The city manager, with the approval of the city council, may create or establish, abolish or consolidate, as many departments or officers as it may deem necessary for the best interest of the city.
The city shall have a police department which will be under the general supervision of the chief of police. The city council shall by the budget ordinance provide for the number of police officers and shall establish the budget. The chief of police, with the approval of the city manager, shall establish the qualifications for all officers; shall make provisions for their removal from office; shall provide for the giving of bonds for faithful performance of their duties in office; and shall make such other regulations as might be deemed necessary for the control and operation of the police department. Such officers shall have like powers, rights and authorities as are vested under the Statutes of Texas.
The city shall have a fire department which will be under the general supervision of the fire chief. The city council by budget ordinance shall provide for a fire department consisting of paid firefighters and the city council shall provide by ordinance for the number of firefighters and establish the budget. The fire chief, with the approval of the city manager, shall establish the qualifications for all firefighters, shall make provisions for removal of firefighters and such other provisions as might be necessary for supervision and control of firefighters. The fire chief shall establish such other rules and regulations for a fire department as might be necessary for the proper control and operation of same.
The city shall have the right to establish a recreation department and appropriate necessary funds for the operation of the same.
The city shall have the authority to enter into contracts or agreements with other municipalities or political subdivisions in carrying out a joint recreational program for the city and adjoining political subdivisions.