The city council hereby adopts Texas Local Government Code Chapter 402 Subchapter C (entitled "Municipal Drainage Utility Systems"); declares the drainage of the city to be a public utility, to be known as the City of Alamo Heights Storm Drainage System; and dedicates to the drainage utility all city owned property, real and personal, facilities, materials and supplies constituting the city's drainage system as constituted on the effective date of this chapter and as may be acquired in the future, to be used for the purpose of the drainage utility.
(Ordinance 1817 adopted 4/13/2009)
Pursuant to the authority granted by Texas Local Government Code § 402.044(8)(B) the drainage service area includes all land within the municipal boundaries of the city.
(Ordinance 1817 adopted 4/13/2009)
A separate fund shall be created, effective as of the effective date of this chapter, known as the stormwater fund, for the purpose of identifying and controlling all revenues and expenses attributable to the drainage utility. All stormwater fees collected by the city and other monies city council may wish to designate for this fund, shall be deposited in the stormwater fund. Such utility revenues shall be used for the purposes of administration, studies, engineering, construction, reconstruction and other reasonable and customary charges associated with the operation of the drainage utility.
(Ordinance 1817 adopted 4/13/2009)
The stormwater development fee is deemed a nondiscriminatory, reasonable and equitable methodology to provide and fund regional detention, watershed protection, land purchase, waterway enlargement, channelization, improved conveyance structures and administration of the drainage utility.
To be effective on July 1, 2009, the city council hereby establishes a stormwater development fee to be paid by users of benefitted property in the service area of the drainage utility. The stormwater development fee is a one-time drainage charge assessed to developers whose properties are served by the drainage utility pursuant to this Code. The fee shall be assessed for any construction that increases the total impervious surface area (excluding public sidewalks) of real property.
For undeveloped residential lots or residential lots where all of the buildings were previously removed or demolished and no accurate documentation exists for the size of the demolished structures, the stormwater development fee shall be calculated at fifty (50) percent of the normal rate. For example, if the rate is normally calculated at forty cents ($0.40) per additional square foot of impervious cover, the stormwater development fee for a residential project proposed on a vacant lot would be calculated at twenty cents ($0.20) per square foot.
Exemptions. The following real property, only, shall be exempt from the provisions of this section:
Property owned by the City of Alamo Heights and/or dedicated to right-of-way for public streets and/or to provide drainage service; and
Property with proper construction and maintenance of a privately owned drainage or stormwater system wholly sufficient to provide all the drainage or stormwater service for that property.
(Ordinance 1818 adopted 4/13/2009; Ordinance 1861 adopted 4/12/2010; Ordinance 1941 adopted 9/10/2012)
A stormwater development credit shall reduce the building permit fees for any construction project which decreases the total net impervious surface area (excluding public sidewalks) of real property at the same rate per square foot as the rate for stormwater development fees.
(Ordinance 1941 adopted 9/10/2012)