There is hereby established under the provisions of MGL c. 40,
§ 8D, the Historical Commission of the City, for the purposes
and with the rights and duties provided by law.
The purpose of this article is to aid in the preservation and
protection of the distinctive characteristics and architecture of
buildings, structures, and places significant in the history of the
Fall River.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
The act or the fact of rebuilding, reconstruction, restoration,
replication, removal, demolition, and other similar activities.
A combination of materials forming a shelter for persons,
animals or property.
A certificate of appropriateness, a certificate of non-applicability,
or a certificate of hardship as set forth in this article.
The Historical Commission as established in this article.
Such portion of the exterior of a building or structure as
is open to view from a public way or ways, including but not limited
to architectural style and general arrangement and setting thereof,
the kind and texture of exterior building materials, and the type
and style of windows, doors, lights, signs and other appurtenant exterior
An area designated as historic by the Historical Commission
because the area/district contains a significant portion of buildings,
structures or other improvements which, considered as a whole, merit
preservation and protection due to distinctive characteristics and
The applicant; an owner of adjoining property; an owner of
property within the same district area; an owner of property within
100 feet of said district area; and any charitable corporation in
which one of its purposes is the preservation of historic places,
structures, buildings or districts.
A combination of materials other than a building including,
but not limited to, a sign, fence, wall, terrace, walk, driveway,
monument, cemetery, or fountain.
A building not to be in existence for a period of more than
two years; a structure not to be in existence for a period of more
than one year. The Historical Commission may further limit the time
periods set forth herein as it deems appropriate.
The Historical Commission shall consist of seven members. Four
members shall be appointed by the Mayor; two members initially to
be appointed for one year, one for two years, and one for three years.
Three members shall be appointed by the City Council; one member initially
to be appointed for one year, one for two years, and one for three
years. Each successive appointment shall be made for three years.
In a Local Historic District, no building permit or demolition
permit shall issue unless the Historical Commission has first issued
a certificate of appropriateness, certificate of non-applicability,
or certificate of hardship for the proposed construction, alteration
or demolition.
After a public hearing, the Historical Commission may determine
that certain categories of exterior architectural features, structures
or buildings may be constructed or altered without review by the Commission
without causing substantial derogation from the intent and purpose
of this article.
If any of the provisions, sections, subsections, sentences or
clauses of this article shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional
by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this article
shall continue to be in full force and effect.