It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or harbor within the corporate limits of the city any warm-blooded carnivorous animal or a species such as, but not limited to, ape, baboon, bear, or lion which ordinarily live in a state of nature without the aid or care of humans, or to keep or harbor any cold-blooded carnivorous animal of a species such as, but not limited to, rattlesnake, constricting snakes, alligator, or crocodile, which ordinarily live in a state of nature without the aid or care of humans.
It shall be unlawful for any person on public or private property to attract or feed any wild animal or bird considered to be a predatory species to include, but not limited to, raccoons, opossums, skunks, coyotes, fox, hawks, and owls which ordinarily live in a state of nature without the aid or care of humans.
Nothing in this provision shall prevent the keeping of fish, spiders, insects, frogs, toads, lizards, snakes of a non-poisonous species, turtles, or non-constricting snakes, subject, however, to all other applicable provisions of the city Code.
(Ordinance 1754 adopted 2/11/2008)