The city shall have exclusive control of all alleys, streets, gutters and sidewalks situated within the city, and the power to lay out, establish, open, alter, extend, widen, straighten, abandon and close, lower, grade, narrow, care for, supervise, maintain and improve any public street, alley, avenue, or boulevard, and for any such purposes to acquire the necessary lands and to appropriate the same under the power of eminent domain. The city shall also have the power to name or rename, vacate and abandon and sell and convey in fee that portion of any street, alley, avenue, boulevard or other public thoroughfare or public grounds, and to convey in fee the same in exchange for other lands, over which any street, alley, avenue or boulevard may be laid out, established and opened; and the city's right to sell and dispose of in fee any part of a street, alley, avenue or boulevard so vacated and abandoned, or the city's right to convey same in exchange for other lands to be used in laying out, opening, widening and straightening any street, shall never be questioned in any of the courts of this state. The procedure for closing streets and alleys shall be in conformity with due process of law and shall be particularly prescribed and provided for by ordinance passed in the usual manner by the city council.
The city shall have the power to improve any street or highway within its limits by filling, grading, raising, paving or repaving the same in a permanent manner, or by the construction or reconstruction of sidewalks, curbs and gutters or necessary appurtenances thereto, including sewers and drains.
The city council shall have all the authority given cities under state law, and the power by ordinance to control the operations of all character of vehicles using public streets, including motorcycles, motor-scooters, bicycles, automobiles, taxicabs, trucks, trailers, tractors, buses, house moving dollies, or any type vehicle; and to prescribe the speed of the same, the qualifications of the operators of the same, the routing of the same, and the lighting of same by night; and to provide for the giving of bond or other security for the operation of same.
The city council shall have the authority to limit the speed of vehicles in school zones, near churches, hospitals, and dangerous corners, and such other places as it may deem advisable, and to limit or prohibit the parking of vehicles near schools, churches, business or other congested areas, or where the limiting or restricting of the parking of vehicles is required in providing the safe movement of traffic for the protection of life or property.