persons to fill town meeting member vacancies, and to conduct other precinct business that may be necessary and proper.[2] Persons elected as precinct clerk shall report all election results to the town clerk. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the holding of precinct meetings at other times and places as town meeting members may deem necessary.
Art 2 of the 1983 Spring Town Meeting amended this sub-section to provide for precinct meetings at the Fall Town Meeting.
Art 3 of the 2012 Fall Town Meeting change “fourth” to “last”.
Fall Meeting.
[3] There shall be a fall town meeting, which shall be primarily concerned with nonfiscal matters. The fall town meeting shall begin on the first Monday in November, and shall continue, by adjournment from time to time, until disposition has been made of all articles contained in the warrant. However, in years in which the town Clerk must administer Federal and/or State Elections then the fall town meeting shall begin on the first Thursday after the scheduled Federal or State election and shall continue, by adjournment from time to time, until disposition has been made of all articles contained in the warrant.
Art 19 of the 2007 Fall Town Meeting by deleting Subsection 2.3 Fall Town Meeting and substituting the language.
Notice of Adjourned Session.
Notice of every adjourned town meeting shall be posted by the town clerk on all the town bulletin boards, and the town clerk shall also notify the absent members by mail within twenty-four (24) hours of the adjournment. The notice shall state briefly the business to be acted upon at said meeting and shall include notice of any proposed reconsideration.[4]
Art 3 of the 1983 Fall Town Meeting added this section.
In General.
The proceedings of town meetings shall be governed by the rules of parliamentary procedure contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Revised, as the same may be revised from time to time, unless another provision is made by statute or by these bylaws.
Preparation for Debate.
It shall be the duty of every citizen of the town seeking recognition to speak at a town meeting to have attempted in advance of the town meeting to inform himself regarding the warrant article under consideration. On any warrant article on which a public hearing has not been held, the town manager or the appropriate town agency shall schedule a time and place at which information with respect to said article shall be furnished in advance of the meeting.
Participation in Debate.
The moderator shall first recognize the proponent of the main motion under each article in the warrant unless the maker of any other motion is offering a procedural motion or for the previous question.
The moderator shall recognize any nonresident or minor, provided the town meeting so authorizes.
Limitation on Individual Speakers.
Unless granted an extension of time by vote of the meeting, the individual speaking as the initial proponent on a main motion shall not speak for more than ten minutes. Subsequently, any person speaking on any motion shall not speak for more than five minutes unless granted an extension of time by the meeting. No person shall receive more than one extension of time on any pending motion, but this extension shall be for whatever time voted by town meeting.
Limitation on Debate, Special Circumstances.
Upon a motion to lay on the table, not more than ten minutes shall be allowed for debate, and no person shall speak thereon more than three minutes.
Division of Questions.
If a motion is susceptible of division, it shall be divided and the question put separately upon each part thereof if ten town meeting members so request, or the moderator, in his discretion, so directs.
A motion for reconsideration is a main motion and may be offered at any time when no other motion is pending.
If a motion for reconsideration is made, it shall be the first order of business at the next adjourned session of the town meeting. If no adjourned session is ordered, pending motions for reconsideration shall be placed before the town meeting immediately prior to acceptance by the chair of a motion for dissolution of the town meeting.
Favorable action on a motion for reconsideration shall require a two-thirds vote.
Action on a motion for reconsideration may be postponed by a majority vote.
A subsection of the main motion under an article may be reconsidered without first reopening the main motion under the article.
Not more than one motion for reconsideration on the same subject shall be in order.
Preparation for Town Meeting.
Public Hearings.
Public hearings on warrant articles are held for the purpose of informing town meeting members and interested citizens as provided by the charter and other sections of the bylaws.
Warrant Article Requirements.
The proponent of each warrant article shall prepare or cause to be prepared the main motion as it is to be presented, prepare a supporting report and cause copies of each to be made available to town meeting members at the required public hearing. If requested, the select board shall provide, or cause to be provided, assistance with the preparation of the formal motion.
The town manager’s office shall cause a copy of each main motion and supporting report to be delivered to town meeting members at least seven (7) days before the first session of town meeting, unless prohibited by applicable law.
For Warrant Articles sponsored by Town Boards or Committees, absence of a timely main motion and supporting report shall preclude any consideration of the article by the town meeting until seven (7) days after such main motion and report is made available to members, unless otherwise voted by a majority of the town meeting.
Art 20 of the 2007 Fall Town Meeting deleting Section 3.8.2 - Warrant Article Requirements, and replacing the language.
Art 8 of the 1984 Spring Town Meeting added this new sub-section; it was further amended by Art 19 of the 1985 Fall Town Meeting, and again by Art 33 of the 2003 Spring Town Meeting.
[ATM Art. 4, 4/26/2021]
Voting shall be by:
Voices of the members; or
A counted vote by:
An electronic tally and display system used i) by itself to reflect the vote, or ii) in conjunction with a voice vote, as authorized pursuant to this bylaw; or
Members standing.
Electronic System:
The town clerk shall provide for the use of an electronic system for voting that includes, at a minimum, the following features:
Votes taken using the electronic system shall be displayed to Town Meeting members and the public before the moderator announces the vote. The display shall be capable of showing, at a minimum:
The final tally of votes when the electronic vote is accompanied by a voice vote; or
A listing identifying each Town Meeting member and the member’s precinct, vote and the final tally of votes.
At the moderator's discretion, or at the request of twenty (20) or more members, the listing in subsection shall be used even if the electronic vote is accompanied by a voice vote.
Votes taken using the electronic system in conjunction with a voice vote shall be determined by the results reported by the electronic system.
The moderator may in the moderator’s discretion use a voice vote on simple motions without an electronic tally of the vote, including, without limitation: a) votes taken by unanimous consent, b) votes to adjourn, or c) votes to amend a motion to correct typographical or other clerical errors.
Record of votes:
A record of the vote taken by the electronic system or in the manner specified in subsection 3.9.2 above shall be made available electronically to the public within 24 hours of the vote. The record shall disclose whether and how each Town Meeting member voted.
[STM Art. 7, 4/25/2022]
Finance Committee.
There shall be a finance committee having the responsibilities and organized in the manner described below.
Composition; Term of Office.
The finance committee shall consist of fifteen voters, who shall hold no other town office. The members shall be appointed for terms of three years each, so arranged that the terms of office of five members shall expire each year.
Appointment of Members.
The members of the finance committee shall be appointed by an appointing committee consisting of the moderator, the chairman of the select board and the chairman of the finance committee.
Time for Appointments.
Appointments to the finance committee shall be made within thirty days following the dissolution of the spring town meeting.
The finance committee shall each year receive and review the proposed budget submitted by the town manager. The finance committee shall conduct one or more public hearings and thereafter shall file its recommended budget with the office of the town clerk for distribution to town meeting members and subsequent town meeting action.
The finance committee shall, in addition, prepare a written report, stating the committee’s recommendations and its reasons therefor, pertaining to all warrant articles which involve the expenditure of town funds. It may also, at its discretion, report on any article in the warrant.
Copies of such committee reports shall be mailed or electronically distributed to the town moderator, to each town meeting member, to each member of the select board, to each member of the school committee and to the heads of all town departments. Written authorization must be provided to the town Clerk in order to receive electronic distribution of materials.
Filling of Vacancies.
Whenever a vacancy occurs on the committee, it shall be filled in the manner set forth in Section 4.1.3 above.[2]
Art 26 of the 1992 Spring Town Meeting changed the method of filling vacancies.
Personnel Board.
There shall be a personnel board having the responsibilities and organized in the manner described below.
Composition; Term of Office.
The personnel board shall consist of seven voters, who shall hold no other town office. The members shall be appointed for terms of three years each, so arranged that the terms of office of no more than three and no fewer than two members shall expire each year.
Appointment of Members.
The members of the personnel board shall be appointed by an appointing committee consisting of the moderator, the chairman of the select board and the chairman of the school committee.
Time for Appointments.
Appointments to the personnel board shall be made within thirty days following the dissolution of the spring town meeting.
The personnel board shall conduct research on area wage and working conditions and shall serve in an advisory capacity to town agencies and the town manager.
The board shall also assist in the coordination of collective bargaining activities with all organized groups, excepting the professional school staff.
Not later than March first of each year, the town manager shall submit a proposed compensation plan and personnel policy guide to the personnel board. The board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed compensation plan and personnel policy guide and thereafter forward in writing to the town manager its recommendations regarding the proposed plan and policy guide. When placing his final compensation plan and personnel policy guide before the town meeting, the town manager shall attach thereto all recommendations of the personnel board not adopted by him.
The personnel board shall, in addition, prepare a written report, stating the board’s recommendations and reasons therefor, on all warrant articles involving personnel matters, except for new positions in various town agencies.
Copies of such committee reports shall be mailed or electronically distributed to the town moderator, to each town meeting member, to each member of the select board, to each member of the school committee and to the heads of all town departments. Written authorization must be provided to the town Clerk in order to receive electronic distribution of materials.
Filling of Vacancies.
Whenever a vacancy occurs on the board, it shall be filled in the manner set forth in Section 4.2.3 above.
Art 5 Spring Town Meeting 2012.
Committee on Government Regulations.
There shall be a committee on government regulations, as provided in Article 8, Section 8-5(h) of the charter.
Composition; Term of Office.
The committee on government regulations shall consist of eight town meeting members, one to be appointed from each precinct by the moderator for terms of three years, so arranged that as nearly an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year.
The committee on government regulations shall review all warrant articles which would, if adopted, effect or require changes in these bylaws. The committee shall also be responsible for the decennial review of the bylaws and for the review of proposed changes in the charter.
The committee shall prepare a written report stating the committee’s recommendations for favorable or unfavorable action and the reasons therefor, pertaining to any warrant articles which would, if adopted, effect changes in the bylaws or the charter.
Copies of such committee reports shall be mailed or electronically distributed to the town moderator, to each town meeting member, to each member of the select board, to each member of the school committee and to the heads of all town departments. Written authorization must be provided to the town Clerk in order to receive electronic distribution of materials.
Filling of Vacancies.
Whenever a vacancy occurs on the committee, the moderator shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.
Art 5 Spring Town Meeting 2012.
Committee on Rules.
There shall be a committee on rules as provided in Article 8, Section 85(h) of the charter.
Composition; Term of Office.
The committee on rules shall consist of eight members, one to be elected by and from the town meeting members from each precinct. The terms of office of members of the committee on rules shall be for three years, so arranged that as nearly an equal number of terms as possible shall expire each year.
The committee on rules shall provide a continuing oversight of the business, conduct and procedures of the town meeting.
The committee on rules shall at least annually prepare a written report stating the committee’s recommendations and its reasons therefor, pertaining to the business, conduct and procedures of the town meeting.
Copies of such committee reports shall be mailed or electronically distributed to the town moderator, to each town meeting member, to each member of the select board, to each member of the school committee and to the heads of all town departments. Written authorization must be provided to the town Clerk in order to receive electronic distribution of materials.
The committee on rules shall present to the fall town meeting, and to such other town meetings as it deems appropriate, the name of each town meeting member, who was notified in writing by the town clerk as provided in Chapter 5, Section 3 of the code of bylaws and whom the committee on rules has decided should be considered for forfeiture of office, whose seat may be declared vacant by a vote of the town meeting.
The town clerk shall provide to the committee on rules prior to each spring town meeting the names of all town meeting committees which have been established by a vote of town meeting as provided in Chapter 2, Section 5 of these bylaws. The committee on rules shall present to the town meeting the name of each town meeting committee that should be discharged of its duties by vote of the town meeting.[6]
Art 18 of the 1985 Fall Town Meeting added the last paragraph to sub-section 4.4.3.
Filling of Vacancies.
Whenever a vacancy occurs on the committee, the remaining town meeting members from the precinct where the vacancy exists shall meet in a precinct caucus and select a person from among themselves to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. The caucus of the pertinent precinct town meeting members shall be held at a time and place designated by the town clerk.
Art 5 Spring Town Meeting 2012.
Capital Planning Committee.
There shall be a capital planning committee as provided in Article 6, Section 6-7 of the charter.
Composition; Appointment.
The capital planning committee shall consist of seven voters, who may hold other town offices. The members shall consist of the following: three members appointed by the select board; one member appointed by the planning board from among its members; one member appointed by the school committee; and two members appointed by the finance committee, at least one of whom shall be from among its members.
Term of Office.
The four members of the capital planning committee appointed by the planning board, school committee and the finance committee shall serve at the pleasure of the respective board or committee appointing them. The three members appointed by the select board shall serve three-year terms, so arranged that one shall expire each year.
The capital planning committee shall each year assist the town manager in the preparation of materials for and the development of a capital improvement program as provided in Article 6, Section 6-7 of the charter. The committee shall also review the capital improvement program prepared by the town manager and shall report its recommendations to the select board and to the finance committee. The town manager’s capital improvement program and the capital planning committee’s recommendations shall become an integral part of the finance committee’s budget report. The committee shall make recommendations to the town meeting regarding the capital program and all articles involving capital expenditures.
Filling of Vacancies.
Whenever a vacancy occurs on the committee, the body which appoints the member whose position is vacant shall fill the vacancy within thirty days.
Human Services Committee.
There shall be a human services committee, as permitted by Article 2, Section 2-11 of the charter.
Composition; Appointment.
The human services committee shall consist of seven voters, who may hold other town offices. The committee shall consist of two public members appointed by the select board and one other member each from each of the following bodies respectively: the select board, the board of health, the council on aging, the school committee or its designee, and the finance committee.
Term of Office.
The two public members shall serve terms of three years each, so arranged that they shall not expire in the same year. The other members shall serve at the pleasure of the body that appoints them.
The human services committee shall receive and review all proposals for human services programs which originate outside the town offices and shall make recommendations concerning such proposals to the town meeting.
The committee shall recommend to the town manager as to the town agency which should provide day to day supervision of such programs and at appropriate intervals, review and evaluate ongoing programs for effectiveness and continued need for support.
The committee shall be consulted on such human services proposals as in the judgment of members of other town agencies or the town manager are deemed appropriate for review by the committee.
Staff services shall be provided by the departments represented on the committee.
Filling of Vacancies.
Whenever a vacancy occurs on the committee, the body which appointed the member whose position is vacant shall fill the vacancy within thirty days.
Committee for Equal Opportunity.
There shall be a committee for equal opportunity as permitted by Article 2, Section 2-11 of the charter and by Chapter 2, Section 5 of the code of bylaws.
Composition; Term of Office.
The committee for equal opportunity shall consist of fifteen residents, who may hold other town offices. The members shall be appointed for terms of three years each, so arranged that the terms of office of five members shall expire each year and that the members appointed by each of the three appointing bodies or officer shall be as evenly staggered as possible.
Appointment of Members.
The members of the committee for equal opportunity shall be appointed in the following manner and shall include, insofar as reasonably possible, persons broadly representative of the town’s inhabitants in terms of race, sex, religion, national origin, age and special need. The select board shall appoint one from among its members and four other residents who are involved, directly or indirectly, in the providing of municipal services to the town. The school committee shall appoint one from among its members and four other residents who are involved, directly or indirectly, in the providing of educational services to the town. The moderator shall appoint five additional residents.
Time for Appointments.
Appointments to the committee for equal opportunity shall be made as soon as possible after the establishment of the committee and, in subsequent years, shall be made within thirty days following the dissolution of the spring town meeting.
The committee for equal opportunity shall evaluate the need for, shall develop and shall assist the various town officers, town agencies, organized civic groups and the residents of the town in initiating policies and programs to assure equal opportunity for all citizens of the town regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, age and special need. The committee shall also monitor the implementation and administration of such policies and programs and evaluate their effectiveness. The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to town officers, town agencies and others as it deems appropriate and shall at least annually make a written report to the school committee, select board and moderator, which report shall be included in the annual town reports. Town officers and agencies shall assist the committee for equal opportunity in performing these responsibilities.
Filling of Vacancies.
Whenever a vacancy occurs on the committee, it shall be filled by the appointing board or officer who originally appointed the member whose seat has become vacant.
The committee for equal opportunity shall remain in existence through the end of the 1985 spring town meeting unless further extended by a vote of the town meeting amending this section.
Under the terms established for the duration of this committee, it ceased to exist at the end of the 1985 Spring Town Meeting.
Retiree Health Insurance Advisory Committee.
The town shall have a permanent retiree health insurance advisory committee (“RHIAC”) having the duties and organized in the manner described below.
The RHIAC shall have the following duties and responsibilities as may be further specified in this bylaw:
Ongoing communication with town retirees, informing them of proposed legislative changes in health insurance at both the state and the municipal level; proposed changes to carriers, plan designs, or contribution percentages for town plans; and programs that can mitigate or reduce the cost of retiree insurance.
Ongoing communication with municipal officials including the town manager, the select board, the school committee, the finance committee, the personnel board, the public employee committee (PEC), the insurance advisory committee (IAC) the moderator and town meeting informing them of: potential opportunities to improve municipal insurance; and potential opportunities, based on best practices in other communities, of managing OPEB liabilities without unduly burdening employees or retirees.
Ongoing communication with the town’s professional health insurance advisors, including actuaries and consultants, to understand: the town’s health insurance options, OPEB liabilities and future approaches for funding OPEB.
Composition; Appointment and Term of Office.
The RHIAC shall consist of eleven (11) voting members, including one (1) sitting member appointed by each of the following: select board, school committee, finance committee and personnel board; one (1) active nonschool department employee, appointed by the select board; one (1) active employee school department employee, appointed by the school committee; two (2) retired school department employees, appointed by the town moderator; one (1) retired nonschool department employee, appointed by the town moderator; two (2) citizens, appointed by the town moderator. The committee shall also include two (2) nonvoting (ex-officio) members: the town treasurer and the town comptroller. The members of the RHIAC may hold other town offices. Appointments to the RHIAC shall be made after approval of this Section 4.8 by the attorney general.
RHIAC members representing the select board, school committee, finance committee and personnel board shall serve at the discretion of each appointing entity and the ex-officio members shall serve as long as they maintain their current position with the town. The remaining seven (7) RHIAC members (employees, retirees and citizens) shall serve three (3) year terms. To ensure that all RHIAC do not turn over at the same time, one (1) citizen will initially be appointed to a one (1) year term and one (1) citizen will initially be appointed to a three (3) year term; further, one (1) active nonschool department employee will be appointed to a three (3) year term and one (1) active school department employee will be appointed to a two (2) year term; and further, one (1) retired nonschool department employee will be appointed to a three (3) year term and one (1) retired school department employee will be appointed to a two (2) year term and one (1) retired school department employee will be appointed to a one (1) year term.
Filling of Vacancies.
Whenever a vacancy occurs on the RHIAC, it shall be filled by the appointing board or officer who originally appointed the member whose seat has become vacant. The newly appointed member will complete the term of the member who they are replacing.
Art 5 Spring Town Meeting 2012.
The town meeting may from time to time establish such other committees as it shall deem appropriate, having such composition, terms and duties not inconsistent with law, as the town meeting shall determine.
The time for distributing copies of the reports required of all standing committees described in this chapter shall be the same as the time for the distribution of the warrant.
Article 5 Spring Town Meeting 2012.