Before an application will be processed, the applicant will pay a nonrefundable application fee in an amount established by the Town Board and reviewed annually.
The applicant must pay for all estimated expenses to be incurred by the Township before an application will be processed. The Town Board will determine estimated expenses within 30 days of the filing of the application. The applicant will make such payments into an escrow account with the Township. The prepayment amounts shall be a credit toward the costs of the attorney, planners, engineers and other professional consultants that the Township uses to review the application, to prepare documents, to inspect the facility, to make recommendations and to enforce this chapter; all such costs are the obligation of the applicant, and the applicant must reimburse the Township for such costs. All such costs, if not already paid by the escrow, shall be paid by the applicant within 30 days of final action on the matter by the Town Board. If such costs are less than the escrowed amount, such escrow will be returned to the applicant within 30 days of final action on the matter by the Town Board.
The applicant shall reimburse the Township for all out-of-pocket expenses as incurred by the Township in the review of the initial and review applications, public hearing, preparation of documents, inspections and enforcement of this chapter, whether a permit is issued or not.
The Town Board shall establish fees by ordinance for the issuance of mineral extraction permits. All mines, including legal nonconforming mines, will be assessed fees for the annual review and the cost of enforcing this ordinance. The review fee shall be based on the previous year's production in tons or yards times a dollar amount, with an established minimum amount, and set by ordinance. Fees and expenses must be paid at the time of issuance and thereafter on or before January 31 of each year for the permits that have not been terminated. Failure to pay review fees and expenses shall be a violation of this chapter. If additional inspections or enforcement actions are required, the cost of that work will be assessed against the mine requiring the work.
If in the future the state law enables the Town to impose a host community fee, tax, mineral extraction charge or other governmental imposition to compensate the Town for the effects of a mineral extraction facility, then the Township reserves the right to impose such fees, taxes, charges or other governmental impositions on all mineral extraction facilities, including, but not limited to, those that exist at the time the fees, taxes, charges or impositions are established.