All contracts that the city has at the time of the adoption of this Charter shall remain in full force and effect. This provision shall include, but not be limited to, all bonded indebtedness, contracts for professional services, contracts for improvements, lease contracts, or any other agreement binding upon the City of Alamo Heights, Texas, immediately prior to the adoption of this Charter.
No employment contract shall ever be made which binds the city for personal services or be rendered for any stated period of time unless recommended by the city manager and approved by the city council. All appointive employees shall be subject to peremptory discharge, and when discharged shall be entitled to compensation up to and including the date of their discharge, any provision to the contrary in this Charter notwithstanding.
The city or any agent of the city acting for it shall not make any contract for goods, materials, services, or supplies for the current use of any department of the municipality for more than one year, except as in this Charter provided, unless said contract and the cost thereof has been included in the annual budget of the city and unless an appropriation has been made therefore, and no contracts or purchase shall exceed the amount appropriated. All contracts in excess of the state law requirement shall be made upon specifications or qualifications, and no contract shall be binding until it has been signed by a designated representative of the city. Whenever the costs of any contracts charged to any appropriation equal the amount of such appropriation, no person representing the city shall sign or make any additional contracts chargeable to such appropriation. Any contract for current expenditures exceeding the amount set up in the budget or the appropriation therefore shall be void unless approved by the city council.
The city shall comply with state law in awarding contracts requiring competitive bidding.